I don't plan to update this list a lot, so it is likely out of date and certainly incomplete. It's just used as a point of reference for a few things I've done, and articles with which I've been involved.
- Articles I've created
- Jessica Ahlquist
- Catholic abuse cases
- Nitrocyclohexane
- Methacrolein diacetate
- Lists of deaths by year
- Anodonthyla pollicaris
- Clinotarsus alticola
- Cophyla occultans
- Anodonthyla emilei
- Kaijende Highlands
- Disappearance of Lisa Irwin
- Ratoncito Pérez
- Parakmeria yunnanensis
- Parakmeria
- House (season 5)
- House (season 4)
- House (season 3)
- House (season 2)
- Australia Week
- Groff Creek
- Wikipedia and template namespace
- Redirects I created
GodWars 2, GodWars II, Decoy Spider, Quotemine, Quotemining, World Cup (chess), Outline of Humanism, Humanist manifesto II, Humanist manifesto I, Distribution facility, Armories, Green building techniques, Repurposed lumber, Repurposed wood, Low-volatile, Low volatile, Gymasium, Kingston High School, Tasmania, Kingston High School (NY), Kingston High School (Kingston, New York), Kingston High School (Kingston, NY), Micah Moore, Bethany Deaton, The National Center for Biotechnology Information, Evolution as a fact and theory, Guatánamo Bay, Guatanamo Bay, Militant Atheism, Renato Laranja, Binary pair, Susan Komen for the Cure, Poisons the well, Semitics, Maria Kozhevnikova, Dwarf Cassowaries, Dwarf cassowary, Dwarf cassowaries, Pérez, the mouse of your dreams, Perez, the mouse of your dreams, El Raton de los Dientes, El Ratón de los Dientes, Raton Perez, Raton Pérez, Ratoncito Perez, 10050 Cielo Dr., 10050 Cielo Dr, Occupy Wall Street movement, FMCC, Species distributions, Fundamental niche modelling, Revd William Cooper, Thacher State Park, Scam Baiting, Sigiriya Rock, Sigiriya Rock Fortress, Christman Sanctuary, Christman sanctuary, West Sand Lake, NY, Amsterdam Armory, Port Ewen, NY, List of House (Season 6) episodes
- Articles to which I contributed heavily
I've contributed substantially to these articles, in my opinion, with respect to the article history.