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The first source from FDA is from 2007, it would be best to get an updated version if available since many changes could occur during 10 years of period. The information of source 14, 15, 19, 21 seem to from blog posts and webpages that could be replaced by peer-reviewed articles. The link to source 51,52,53 does not work. Another section that could be added to this article is how gluten is detected. For example an overview of immunological and spectroscopic methods such as gas chromatography, mass spectrometer, ELISA, and commercially available ELISA kit.

Jei1 08:43, 7 April 2017 (UTC)

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In open Microfluidics, (open-surface microfluidics or open-surface microfluidics one of the boundaries of a channel is removed, so that the system is exposed to air. One of the main advantages of open channels are ease of accessibility to the flowing liquid and large liquid-gas surface area. Open channels allow the ability of intervening the system at any time, and this is useful to add or remove reagents. In closed channels, air bubbls formation could be in an issue, but in open channels this is no longer the case. In open-channels, the main flow is driven by spontanous capillary flow. Problem that could arise is evaporation, but that can be solved by maintaining the temperature Droplets can be stabilized by applying an electrical field. When both the top and bottom of a device is removed we will have suspended microfluidics.

Draft Your Article


In open microfluidics, (open-surface microfluidics, open-space microfluidics), one of the boundaries of a system is removed, and the system is exposed to air. (berthier) One of the main advantages of open microfluidics is ease of accessibility and intervention to the flowing liquid in the system at any time, and this is helpful in adding or removing reagents. In addition, open systems allow a large liquid-gas surface area and use of optical observation is also possible. In closed system, air bubbles formation could be a major issue, but this is not the case for closed channels. (Berthier,Li )

In closed channel microfluidic devices, the main flow in the channels is usually driven by passive pumping via syringe pump, external syringes or valves whereas in an open system, the flow is driven by spontaneous capillary flow (SCF) (berthier). The device will have an inlet port filled with the carrier fluid, and if the Laplace pressure in the inlet is negative, SCF occurs. The flow of fluid in an open channel is confined via surface modification and wettability….(phofl,) Chemical wettability and surface modification control the flow of the liquid in the channel (Phofl). One of the problem that could occur in an open channel is over flow, and this can be controlled by surface wetting preferentiality where the carrier for example prefers to wet to floor more than the side walls. (Li) Evaporation could be another problem, but this can have controlled for example by covering the carrier fluid with a film of oil and maintaining the surrounding temperature. (CE)

The free boundary in open microfluidics allows liquid-liquid and liquid-air interactions, where interfacial tensions occurs. When two droplets of different size in the channel meet, they will fuse together forming one bigger droplet in the channel due to difference in Laplace pressure (pfol). Therefore, the interfacial surface tensions in the open channel restricts the liquid to be of constant mean curvature be stable in the open channel. (Pfol). Droplet stability can be achieved by applying an electrical field (ewet). Furthermore, certain drop shapes observed on closed channels allows for higher fluorescence sensitivity detection (Wang).

Other examples of open microfluidics are droplets formed by wires channels with comb like rails (EWOD) (berthier 1) and suspended microfluidics. When both the ceiling and floor of a device are removed, we will have suspended microfluidics. diffusion, cell migration (Cassavant)

Like many microfluidics, open system microfluidics can be applied nanotechnology, biotechnology, fuel cells and space technology. For cell-based studies, can access cells with micropipettes while they are in the channel and enables probing of single cells. Open capillary gel electrophoresis microfluidics. Comb-like rails that forms microchambers where cells are stored and cell communication is studied (berthier). Water-in-oil water emulsification.

My Article Before Peer Review


Open Microfluidics

In open microfluidics, (open-surface microfluidics, open-space microfluidics), one of the boundaries of a system is removed, and the system is exposed to air. (Jean, Li, Pfohl, Kaigala) One of the main advantages of open microfluidics is ease of accessibility and intervention to the flowing liquid in the system at any time, and this is helpful in adding or removing reagents. In addition, open systems allow a large liquid-gas surface area and enables optical observation. (Jean, Li) Open system also eliminates bubble formation, an issue found in closed system. (Jean, Pfohl).

In closed channel microfluidic devices, the main flow in the channels is usually driven by passive pumping via pumps, external syringes or valves whereas in an open channel system, the flow is driven by spontaneous capillary flow (SCF). (Jean) The closed channel system will have an inlet port filled with the carrier fluid, and SCF occurs if the Laplace pressure in the inlet is negative. (Jean) Chemical wettability and surface modification control the flow of the liquid in the channel and allow the fluid to stay confined in the channel. (Pfohl) One of the problem that could occur in an open channel is overflow, and this can be controlled by surface wetting preferentiality where the carrier fluid for example prefers to wet the floor of the channel more than the side walls. (Li) Another problem in an open system is evaporation, but this can be controlled for example by covering the carrier fluid with a film of oil and maintaining the surrounding temperature. (Gutweiler)

The free boundary in open microfluidics allows liquid-liquid and liquid-air interactions, where interfacial tensions occurs (Pfohl). When two droplets of different sizes in the channel meet, they will fuse together forming one bigger droplet in the channel due to differences in Laplace pressure (Pfohl). Therefore, the interfacial surface tensions in the open channel restricts the liquid to be of constant mean curvature to be stable in the open channel.[3] Droplet stability can be achieved by applying an electrical field (Wang). On the other hand, certain drop shapes observed in closed channels allows for higher fluorescence sensitivity detection (Wang).

Like many microfluidics, open system microfluidics can be applied in nanotechnology, biotechnology, fuel cells and space technology. (Jean, Kaigala). For cell-based studies, open channels devices allow the access of cells with micropipettes while the cells are in the channel and enables probing of single cells (Hsu). Other applications of open microfluidics are open capillary gel electrophoresis, water-in-oil emulsification (Li, Gutweiler).

Other examples of open microfluidics are suspended microfluidics, droplets hanging on wires (fiber/thread/yarn based microfluidics) and channels with comb like rails (rail-based microfluidics and EWOD) (Cassavant, Lorenceau). Suspended microfluidic devices have been used in studying cell diffusion and migration (Cassavant). Rail-based microfluidics device can form microchambers where cells are stored and cell communication is studied (Jean). 

My Article After Peer Review


Open Microfluidics (section in main article Microfluidics)


In open microfluidics, one of the boundaries of a system is removed, and the system is exposed to air or another interface such as liquid.[1][2][3][4]  Advantages of open microfluidics are ease of accessibility and intervention to the flowing liquid in the system, a larger liquid-gas surface area, better optical observation, and minimization of bubbles formation. In open system microfluidics the fluid flow is surface-tension driven, and this eliminates the need of external pumping methods.[5] Examples of open microfluidics are open-channel microfluidics, hanging droplet culture, rail-based microfluidics, and EWOD.[1][6][7][8]

Open Microfluidics (own page)


In open microfluidics, (open-surface microfluidics, open-space microfluidics), one of the boundaries of a system is removed, and the system is exposed to air or another interface such as liquid. [1][2][3][4] Examples of open microfluidics include open-channel microfluidics where the roof of a channel is removed, and suspended microfluidics when both the roof and bottom of the channel is removed.[1][6] Other examples are hanging droplet culture, rail-based microfluidics, and EWOD.[1][7][8][9]

One of the main advantages of open microfluidics is ease of accessibility and intervention to the flowing liquid in the system at any time, and this is helpful in adding or removing reagents. When one of the boundaries of a system is removed, a larger liquid-gas surface area exists, and this enables gas-liquid reactions to be performed.[1][5] Open microfluidics devices enable better optical observation when optical transparency is important or elimination of autofluorescence of the surface material. Further, open systems minimize and even eliminates bubbles formation, a problem commonly found in closed system.[1]

Cite [9] for definition of microlfuidics

In closed system microfluidics, the flow in the channels is driven by pressure via pumps (syringe pumps), external syringes, valves (trigger valves) or electrical field.[10] Open system microfluidics enable surface-tension driven flow eliminating the need of external pumping methods. The microfluidic device can consist of a reservoir port and pumping port that can be filled with fluid using a pipette.[5] This can lower the cost and enable the devices to be used in regular lab setting.[5]

Open-Channel Microfluidics


In open-channel microfluidics, the flow can be surface tension-driven and such example is spontaneous capillary flow (SCF).[1] n SCF, capillary flow occurs spontaneous when the Laplace pressure at the front of the fluid is negative while the pressure of the bulk fluid is nearly zero and the difference in pressure causes the fluid to flow in the channel. [1][5] The geometry of a channel and contact angle (θ) of fluids on the surface of the channel can be used to predict SCF flow in a channel by the equation:[1][6]


where pf is the free perimeter of the channel, the interface exposed to air or liquid, pw is the wetted perimeter which are the boundaries surrounding the channel, and θ is the contact angle of the carrier fluid.[1][6]

Surface wettability and surface modification control the flow of the liquid in the channel and allow the fluid to stay confined in the channel.[3] One of the problems that could occur in an open channel is overflow, and this can be controlled by having the fluid preferentially wet the surface of the interior channel (ie., floor instead of walls).[2] Another problem in an open system is evaporation, especially at microscale volumes; however this can be managed by covering the carrier fluid with a film of oil, increasing the humidity of the surrounding environment and/or maintaining the local temperature.[11]



Like many microfluidics technologies, open system microfluidics can be applied in nanotechnology, biotechnology, fuel cells and point of care testing (POC). [1][12][4] For cell-based studies, open-channel microfluidics devices allow access to cells within the channel, enabling probing of single cells.[13] Others include capillary gel electrophoresis, water-in-oil emulsification, and biosensors for point of care systems. [2][3][11]Suspended microfluidic devices have been used to study cellular diffusion and migration of cancer cells. Rail-based microfluidics can be used for micropatterning and the study of cell communication. [1]

Final Draft : Live on Wikipedia


Open Microfluidics (section in main article Microfluidics)


In open microfluidics, one of the boundaries of a system is removed, and the system is exposed to air or another interface such as liquid.[1][2][3][4]  Advantages of open microfluidics are ease of accessibility such as intervention to the flowing liquid in the system for open-channels, a larger liquid-gas surface area, and minimization of bubbles formation.[1][2][4] Another advantage of open system microfluidics is that the fluid flow can be surface-tension driven, and this eliminates the need of external pumping methods.[5] Examples of open microfluidics are open-channel microfluidics, hanging droplet culture, rail-based microfluidics, and EWOD.[1][6][7][14][8]

Miicrofluidics refers to flow of fluid in channels or networks where at least one of the dimensions is on the micron scale.[1][9] In open microfluidics, also referred as open-surface microfluidics or open-space microfluidics, one of the boundaries of a system is removed, and the system is exposed to air or another interface such as liquid. [1][2][3][4]

One of the main advantages of open microfluidics is ease of accessibility and for open-channel microfluidics, this allows intervention to the flowing liquid in the system at any time, and which is helpful in adding or removing reagents. When one of the boundaries of a system is removed, a larger liquid-gas surface area exists, and this enables gas-liquid reactions to be performed.[1][5] Open microfluidics devices enable better optical observation when optical transparency is important or elimination of autofluorescence of the surface material. Further, open systems minimize and even eliminates bubbles formation, a problem commonly found in closed system.[1]

In closed system microfluidics, the flow in the channels is driven by pressure via pumps (syringe pumps), valves (trigger valves) or electrical field.[10] In addition to fluid flow via active pumping, open system microfluidics enable surface-tension driven flow in channels thereby eliminating the need of external pumping methods. For example, some open microfluidic devices consist of a reservoir port and pumping port that can be filled with fluid using a pipette.[5] Eliminating external pumping requirements lower the cost and enables the devices to be used in all laboratories that work with pipettes.[5]

Examples of Open Microfluidics


Examples of open microfluidics include open-channel microfluidics where the roof of a channel is removed, and suspended microfluidics when both the roof and bottom of the channel is removed.[1][6] Other examples are hanging droplet culture, rail-based microfluidics, and EWOD.[1][7][8]

Open-Channel Microfluidics


In open-channel microfluidics, the surface tension-driven capillary flow that occurs can be spontaneous capillary flow (SCF).[1] In SCF, capillary flow occurs spontaneous when the Laplace pressure at the front of the fluid is negative while the pressure of the bulk fluid is nearly zero and the difference in pressure causes the fluid to flow in the channel. [1][5] The geometry of a channel and contact angle (θ) of fluids on the surface of the channel can be used to predict SCF flow in a channel by the equation:[1][6]


where pf is the free perimeter of the channel (i.e., the interface exposed to air or liquid), pw is the wetted perimeter (i.e., the walls of the surrounding channel), and θ is the contact angle of the fluid on the device material.[1][6]

Surface wettability and surface modification control the flow of the liquid in the channel and allow the fluid to stay confined in the channel.[3] One of the problems that could occur in an open channel is overflow, and this can be controlled by having the carrier fluid preferentially wet the surface of the interior channel (ie., floor instead of walls.[2]


Like many microfluidics technologies, open system microfluidics has been applied in nanotechnology, biotechnology, fuel cells and point of care testing (POC). [1][12][4] For cell-based studies, open-channel microfluidics devices allow access to cells within the channel, enabling probing of single cells.[13] Others include capillary gel electrophoresis, water-in-oil emulsification, and biosensors for point of care systems.[2][3][11] Suspended microfluidic devices have been used to study cellular diffusion and migration of cancer cells. Rail-based microfluidics has been used for micropatterning and the study of cell communication. [1]

Reflective Essay


1.     What article did you work on? Was this a new article or an existing article?

I worked on the Open Microlfuidics article, and it was a new article. I wrote a small introductory paragraph in the main article of Microfluidics, and will link it to the new article that I wrote.

2.     Summarize your main contributions in 3-4 sentences or bullet points.

·      I wrote the entire article myself.

·      I had two classmates to review my article.

·      Dr. Theberge discussed the layout of the article with me and reviewed the article after my peers did.

3.     How did you respond to suggestions from peer reviewers? Please list specific changes in 3-5 sentences or bullet points. Also indicate if you used the Wikipedia content expert or received feedback from other Wikipedians outside the course.

·       I have only received feedback from two classmates and the professor.

·       One of the peer reviewers asked to explain the Laplace pressure in depth, but I checked that Wikipedia had a good article on it. I summarized the main idea of Laplace pressure in a few sentences and then linked the concept to the main article.

·       I got suggestions to include the spontaneous capillary flow equation in the article, and I did include it because the equation was important to determine SCF flow in channels of different geometried.

·       I also added more terms and concepts such as open boundary, wetted perimeter, and free perimeter.

·       I changed my wording for clarity such as changing chemical wettability to surface wettability.

·       Some of my sentences were vague, unclear or top general, so I changed those sentences and explained in more detail.

·       Initially, I was going to include the open microfluidics paragraph that I wrote as a subsection in the main Wikipedia article of microfluidics, but it did not fit well as a subsection in the main article. Instead I created a new article for open microfluidics. I will put an introductory paragraph of open microfluidics in the Wikipedia page and link it to the new article on open microfluidics.

4.     Reflect on the following questions in a short paragraph: Was this assignment valuable to your learning (of course material, research/literature review skills, ability to critically evaluate peers, etc.) - why or why not? Do you think your article will be valuable to Wikipedia readers? How could this assignment be improved in the future? [You will not lose points for negative comments; please be honest in your critiques of this assignment to improve the course for future years. Note: Tianzi will record points for this (not me) to help you feel like you can be more open.]

I really liked the Wikipedia assignment, and I chose open microfluidics mainly because my current research is focused on it, and I would like to know more in depth of this subject. In addition, writing a Wikipedia article helped me improve in scientific writing skills, and also be careful when citing references. The peer review assignment helped me in getting feedback from others, but also helped me in evaluating others. When I reviewed my peers, I did not have to do much additional internet search because the articles I got to review was on some subjects I had knowledge from a graduate class that I took before. Overall, writing the Wikipedia article was a good assignment for me and prepared me for my first paper that I will write in the future. I understood how my paper will be evaluated by others. I believe that my article will be valuable to Wikipedia readers considering that open microfluidics will be an emerging topic soon, and when people do a quick google search, Wikipedia is usually their first option to look at. I hope that my open microfluidics article will be useful to readers and give them a general overview of the topic and that other Wikipedians will continue adding to this new article of mine.


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab Jean., Berthier, (2016-01-01). Open Microfluidics. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 1118720806. OCLC 941538295.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: extra punctuation (link) CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i Li, C.; Boban, M.; Tuteja, A. (2017-04-11). "Open-channel, water-in-oil emulsification in paper-based microfluidic devices". Lab Chip. 17 (8): 1436–1441. doi:10.1039/c7lc00114b. ISSN 1473-0189.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h Pfohl, Thomas; Mugele, Frieder; Seemann, Ralf; Herminghaus, Stephan (2003-12-15). "Trends in Microfluidics with Complex Fluids". ChemPhysChem. 4 (12): 1291–1298. doi:10.1002/cphc.200300847. ISSN 1439-7641.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g Kaigala, Govind V.; Lovchik, Robert D.; Delamarche, Emmanuel (2012-11-05). "Microfluidics in the "Open Space" for Performing Localized Chemistry on Biological Interfaces". Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 51 (45): 11224–11240. doi:10.1002/anie.201201798. ISSN 1521-3773.
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Zhao, Bin; Moore, Jeffrey S.; Beebe, David J. (2001-02-09). "Surface-Directed Liquid Flow Inside Microchannels". Science. 291 (5506): 1023–1026. doi:10.1126/science.291.5506.1023. ISSN 0036-8075. PMID 11161212.
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h Casavant, Benjamin P.; Berthier, Erwin; Theberge, Ashleigh B.; Berthier, Jean; Montanez-Sauri, Sara I.; Bischel, Lauren L.; Brakke, Kenneth; Hedman, Curtis J.; Bushman, Wade (2013-06-18). "Suspended microfluidics". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 110 (25): 10111–10116. doi:10.1073/pnas.1302566110. ISSN 0027-8424. PMC 3690848. PMID 23729815.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: PMC format (link)
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  8. ^ a b c d Satoh, Wataru; Hosono, Hiroki; Suzuki, Hiroaki (2005-11-01). "On-Chip Microfluidic Transport and Mixing Using Electrowetting and Incorporation of Sensing Functions". Analytical Chemistry. 77 (21): 6857–6863. doi:10.1021/ac050821s. ISSN 0003-2700.
  9. ^ a b c Whitesides, George M. "The origins and the future of microfluidics". Nature. 442 (7101): 368–373. doi:10.1038/nature05058.
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  11. ^ a b c Gutzweiler, Ludwig; Gleichmann, Tobias; Tanguy, Laurent; Koltay, Peter; Zengerle, Roland; Riegger, Lutz (2017-04-01). "Open microfluidic gel electrophoresis: Rapid and low cost separation and analysis of DNA at the nanoliter scale". ELECTROPHORESIS: n/a–n/a. doi:10.1002/elps.201700001. ISSN 1522-2683.
  12. ^ a b Dak, Piyush; Ebrahimi, Aida; Swaminathan, Vikhram; Duarte-Guevara, Carlos; Bashir, Rashid; Alam, Muhammad A. (2016-04-14). "Droplet-based Biosensing for Lab-on-a-Chip, Open Microfluidics Platforms". Biosensors. 6 (2): 14. doi:10.3390/bios6020014. PMC 4931474. PMID 27089377.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: PMC format (link) CS1 maint: unflagged free DOI (link)
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  14. ^ Lorenceau, Élise; Clanet, Christophe; Quéré, David (2004-11-01). "Capturing drops with a thin fiber". Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 279 (1): 192–197. doi:10.1016/j.jcis.2004.06.054.