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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Let me know if you have any questions or comments, you can leave anything on my talk page. Please be as civil or uncivil as you like, as long as you're honest. Hurt my feelings, prove me wrong, call me a plonker; Wikipedia may not be a free speech forum, but if you say something on my talk page, I won't censor you.

A picture of me taken shortly after I finally decided to just do it myself. On n'est jamais servi si bien que par soi-même!
This is a big page. To jump to a random section in the page, click here.

The Wikipedia Task Center

Articles in need of copyediting, Go to a random page in Category:All articles needing copy edit

Statements in need of citation

Science articles in need of attention or review

Cladogram requests and paleontology articles in need of attention in need of attention

YouTube articles in need of creation

WiR drafts needing improvement, paleo WiR pages needing creation, archeo WiR pages needing creation, WiR pages needing improvement

D&d articles needing attention, needing rewrites, needing copyediting, needing references, needing comment, needing banner consolidation, needing assessment, needing classification, and references.

The Wikipedia Library.

ProjectRed thing.

This thing.

Move review thing.

Wikimedia upload form.

The above links are mainly for my own utility, but feel free to click and give them a look.

Help me buy Wikipedia


I want to buy Wikipedia but I'm destitute, and Wikipedia's price is always going up!

The current price of Wikipedia is:


If you want to help me fulfill my dream of one day owning Wikipedia so that I can edit the Cryptozoology page to include my fan fiction about SCP-682 without other pesky editors reverting the changes, you can donate to my GoFundMe here.

Petition to reinstate the recently deleted Earth page


I spent fifteen years collecting reliable sources relating to the planet Earth and convinced the other editors to allow me to increase the description on the Earth page from 'Harmless' to 'Mostly Harmless' without reverting my edits.

Unfortunately, there was recently a discussion on whether the subject was WP:N, and since I was the only person who voted keep, the consensus was that the page was non-notable and the page was deleted entirely. I've started a petition to re-create the page, but so far no one has signed it. Please sign my petition to reinstate the Earth page!

I realize that most people don't think the Earth is notable, and I understand that we need to save space for the Encyclopedia Galactica, but please sign it anyway! Even the most trivial things can be notable to someone.



Dead meme page is gone


A picture of me taken immediately after I deleted the Dead meme page:

Ian McDiarmid (Imperator Palpatine) (10585133944)
Ian McDiarmid (Imperator Palpatine) (10585133944)

Some facts about myself

I do not need a citation in order to label this a flamingo.

I am a member of the genus Loxodonta, my skin is a shade of pink, but it is sometimes hard to tell because I am also invisible. I used to be the President of the United States back in 2258 B.C. I also happened to be the first female president. I used to be good friends with JFK before we had a falling out over the issue of lobotomy, which he was vehemently opposed to for some reason, something about his sister, I don't remember the details, I was fairly drunk at the time. Some people think I might be a Wikipedia administrator. That's blasphemy! That's madness! I ask you, how could I be an admin when I don't even believe in the existence of Wikipedia administrators?

Poem No.1

I always loved how this dumb image on the top unintentionally implies that name-calling is the foundation on which all argumentation is based. Why depict this hierarchy in a pyramid diagram? The base of a pyramid is what holds everything else up. You wanted a bar graph, Graham, you dingus; a bar graph or a damn list!
Who is Joe?

I don't know.

User 40,600,669

Don't you fucking do it
Do NOT click on the red button, if you do you'll activate the Demon of the Second Kind.

I'd say it was a glorious coincidence that I should be the 40,600,669th registered Wikipedia user, but then, I've heard that coincidence took ill recently and died, so perhaps it wasn't coincidence! It's pretty nice either way, don't you think?

A picture of me taken after a long day of edit warring and trolling:

A picture of me during my early days on Wikipedia when I got a big surprise! I had foolishly attempted to edit a page which turned out to be owned by another editor:

Peggy (aged 98) Elspeth-Elspeta (aged 65) Arma-Wepons (aged 65) Margaret-Bruno (aged 65) Joyce -Pleasure(aged 55) June (aged 59) Shirley-Charlie (aged 61) Isabelle (aged 55) Yvonne-Ivona (aged 71) Phyllis-Threads (aged 62) Cathy-Cooler (aged 42) Marion-Marcus (aged 58) Lynnette-Linnets (aged 61) Carol M D-Song of the 1500s (aged 49) Angie BHF-Angels (aged 62) Carol M S-Queen of the Holy Mass (aged 52) Angie W G-Angels (aged 61) Fee -Institution(aged 48) Nikki B H F- Living in B C B (aged 52) Veronica- Véronique in the middle (aged 54) Allison (aged 52) Laura W G-Markuss (aged 52) Lynn-Jeans (aged 52) Liz-Lisa (aged 45) Brenda-Jacques (aged 31) Dawn-White (aged 48) Wanda-Baguette (aged 25) Julie W F-John (aged 24) Laura B-Marcus (aged 14) Louise B H F-July (aged 35) Kerrier-APC (aged 18) Marcia-Marcus (aged 12) Donna-Woman (aged 25) Claire-Charia (aged 24) Jo M D-Joe (aged 18) Jo M S- Marcus (aged 25) Ruth B H F-Samule (aged 25) Paige B H F (aged 24) Laura B H F-Marcus (aged 25) Kirsty (aged 20) Ella (aged 25) Lois-Thomas (aged 22)

An Ode to Wikipedia's Editors

Some of Wiki's editors are pleasant as can be:
they will help however they can,
there's no person more helpful than
a helpful Wiki editor.

Some of Wiki's editors are ornery as may be:
they fight you every step of the way,
there is no person who'll stay up late,
quite like an ornery Wiki editor.

And then... some of Wiki's editors are, well...
there's no kind way to say "mentally retarded,"
but there's sure no person denser
than a retarded Wiki editor.

And then there's me: I'd like to be the first kind,
but sometimes I worry, I'm more like the second or third,
Who knows, maybe I'll get better,
and be one of the good Wiki editors.



The ████████ is going to get worse before it gets ██████. Don't expect to █████ too ██████. Take heart, though, ████████ ████████████ isn't going to last much ██████. Will the thing that comes after it be any better? ██ ██ ████ ██ █████ ██'██ ████ ██ ████. I give it ██/██ odds.

Just remember: when it happens in real life, you won't see any black bars, you won't see anything when it happens to others, and others will not see anything when it happens to you.

Just a little fetish


Family Photobook


Great (9.13125 x 1011) Grandma Proto-mitochondrion

Great (9.13125 x 1011) Grandpa Adam LECA



Dianna Dearmas Colonial

Uncle Gregory Graham Spongebob

Aunt Jackie Charnia

Sir John Melvin Edicara

Lady Jeannette Blazier Pikaia

Dame Beverly Haikouichthys

Auntie Anita Agnatha

Old Uncle Mark No-Jaws (and his fishing buddy Billy Big-Nose)

John Gnathostome

Bobby Lobe-Fin

Stephanie Lung

Troy Tiktalik

Patricia T.P. Acanthostega

Mr. Harvey Westlothiana

Heather Breen Amniote

Michelle Anapsid

Rudy Synapsid

Uncle Dr. Dorian Dimetrodon

Ryan Jenkins Cynodont

Mrs. Melissa Miller Mammal

Emily Eomaia

Sir Calvin Waldron Euarchonta

Robert Pelfrey Purgatorius

Lori Long Lemur

Jenny Baby

Audra Tarsier

Mr. Mitchell Mango Monkey

Max Aegyptopithicus

Abe Gibson

Jeremy the Great

Grandpa Angelo Coulombe

Thomas Johnson

Genaro Collins Aferensis

Uncle Bob "Handy Man" Mercado

Denise Ramayo

Thag O'Connor

Great Great Great Great Grandma Emma

Great Great Great Great Grandpa Charles

Great Uncle John Phin

Allah did not send a prophet with the truth unless there are opponents around him who tried to destroy the truth, with every prophet there were some people who were fighting him with arms and some who were verbally abusing him, most prophets were verbally abused than they were physically fought. This is where enemies of God who thought they could easily uproot the truth and plant their falsehood; Allah says in the Qur’an Surat Al Saf “Their intention is to extinguish Allah’s light with their mouths: But Allah will perfect His light, even if the unbelievers may averse”

In recent times, what Muslims face a lot from non Muslims is misconceptions and questions that come as a result of negative understanding about Islam

Most of the Misconceptions of non Muslims will be addressed in latter articles

according to the limits of my knowledge, there are scholars who would have better solution to that and I will need their enlightenment especially where I did not apply proper justice to, I am only a student of great grand students of those scholars.


In most cases non Muslims do have some misconceptions about Islam, these misconceptions are not only a matter of our current world even at the time of the Prophet (SAW) they used to ask him questions and they held some misconceptions about the religion, these question and misconceptions were addressed by Allah (SWT) Himself in the Holy Qur'an and in many Ahadith the Prophet (SAW) from Allah's inspirations.

What is a misconception? Misconception in simple put means to have wrong believes about something or a wrong understanding about something.


What brought these misconceptions into the minds of the disbelievers against Islam? There are several factors that lead to the misconceptions of Islam among the unbelievers.

Wrong information about Islam from wrong sources, books or wrong teachings of some deviated people.

Wrong interpretation of some verses and some Ahadith due to lack deeper knowledge or faulty understanding to some verse and Ahadith.

Wrong presentation of Islam by the media, social website, and news papers etc.

Actions of some people either non Muslims who pretended to be Muslims or some Muslims who by their own human reasons acted violently.

In ability to take them into consideration the reasons of revelations and statements of some verses and Ahadith respectively, where it was revealed, why it was revealed, who was involved in its revelation etc?

In ability to take into consideration the extent and depth of Arabic words and sentences but only looking at the shallow English interpretation.

Failure to note and differentiate between the Doif (weak or baseless) Hadith, twisted or cooked Ahadith and Saheeh (authentic) Hadith.

Most of the Misconceptions are rather deliberate or intentional by the non Muslims; this can be also put in different forms. Some deliberate ones are for the reason that they want;

to test the intelligence of some Islamic scholars.

to see how Muslims will react after hearing it.

to get points to debate against Islam.

to show their hatred for Islam or trying stop people from accepting or make people flea from it.


I want to humbly appeal to people who want to be answering the misconceptions of non Muslims that it doesn't request for anger or high temper when answering them but kindness and respect most of them don't know and want to learn, most people have accepted Islam through carefully and clearly answering their questions for them, therefore you need care, wisdom and logic to deal with them with kindness and respect even if they speak dirty words return them with pure answers and never fight or insult them or their religion.

Allah the Glorified says in the glorious Qur’an in Surat An-Nahl 16:125 says “And call unto the sake of thy Lords with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in a way that is best and most gracious: For your LORD knows best, who have astrayed from His Path and who received guidance.”

As the above verse says that only our Lord knows who receives the guidance, we must use humility to call people with respect and patience even if their words or questions first look offensive we must return calm words to them, because that is how the Qur'an Instructs us in Quran Surat Furqan 25:63 “and when the ignorant address them (harshly), they say, "Peace!";(English - Yusuf Ali)

Most people spoke more offensive words against Islam but today they are under the light of Islam propagating, can it not be the same to the one standing in front of you with those ignorance and misconceptions about Islam? My dear brother, take your time and answer him/her peacefully with truth and evidences. The Christian Bible says in Mark 7:16 “Anyone who is willing to hear should listen and understand”

What to do with the problematic Mars page?


I was reading through talk page archives, and I saw that over a decade ago, someone suggested that there was some kind of problem with the Mars page. Other editors at the time rejected their concerns. What should I do with this information?


I've got it! We should delete the Mars page! Someone had an issue with it more than a decade ago, obviously the correct solution to this massive and immediate problem is deletion! I'll go and start an AfD discussion right away! I'm sure the other editors on the Mars page will support my bid to delete the page once they hear my very legitimate concerns about this decade-old matter, and by golly, I'll have that Mars page deleted in a jiffy!

~ ~ ~
You think I'm making a straw man, dear reader? You think I've created this little blurb as some kind of joke? You think this is just a weird thought experiment?
No, dear reader, this is the unadulterated thought process of a certain type of very real editor. Right now, you are seeing into the mind of a man who is on a higher plane of existence.
We mere mortals may never hope to fathom this unattainable level of insight and wisdom.