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Dilliram sharma Acharya ( डिल्ली राम सर्मा आचार्य ) Born in 2016 B.S जन्म (बि.सं. २०१६ ) is a great Bhutanese Poet. Acharya is well known in Bhutanese society because of his writing.


==Life ==
==Education and work ==
==Publications  ==
==Life ==
==Life ==
==References ==


   Acharya was born in Sarbang ( Sarpang - Present name ) Bhutan. He was First son of  mother  Naina Kala Acharya and father Dhurba Lal Acharya. He was born after his father married Naina Kala Acharya as second wife. He had done his basic studies while he was in Bhutan.

In 1990 he was claimed by Government saying he was involved in Bhutanese Democratic revolution. Government announced his Army force to catch him so he has to left Bhutan.At this situation he spend 2 years of time in Asham Bhutan and Bengal with the help of others refugee who were evicted from Bhutan under this types of issue. Later in 1991 he came to Nepal and help Bhutanese Refugee in voluntarily doing several things. He himself started spending miserable life with other refugee in Eastern Jhapa Nepal.

2.Education and Work

In 1995 ( 4 years later ) he started Joining the class given provided by Nepali Bhasa Parisad Bhutan. ( नेपाली भाषा परिषद् भूटान ) He was glad to get further education. And started spending time on his course with the hard work and effort as provided by the organization. He got education to B.A ( साहित्यालंकार ) And In 1996 he was appointed as professional Nepali Teacher in Marigold Accademy School in Belgadi 3. Acharya did work as a journalist on Jagaran Newspaper ( जागरण पत्रिका ) contributing community news,and articles organized by Nepali Bhasa Parisad Bhutan. He did several social works on Camp management community. ( शिविर व्यावस्थापन समिति )

He was honor and awarded by Nepali Bhasa Parisad Bhutan. [ नेपाली साहित्य परिषद् भूटान (२००१) र २००४ मा अभिनन्दन एवं पुरस्कृत साहित्य ] साहित्य अलंकार गूठी खुदुनाबारीले २००५ मा अभिनन्दन एंव पुरस्कार Sahitya Alankar Guthi Khudunabari has honor and awarded him. He was also awarded by Bhutanese managament community in 2005 .(विविर व्यवस्थापन समितिले २००५ मा अभिनन्दन ) He was honor in other several places.तथा अन्य थुप्रै पुरस्कारहरु

Acharya Spend refugee life in camps for eighteen years and contributed numbers of literary books in Nepali.( लामो समय शरणार्थी शिविरमा शैक्षिकक्षेत्रमा सेवा गरेका आचार्यले भूटानी साहित्यको उत्थान तथा विकासमा ठुलो योगदान गरेकाछन्। ) He is the first person to begin writing Mahakavya in Bhutanese community.

After the Bhutanese refugee resettlement process he is residing ( वर्तमान निवाश ) in Norway. He is still contributing books and creative knowledge to Bhutanese literature. He have 3 son and 2 daughter and 7 grand children.

Photo of some of his books and his own will be here


  4.1 Mahakavya - Epics (महाकाव्य )

मातृभूमि महाकाव्य (२००१) - Homeland Epic (2001) 'Matri Bhumi'

राधा महाकाव्य (२००४) - Radha Epic (2004)

वसन्त महाकाव्य (२००४ ) - Spring Epic (2004 ) 'Basanta'

कुमारी महाकाव्य (२००७) - Miss Epic (2007) 'Kumari'

   4.2 Khandakavya

चट्याङ गीति खण्डकाव्य (२००१) - Lightning lyrical elegy (2001) 'Chatyang'

सरिता खण्डकाव्य (२००२) - Sarita elegy ( 2002 )

   4.3 Stories/Novels/ Essays

भूटानी आन्दोलनको विवरण कविता संग्रह- Bhutanese movement description poetry collection

घरेलू हिंसा र त्यसबाट बाच्ने उपायहरु (२००७) -Domestic violence and to live what measures (2007)

देश खोसिए पछिका दिनहरु (२००६) -The country after days of beasts (2006)

राजनैतिक लेखको संघालो (२००८) -Political article collection (2008)

5. References


                                                Dilli Ram Sharma Acharya

                                                Occupation: Poet

                                                Nationality : Bhutanese

External links http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGX3gpOg9tQ