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Button Animation

<script type="text/javascript">
function mouseOver() {
  document.b1.src ="first.gif"
function mouseOut() {
  document.b1.src ="second.gif"

<a href="http://www.w3schools.com" target="_blank">
<img border="0" alt="Visit W3Schools!" src="b_pink.gif" name="b1"
     onmouseOver="mouseOver()" onmouseOut="mouseOut()" />

Form Validate

<script type="text/javascript">
function validate_email(field, alert_txt) {
  with (field) {
    if (apos<1||dotpos-apos<2) {
      return false
    } else { 
      return true;

function validate_form(thisform) {
  with (thisform) {
    if (validate_email(email,"Not valid e-mail address!")==false) {

<form action="submitpage.htm" 
      onsubmit="return validate_form(this);"
      method="post"> Email:
<input type="text" name="email" size="30">
<input type="submit" value="Submit">

javascript version html test

  • ff2.0 is javascript1.7
  • ie6.0 is javascript1.3
<!-- This script is from http://javascript.internet.com/user-details/javascript-version.html -->

<!-- Begin
jsver = "1.0";
// End --></SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.1"><!-- Begin
jsver = "1.1";
// End --></SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT Language="JavaScript1.2"><!-- Begin
jsver = "1.2";
// End --></SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT Language="JavaScript1.3"><!-- Begin
jsver = "1.3";
// End --></SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT Language="JavaScript1.4"><!-- Begin
jsver = "1.4";
// End --></SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT Language="JavaScript1.5"><!-- Begin
jsver = "1.5";
// End --></SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT Language="JavaScript1.6"><!-- Begin
jsver = "1.6";
// End --></SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT Language="JavaScript1.7"><!-- Begin
jsver = "1.7";
// End --></SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT Language="JavaScript1.8"><!-- Begin
jsver = "1.8";
// End --></SCRIPT>

<B>Your browser does not currently support JavaScript.</B>
With Internet Explorer 5:  Go to Tools Menu|Internet Options, Security Tab  and click on the Custom Level. Then select disable active scripting under the scripting section.

<!-- STEP TWO: Add the last coding to the BODY of your HTML document  -->
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!-- Begin
document.write("<B>Your browser supports JavaScript version " + jsver + ".</B>")
// End --></SCRIPT>



Netflix online rent simulation


// definitions here
var maxdisc=2;

var hmin=new Array;     // hmin is the min day of a state
var hmax=new Array;     // hmax is the max dat of a state
var hh=new Array;       // hh is the state of a particular disk
var hhd=new Array;      // hhd contains the n days for a particular disk
var hhr=new Array;      // contains the random number

// state 0 - in netflix
// state 1 - in mail
// state 2 - in house
// state 3 - in mail
hmin[0] = 1; hmax[0]=2;
hmin[1] = 1; hmax[1]=2;
hmin[2] = 2; hmax[2]=5;
hmin[3] = 1; hmax[3]=2;

var i,dy=0;
var tot=0;

for(i=0;i<maxdisc;i++) {  // one disc at a time

// process one day at a time
for(dy=0;dy<100;dy++) {
  for(i=0;i<maxdisc;i++) {  // one disc at a time

//   print("Day "+dy+": Disc "+i+" is in state "+hh[i]+", max="+hhr[i]);

    // increment the day
    if(hhd[i]==hhr[i]) {
       hh[i]++;   // advance the state
       if(hh[i]==4) hh[i]=0;
       if(hh[i]==2) tot++;

  print("Day "+dy+": Discs "+cntit()+" Total Rented: "+tot);

function getrand(state) {
  var j;
  if(state==2) {
    switch(cntit()) {
       case 0:
       case 1: hmin[2]=2; hmax[2]=5; break;
       case 2: hmin[2]=3; hmax[2]=6; break;
       case 3: hmin[2]=4; hmax[2]=7; break;
       default: hmin[2]=5; hmax[2]=8; break;
    hmin[2]=1; hmax[2]=2;

  j=Math.floor(Math.random()*1000) % (hmax[state]-hmin[state]+1);

function cntit() {
  var cnt,i;
  for(i=0;i<maxdisc;i++) {
    if(hh[i]==2) cnt++;

Benchmark Scripts


array being released in memory

  • Summary: YES! firefox/ie releases the memory allocated (local variable) inside the function().
  • refer to "var thh" below:
  • If the "glb=hh.keys();" is changed to "glb.push(hh.keys());", then memory will continuously go up!!! This means that variables are released smartly.
<html><head><script type="text/javascript">
var c=0, t;

function myrand(limit) {     // limit is optional. Default is 1000000
  // Need 30% more to cover all combinations. For example, if limit=100, you need 130 iterations to get all 100 combinations.
  var initialseed=7;
  var thelimit = limit ? limit : 1000000;
  var sum=initialseed;
  var cntr=0;

  this.myrand = function() {
    sum = sum*71 + 3;      // 49 is letter "a", 73 is 122-49. however, 71 has more unique combination
    sum = sum % thelimit;   // 250000 combinations
    if(sum==initialseed) cntr++;
    return((sum+cntr) % thelimit);
  this.getcntr = function() { return(cntr) };

function hash(ini) {
   var ownfunc=new Array;
   var ii;

   this.keys = function() {
     var thh=new Array;
     for(ii in this) {
       if(ii in ownfunc) continue;
     return(thh);   // same as this without the methods
   for(ii in this) ownfunc[ii]=1;    // save all known methods
   for(ii in ini) this[ii]=ini[ii];   // initial keys

function timedCount() {
  document.getElementById('txt').value=c+" "+ccc;

function stopCount() {

var hh=new hash();
var rr=new myrand(10000000);
// create hash of 900000 keys
for(i=0;i<900000;i++) {

<input type="button" value="Start count!" onClick="timedCount()">
<input type="text" id="txt">
<input type="button" value="Stop count!" onClick="stopCount()">
Click on the "Start count!" button above to start the timer. The input field will count forever, starting at 0. Click on the "Stop count!" button to stop the counting.

Other Archives


sortkeys / sorthashvalue

  • sortkeys
// returns the sorted keys given a hash Array
// equivalent to "foreach $v (sort(keys(%src)))" in perl
// Use this to sort a normal "for (i in array);  ->  for (i in sortkeys(array));"
// Rev2: improved version. Can assign "hh=sortkeys(hh);"
function sortkeys(src, fun) {        // fun is the sort function. optional
  var nv = new Array();
  var nvh = new Array();        // works ok bec of "closure"
  var i;
  for (i in src) nv.push(i);

  if(fun==undefined) {
  } else {
  for (i in nv) {
    nvh[nv[i]]=src[nv[i]];       // Now transfer it to the keys

  • sorthashvalue
// returns the sorted values.
// DOES NOT modify the src array
// e.g. aa["z"]=9; aa["zz"]=8; aa["a"]=2;   for (i in sorthashvalue(aa)) { print(i); }    // RETURNS 2, 8, 9
// Rev1: initial rev
function sorthashvalue(src, fun) {   // fun is the sort function. optional
  var nv = new Array();
  var nvh = new Array();        // works ok bec of "closure"
  var cnt=0;
  var i;
  for (i in src) {
  if(fun==undefined) {
  } else {

  for (i in nv) {
    nvh[nv[i]]=1;       // Now transfer it to the keys
