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Archive 1Archive 2
TitleDirector[1]Storyboard Artist[2]Original air date
"Hitagi Crab, Part One"
Transliteration: "Hitagi Kurabu Sono Ichi" (Japanese: ひたぎクラブ 其ノ壹)
Tatsuya Oishi
Yukihiro Miyamoto
Nobuyuki TakeuchiJuly 3, 2009 (2009-07-03)[3]
Koyomi Araragi catches Hitagi Senjōgahara as she falls down from a great height, and he immediately notices that Hitagi weighs little to nothing; however he does not mention this to her. Later he asks Tsubasa Hanekawa, the class chairman, about her; he finds that she was sick and contemplates if that is actually the case. As he is leaving, Hitagi confronts him, as she threatens him she explains that a crab took her weight. When he agrees to keep quiet about her secret, she staples the inside of his mouth and proceeds to leave. Koyomi follows her and tells her that he may be able to help, to stop Hitagi attacking him he shows her that the wound in his mouth, inflicted a few minutes previous, had already healed. They go to see Meme Oshino, who after hearing her situation explains that it was the weight crab (おもし蟹, omoshi kani), a god, that took her weight.
"Hitagi Crab, Part Two"
Transliteration: "Hitagi Kurabu Sono Ni" (Japanese: ひたぎクラブ 其ノ貳)
Tomoyuki ItamuraNobuyuki TakeuchiJuly 10, 2009 (2009-07-10)[3]
At her home, Hitagi Senjōgahara contemplates her past as she showers, while Koyomi waits for her. Earlier Hitagi was told to wash and change her clothes by Meme Oshino, who arranges for all of them to meet at midnight. Back at Hitagi's home, Koyomi argues with Hitagi while she gets dressed in front of him. Later that evening they meet Oshino, he explains that they are not going to attack the crab god but instead pray to it. They go before an altar, Oshino instructs her to relax, he then asks her a series of questions. His final question results in Hitagi retelling about how her mother joined a cult when Hitagi was sick, and that one night her mother brought a higher up, from the cult, home. Hitagi injured him as he attempted to sexually assault her, her mother watching without aiding her. As a result her family was broken apart; Hitagi feels that she is responsible. She opens her eyes to find a crab facing her. Koyomi and Oshino are unable to see the glowing yellow eyed, red word-bound form of the giant crab. When Hitagi is then attacked by crab god, Oshino is forced to intervene - this allows her to beg the crab for her feeling and memories - and they are returned. In a flashback it is explained how her mother joined the cult, and how the attack on Hitagi resulted in a broken family; that she met a crab which took her feelings (思い, omoi) (weight (重み, omomi)) and memories of her mother. Hitagi now has her memories and feeling of her mother back, and even though she has forever lost her mother, she admits to be glad to have become Koyomi's friend. In the morning Koyomi finds that his weight has been increased as a result of the crab god's mistake.
"Mayoi Snail, Part One"
Transliteration: "Mayoi Maimai Sono Ichi" (Japanese: まよいマイマイ 其ノ壹)
Tomoyuki ItamuraNobuyuki TakeuchiJuly 17, 2009 (2009-07-17)[4]
On Mother's Day Koyomi sits in the center of a vast playground, reminiscing about his family, and his mountain bike. He sees a young, lost girl, Mayoi Hachikuji, whom he does not know, who later leaves. Hitagi Senjōgahara arrives and they proceed to have a strained conversation while they use the playground equipment. She wants to pay him back for helping her, but he declines all her proposals. Later Koyomi spots the lost girl looking at the map again, leaving Hitagi behind he goes over to her to see if he can help her. After she refuses his help, and later ignores him, Koyomi surprises her by hitting her head into the sign. During a hostile exchange Mayoi introduces herself. They get into a brawl, ending with Koyomi as the winner. Koyomi proceeds to get aid from Hitagi, who used to live in the area, about helping Mayoi find her way. Mayoi mentions that she is actually a lost snail, but drops the subject immediately.
"Mayoi Snail, Part Two"
Transliteration: "Mayoi Maimai Sono Ni" (Japanese: まよいマイマイ 其ノ貳)
Yoshinobu TokumotoNobuyuki TakeuchiJuly 24, 2009 (2009-07-24)[4]
After talking with Mayoi, Koyomi discovers that the young girl is trying to get to her mother's house. However, as he, Mayoi, and Hitagi try to make their way to the address, they keep getting inexplicably lost. Assuming Mayoi has fallen victim to an apparition, Koyomi decides to send Hitagi off to find Oshino while he stays behind with Mayoi. Mayoi mentions that she has always been trying to get to her mother's house, but can never seem to get there. She and Koyomi get into an argument and briefly fight. Tsubasa then arrives, saying that she was passing by. She asks Koyomi about his relationship with Hitagi, but he isn't able to give her a definite answer. After Tsubasa leaves, Koyomi receives a call from Oshino, who says that he has given Hitagi instructions on how to solve Mayoi's problem.
"Mayoi Snail, Part Three"
Transliteration: "Mayoi Maimai Sono San" (Japanese: まよいマイマイ 其ノ參)
Yoshito MikamoNobuyuki TakeuchiJuly 31, 2009 (2009-07-31)[4]
While waiting for Hitagi to arrive, Koyomi begins to find out more about Mayoi's life. She is the only child of a couple that had undergone a bitter divorce. Mayoi was put under the custody of her father, and had any contact with her mother deliberately cut off to the point where Mayoi could barely recognize the face of her mother. Hitagi then arrives and apologizes to Koyomi. She reveals that Mayoi does not exist, as she is actually dead. As a ghost, a lost snail, she can only be seen by those who have a subconscious desire not to return home, and is meant to waylay people who do not really want to arrive at their destinations. As a result, Hitagi could not see Mayoi and didn't say anything because she feared that she might be "different" again. The information Oshino provides - as a ghost Mayoi cannot adapt to changes that occurred after her death, thus she cannot lead them astray if they only use roads built thereafter - helps them find Mayoi's mother's house, but it is a vacant lot. However, Mayoi is happy and disappears, saying she's finally home. Afterwards, Hitagi admits that she is in love with Koyomi, and she is deeply intrigued by his desire to help anyone in need. Koyomi responds to her feelings with the precondition that they would not hide things from each other. At the end of the episode, Koyomi runs into Mayoi again, who states that she has been "promoted" from a lost soul to a wandering spirit and that she'd like to visit Koyomi from time to time.
"Suruga Monkey, Part One"
Transliteration: "Suruga Monkī Sono Ichi" (Japanese: するがモンキー 其ノ壹)
Jun FukutaTatsuya Oishi
Michio Fukuda
August 8, 2009 (2009-08-08)[5]
Koyomi needs to study for upcoming exams and is on his way to Hitagi's house for help. On the way there, Mayoi teases him about his one-on-one "study" session. Suruga Kanbaru, an underclassman, meets him as she is running, and she voices her admiration for him. Koyomi tries to get her to leave, however he is unable to until Hitagi is mentioned, at which point Suruga runs off. At the study session with Hitagi, the two discuss their future after high school, but things quickly deteriorate when Koyomi mentions Suruga. Hitagi and Suruga were friends in middle school and Suruga may have even had a crush on her, but they had a falling-out in high school. After studying, Koyomi calls Tsubasa for more details about them, but she warns him to mind his relationship with Hitagi and not to dig too deeply into her past too quickly. On his way to Oshino to drop Hitagi's payment off, Koyomi is viciously attacked by a person wearing a raincoat. During the fight he sees that the assailant has bandages dangling from its left arm. Koyomi is left bruised and bleeding on railroad tracks. Hitagi finds him lying there and tells him that he had forgotten the payment that he was supposed to be delivering.
"Suruga Monkey, Part Two"
Transliteration: "Suruga Monkī Sono Ni" (Japanese: するがモンキー 其ノ貳)
Toshimasa SuzukiTatsuya OishiAugust 21, 2009 (2009-08-21)[5]
Hitagi says she believes that Koyomi was hit by a car. He says he stumbled, which she seems to accept. Koyomi goes to Suruga's house, and finds that her room is filled with red books. She apologizes for beating him up the previous night. Koyomi asks about her unnatural strength, and she reveals that she literally has a monkey's paw. She also bluntly states that she is a lesbian, which is hard for Koyomi to swallow. Koyomi then takes Suruga to visit Oshino for help, where he determines that the arm is actually a lesser devil's, since a monkey's paw doesn't attach itself to its owner. As such, the arm will take Suruga's soul once three wishes are fulfilled.
"Suruga Monkey, Part Three"
Transliteration: "Suruga Monkī Sono San" (Japanese: するがモンキー 其ノ參)
Tatsuya OishiTatsuya Oishi
Michio Fukuda
August 28, 2009 (2009-08-28)[5]
Inheriting a mummified hand from her mother, Suruga first wished on it to run quickly so that she could win a local race in 4th grade. Soon after, four of the competitors were hospitalized due to an assault from a monster dressed in a raincoat. Suruga suspected the hand may be acting like a monkey's paw, wherein a wish is granted in an unexpected way. She abstained from wishing upon the arm for many years, coming close once to wish for help with Hitagi's crab problem, but such a wish would probably not have been granted, as the arm only manifests negative wishes, especially the hidden intentions of them (such as the students being beat up, revenge for Suruga's being outcast). However, after seeing Koyomi and Hitagi in a relationship, she became insanely jealous, and wished upon the arm to be with Hitagi, without noticing that the hand had grown into an arm and attached itself to her. Oshino surmises that her first granted wish had already caused the devil to take a portion of her soul, leading to the hand's growth. He offers the solution of cutting off the arm, a suitable price in exchange for nearly killing Koyomi (a result of the hidden side of her second wish). Koyomi objects to this, and instead, opts to defeat the devil to dissolve its contract. To prepare for the fight, he gives some of his blood to Shinobu in order to boost his limited vampiric powers. Despite that, he still gets literally shredded apart by the devil, and is saved at the last moment by Oshino's intervention. He called for Hitagi, who notes that Koyomi had hidden the entire situation from her, against his precondition for their relationship. With her appearance, the devil is unable to continue the attack without invalidating either half of the wish, so the contract is dissolved. However, even though the devil is gone, her arm still has not fully recovered. In the end, she becomes good friends with both Koyomi and Hitagi.
"Nadeko Snake, Part One"
Transliteration: "Nadeko Suneiku Sono Ichi" (Japanese: なでこスネイク 其ノ壹)
Tatsuya Oishi
Toshimasa Suzuki
Shin Ōnuma
Nobuhiro SugiyamaSeptember 4, 2009 (2009-09-04)[6]
Koyomi and Suruga travel to an abandoned shrine to place a talisman at Oshino's request. As they climb the mountain the shrine is located on, they pass a girl running down the path, who exchanges only brief glances before continuing in the other direction. Once they reach the shrine, Koyomi and Suruga discover a number of dismembered snake corpses in what appears to be some sort of ritual. They both quickly decide to leave. The next day, Tsubasa accompanies Koyomi to a bookstore to help him pick some study guides. Tsubasa warns Koyomi that his being kind to everyone, and Suruga in particular, may well put his relationship with Hitagi at risk, if he doesn't begin to set boundaries. He is surprised to learn she intends to travel the world instead of attending college after graduating. She leaves after getting a sudden headache. Koyomi then meets the girl again, who he finally realizes is Nadeko Sengoku, a friend of his sisters whom he met as a child. He and Suruga intercept her at the shrine, and return to Koyomi's house. Once there, Nadeko takes off her clothes, revealing snake scale-like marks on her skin, and pleads for Koyomi to save her.
"Nadeko Snake, Part Two"
Transliteration: "Nadeko Suneiku Sono Ni" (Japanese: なでこスネイク 其ノ貳)
Yoshito MikamiEi AokiSeptember 11, 2009 (2009-09-11)[6]
Oshino informs Koyomi that Nadeko is under the effects of a Snake Constrictor, a snake spirit that slowly constricts the life out of its victim. Nadeko explains that it is a curse a classmate placed on her after Nadeko inadvertently rejected the confession of a boy the classmate liked. Normally, a curse placed by an amateur would be harmless, but Nadeko accidentally made the curse worse by performing her ritual at the shrine, which has been corrupted by Shinobu's presence. Koyomi obtains a special charm that will banish the Snake Constrictor and they return to the shrine. While the ritual is seemingly successful, Koyomi realizes that Nadeko is under the attack of two Snake Constrictors, the second being placed by the rejected boy. Once the first one is banished, Koyomi is forced to battle the second to keep it from killing Nadeko. He and Suruga manage to chase it off, but Koyomi feels guilty for not being able to destroy it, as the Snake Constrictor will return to the person who originally placed the curse.
"Tsubasa Cat, Part One"
Transliteration: "Tsubasa Kyatto Sono Ichi" (Japanese: つばさキャット 其ノ壹)
Tomoyuki ItamuraTomoyuki ItamuraSeptember 18, 2009 (2009-09-18)[7]
After a flashback to the events during Golden Week (episode 27-30: Tsubasa Family), Koyomi finds Nadeko waiting in front of his school and they talk about how Shinobu looked at her and Suruga with a different gaze than at Koyomi and Oshino. Tsubasa appears and Nadeko leaves abruptly; Tsubasa tells Koyomi that some classmates and teachers think he has become a bad influence to Hitagi in school. Tsubasa gets a headache again and Koyomi suspects it might be induced by stress as it was during Golden Week: Flashbacks show how Tsubasa turned into a white "cat-woman" and attacked people by absorbing their vitality. Oshino revealed the problem is caused by a huge amount of stress built up in Tsubasa over the years, due to her problematic family background. Koyomi acted as bait to attract the cat and Shinobu bit her, draining her energy until she turned back into Tsubasa.
"Tsubasa Cat, Part Two"
Transliteration: "Tsubasa Kyatto Sono Ni" (Japanese: つばさキャット 其ノ貳)
Tatsuya Oishi
Toshimasa Suzuki
Tomoyuki ItamuraSeptember 25, 2009 (2009-09-25)[7]
Hitagi and Koyomi are having lunch. She teases him and "asks" him to go on a date in a very roundabout fashion. He comes late but Hitagi doesn't seem to mind. While Hitagi's father drives them, Koyomi is teased, much to his discomfort and Hitagi's amusement. She leaves him with her father, who tells Koyomi that he can't be there for her often and asks Koyomi to take care of her. Hitagi returns, taking him to an area where she has laid a blanket on the ground. They lay down and she tells him that the stars are all she has to give to him. She tells him that she loves him and Koyomi reciprocates. In the final exchange, she asks him to kiss her in the same manner she asked him out at the beginning of the episode.
"Tsubasa Cat, Part Three"
Transliteration: "Tsubasa Kyatto Sono San" (Japanese: つばさキャット 其ノ參)
Toshimasa SuzukiToshimasa SuzukiNovember 3, 2009 (2009-11-03) (ONA)[7]
On his way to school, Koyomi finds Mayoi in the middle of the street and assaults her in a teasing manner. Mayoi panics and breaks his finger. Later, Mayoi tells Koyomi that she saw Shinobu at the donut store. Koyomi goes to the school bike rack and gets a text from Tsubasa, asking him to ditch school and come to the playground. He finds her there still in her pajamas and wearing a hat. They talk about her recent headaches and Koyomi persuades her to take her hat off. He finds out that she had grown cat ears. They agree to go to Oshino's place. When they reach there, they find him crouching, burying something in the dirt. Oshino asks them to come in and hits the side of Tsubasa's head, knocking her out. Oshino tells Koyomi that at that point, she was already half cat. Tsubasa's hair turns white, and the cat is revealed.
"Tsubasa Cat, Part Four"
Transliteration: "Tsubasa Kyatto Sono Yon" (Japanese: つばさキャット 其ノ肆)
Tomoyuki ItamuraTomoyuki ItamuraFebruary 23, 2010 (2010-02-23) (ONA)[7]
After suppressing the cat, Oshino explains Tsubasa's situation to Koyomi. Koyomi realizes that he may need Shinobu's powers to help him bottle up the oddity. The problem escalates when Koyomi learns that Shinobu has gone missing. Enlisting the help of his friends, he looks for Shinobu to no avail. The cat soon escapes from Oshino, then goes after Koyomi; this time, however, she sides with him and aids in searching for Shinobu. The two have conversations regarding Koyomi's interactions with oddities while they scour the city. The search proves to be difficult even with the cat's keen sense of smell and hearing. The conversation gradually switches over to Tsubasa's situation. The cat explains that there is a way to confine her without relying on a vampire, that she is the personification of Tsubasa's stress, and that she knows exactly what is causing it. She remarks that Koyomi can deal with it easily. The oddity then reveals that Tsubasa being possessed by the cat was because of the stress that she felt from her unrequited love for Koyomi, and that the oddity itself may be sealed away for good if Koyomi falls in love with Tsubasa.
"Tsubasa Cat, Part Five"
Transliteration: "Tsubasa Kyatto Sono Go" (Japanese: つばさキャット 其ノ伍)
Tatsuya OishiTatsuya OishiJune 25, 2010 (2010-06-25) (ONA)[7]
Koyomi is confused after hearing from the cat that Tsubasa loved him. After arguing with the cat that "it was a mistake", the cat tells him that there is another way to suppress the stress for good, to kill him. Koyomi thinks that he could agree with this because he owes Tsubasa his life, but Hitagi and her vow to avenge him come to his mind and he decides he does not want to die. The cat tells him that no one would help him in this situation. Koyomi calls out Shinobu's name yelling for her help, and the vampire girl suddenly appears from Koyomi's shadow - apparently just as planned by the cat who had him move to a position where he would cast enough of a shadow before. Everything is settled after Shinobu bites the cat's neck and it reverts to Tsubasa. The next day before school starts, Koyomi goes to Oshino's place to bring Shinobu back to him. It seems that nothing is left in the ruined cram school that used to be Oshino's place. After school, Koyomi, Hitagi, Suruga and Tsubasa go back to Oshino's place searching for him, but to no avail. Koyomi concludes that Oshino believed he could handle the problems concerning Tsubasa and Shinobu by himself.


  1. ^ Credits taken from the series' ending credits under the role Episode Director (演出).
  2. ^ Credits taken from the series' ending credits under the role Storyboard Artist (絵コンテ).
  3. ^ a b ひたぎクラブ (in Japanese). bakemonogatari.com. Retrieved October 6, 2009.
  4. ^ a b c まよいマイマイ (in Japanese). bakemonogatari.com. Retrieved October 6, 2009.
  5. ^ a b c するがモンキー (in Japanese). bakemonogatari.com. Retrieved October 6, 2009.
  6. ^ a b なでこスネイク (in Japanese). bakemonogatari.com. Retrieved October 6, 2009.
  7. ^ a b c d e つばさキャット (in Japanese). bakemonogatari.com. Retrieved October 6, 2009.

20:10, 10 November 2022 (UTC)

Testing {{Nat fs r start}} proportions


Pos. Player Date of birth (age) Caps Goals Club Latest call-up
GK Almuth Schult (1991-02-09) 9 February 1991 (age 33) 66 0 United States Angel City FC v.  United States, 13 November 2022
GK Maria Luisa Grohs (2001-06-13) 13 June 2001 (age 23) 0 0 Germany Bayern Munich v.  France, 7 October 2022
GK Stina Johannes (2000-01-23) 23 January 2000 (age 24) 0 0 Germany Eintracht Frankfurt v.  France, 7 October 2022
GK Martina Tufekovic (1994-07-16) 16 July 1994 (age 30) 0 0 Germany 1899 Hoffenheim v.  Bulgaria, 6 September 2022
— Jkudlick ⚓ (talk) 01:52, 17 February 2023 (UTC)

Futsal goal tests

  • 1'2" (p), 4'5" (pen.), 7'8" (o.g.), 10'11" (12), 13'14" (15), 16'17" (18), 19'20" (21), 22'23" (24), 25'26" (27), 28'29" (30)
  • (p)

Trying to throw errors

  • {{futsal goal|0|45"}} yields 0'45"" Double Quote Error!
  • {{futsal goal|0'|45}} yields 0''45" Single Quote Error!

— Jkudlick ⚓ (talk) 17:49, 24 February 2024 (UTC)

Testing Template:bgcolor in lieu of Module:Overlay

400px wide
About OpenStreetMaps
Maps: terms of use
410px wide
About OpenStreetMaps
Maps: terms of use
420px wide

About OpenStreetMaps
Maps: terms of use
400px wide
About OpenStreetMaps
Maps: terms of use
410px wide
About OpenStreetMaps
Maps: terms of use
420px wide
About OpenStreetMaps
Maps: terms of use
340px wide

— Jkudlick ⚓ (talk) 18:51, 24 February 2024 (UTC)

Added 340px test at 85%. — Jkudlick ⚓ (talk) 17:01, 25 February 2024 (UTC)

France 3–5 (a.e.t.) Spain

— Jkudlick ⚓ (talk) 19:31, 11 September 2024 (UTC)

Goalscorer tables

Substing usual output

{{#invoke:Goalscorers|main|2024–25 UEFA Nations League|round=group|group=D}}

There have been 8 goals scored in 4 matches, for an average of 2 goals per match (as of 10 September 2024).

1 goal

{{#invoke:Goalscorers|main|2024–25 UEFA Nations League|round=group|group=C}}

There have been 36 goals scored in 16 matches, for an average of 2.25 goals per match (as of 10 September 2024).

3 goals

2 goals

1 goal

1 own goal

Substing table output

{{#invoke:Goalscorers|main|2024–25 UEFA Nations League|round=group|group=D|table=yes|maxrank=10|header=League D top goalscorers}}

There have been 8 goals scored in 4 matches, for an average of 2 goals per match (as of 10 September 2024).

Rank Player Goals
League D top goalscorers

{{#invoke:Goalscorers|main|2024–25 UEFA Nations League|round=group|group=C|table=yes|maxrank=10|header=League C top goalscorers}}

There have been 36 goals scored in 16 matches, for an average of 2.25 goals per match (as of 10 September 2024).

Rank Player Goals
League C top goalscorers
1 Sweden Viktor Gyökeres 3
Sweden Alexander Isak
3 Kosovo Vedat Muriqi 2
North Macedonia Enis Bardhi
Romania Răzvan Marin
6 22 players 1

Dunno why League D didn't properly populate. — Jkudlick ⚓ (talk) 19:56, 11 September 2024 (UTC)