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The article that I assigned to myself is New York City Hall. I can add any events that took near it or inside of it. Anything that the mayor may announce that is significantly important. Many people get married in City Hall. It is possible famous/important figures have gotten married there. I would need to do further research into it. Recently, City Hall is to be expanded and therefore, I can add that information to the wikipedia page. In addition, I can add what was at the site previous to it being City Hall. There were exhibitions taken place in City Hall for the arts. I noticed that important political events that took place near City Hall have not been mentioned. Such as the protests from students.

Bibliography so far:

Jackson, Kenneth T., and Keller, Lisa, eds. The Encyclopedia of New York City (2). New Haven, US: Yale University Press, 2010. ProQuest ebrary. Web. 20 October 2016.

The New York Times (by Meyer Liebowitz)By,MURRAY ILLSON. (1950, Apr 27). STUDENTS IN NOISY DEMONSTRATION AT CITY HALL. New York Times (1923-Current File) Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.proxy.wexler.hunter.cuny.edu/docview/111408078?accountid=27495