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Click "Edit", find your name in the table, and then make the following replacements in the lines beneath your name:

  • Change "yourusername" to your actual Wikipedia user name.
  • Change "yourarticledraft" to the title of your article sub page.
  • Change "Main_Page" only if you are working on a stub page. (Important: Don't edit the stub page directly until the end of this project.)

Section B

Name User Page Article Draft Final Article
Bito, Jo User:Jobito2 User:Jobito2/Yoshida & Co., Ltd. Main_Page
Bui, Khoa H User:Khoahdbui User:Khoahdbui/Nguyenkim Shopping Center Main_Page
DeMint, Travis W User:Demint1 User:Demint1/Roquette User:Demint1/Roquette
Foo, Shirong User:cordeliafoo User:cordeliafoo/Raffles Design Institute Main_Page
Fu, Jiarong User:Babylonne User:Babylonne/Wheel offense User:Babylonne/Wheel offense
Gross, Charles I User:Cigross2 User:Cigross2/William Walter Hay User:Cigross2/William Walter Hay
Kontny, Jackson M User:kontny1 User:kontny1/Admiral Dot User:kontny1/Admiral Dot
Kowalczyk, Nicholas User:kowalcz1 User:kowalcz1/The Corn Crib User:kowalcz1/The Corn Crib
Lorentz, Michael A User:MALorentz User:MALorentz/Harvest Information Program User:MALorentz/Harvest Information Program
Masessa, Joseph M User:jmasessa User:jmasessa/Trey McNutt Main_Page
McCarter, Thomas J User:yourusername User:yourusername/yourarticledraft Main_Page
McDaniel, Kegan C User:Mcdanielk User:Mcdanielk/Nike6.0 User:Mcdanielk/Nike6.0
Ng, Alexander L User:P0430982 User:P0430982/Red Tortoise Cake User:P0430982/Red Tortoise Cake
Rojas, Cesar A User:crojas2 User:crojas2/Harold Washington College Main_Page
Sederquist, Andrew F User:sederqu1 User:sederqu1/aleksandar vesic Main_Page
Sembel, Frisco S User:Friscosembel User: Friscosembel/draft Main_Page
Sexton, Benjamin M User:sexton1 User:sexton1/National Hug Day National Hug Day
Sohn, Alyssa M User:Asohn19262 User:Asohn19262/amazonbamboorat User:Asohn19262/amazonbamboorat
Taylor, Andrew M User:Afromaniac619 User:Afromaniac619/Luxury Tax Notes Luxury tax (sports)