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J Bruni as a child

J Bruni, abbreviation for João Henrique de Andrade Bruni, was born in December 5th 1978, in Araraquara, state of São Paulo, Brazil.



Very soon, with just one week of life, he moved to São Paulo city, the capital of the state, and there he grew up.

As a brilliant student, always one of the bests in his classroom, he went through all primary and secondary school, entering University with the early age of seventeen.

Technical College


J Bruni studied Computer Sciences at "Escola Técnica Estadual São Paulo" ("São Paulo State Technical School"), from 1993 to 1995.

Some remarkable things from that period:

  • The news that the first Intel Pentium chip was released, for sale at the price of US$9,000.00!
  • In an occasion which there was no teacher available for the "programming" discipline, J Bruni himself gave classes to his fellow colleagues.
  • His first remunerated jobs, mainly the one at USP (University of São Paulo), in 1995, where he started using internet, when it was unknown to most people in Brazil.



J Bruni graduated as an "Audiovisual Producer", by taking the "Image and Sound (Arts)" superior course at Federal University of São Carlos1.

  • The video-performance "persona comigo" was produced by him and presented at the very first semester. Two televisions talked to each other, through characters playing in each one, and there was also an interaction with a live human character. Among other interesting scenes, the most remarkable one was that in which the human character talks with himself in the television, and the television character ironically answers to the human: "the reality is inside here"...
  • Even though "Image and Sound" is a Humanities graduation, conducted by the Department of Arts of the University, it has an interesting mix of disciplines, covering the three main folds of Art, Technology and Market (idea, production and sales).



Portuguese is J Bruni´s mother language. It´s remarkable that in the age of 10, he was the only one in his classroom to spell correctly the word "exceção" (exception) in a dictation (becoming, in fact, an "exception"). (This word is really difficult in portuguese.)

English is J Bruni´s second language, as he can read and listen to it very well, and also write, as you can see in this article (wrote by him, despite third person voice). Speeching is also very good, but since he lives in Brazil and cannot practice it a lot, he expects to improve this skill very soon with due practice.

Spanish: For many brazilians, including J Bruni, it is very easy to read in spanish due to the great similarity between spanish and portuguese languages. But the ease ends there: with no practice and study, it is not possible to write, listen or speech in this language correctly. With some effort, one can make himself understood, though.

Deutsch (German): J Bruni learned a little bit of this language, since his mother´s profession was German language teacher.

Nihon-go (Japanese): Fascinated by that amazing and strange "hieroglyphs", J Bruni´s curiosity lead him to take some classes (3 semesters) of Japanese, and learn how to read and write in Katakana and Hiragana, and also some basic Kanji.

Professional Experience




Eletrotechnic and Energy Institute from the University of São Paulo. J Bruni worked there from january to july 1995. His service was to take care of the network and personal computers, giving support for all staff from the various buildings of the Institute, and also to develop new pieces of software.

Pixel informática


Small software-house, owned by J Bruni´s ex-teacher, which called him to work in his new business. Staying there for only two months (July-August 1995), Bruni learned to work with Delphi, recently released by Borland. He got out from this job due to family pressure, asking for him to concentrate on studies.

Condex informática


Small sofware-house located in Goiânia. Its main product is "Condex Gerencial" ("Condex Management"), a commerce automation system, most used for "point-of-purchase" sales. As a programmer, J Bruni made maintenance and improvements on their software, during the short period he worked there, from January to March 2006. Again, 10 years later, the tool used was Borland Delphi.

J Bruni and the Sathya Sai Brazil Choir



Minor participations in other works won´t be described here. It should be mentioned that the main reason why J Bruni mantained himself not employed during this "long" period of time was very simple: he did not need to be.

Absolutely, It doesn´t mean that he was not working at all. On the contrary: on the last years, as a volunteer, he has been making a great effort to spread the Education in Human Values message, by many different ways, even composing a song for choir, which was performed on a national event with more than 500 attendants.



But the main skills used in this volunteer work were the knowledge of programming and english language, so he could self-learn the web technologies needed to build Sri Sathya Sai Organization Brazilian Website. See details in section "Personal Computer", below.

Up and Running Software


Since 2008, works remotely for Up and Running Software developing web applications.



Transverse Flute


In the early 2000 decade, J Bruni self-learned to play transverse flute, one of his favourite instruments. Now, he plays indian devotional songs every Sunday, with his fellow members of Nityananda group, which released its first CD on May 2006.

Personal Computer


An amazing fact is that J Bruni´s first computer program was made by him when he was only 10 years old, using BASIC in a MSX computer. Even before that, he had experiences with LOGO language.

His self-teaching nature and ease to learn were exercised soon and intensely in the field of computer sciences. When starting to work in standard PC´s, there was no "PLAY" command to execute music, which he frequently used in MSX. So, he made himself an equivalent PLAY command in Pascal language! (He was 14 yo - the algorithm transforms codified sheet music information in its frequency/duration values...)

In the year 2004, he agreed to re-build Sathya Sai Organization Brazilian Website, and to do his job, introduced himself to the following technologies, learning how to use them, and implementing in his work:

  • HTML - HyperText Markup Language
  • XHTML - eXtensible HTML
  • DHTML - Dynamic HTML
  • CSS - Cascading Sytyle Sheets
  • JavaScript - Client-side (browsers) scripting language
  • XML - eXtensible Markup Language
  • Ajax - Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
  • XSLT - eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformations
  • ASP - Microsoft Active Server Pages
  • SQL - Structured Query Language (to operate databases)
  • PHP - Hypertext PreProcessor
  • MySQL - SQL Database Management System (DBMS)
  • LAMP - Linux + Apache + MySQL + PHP



In recent years, J Bruni did a lot of translations from English to Portuguese and vice-versa, mainly from articles about spirituality, took from Sathya Sai Baba discourses.

Although it is a job as a volunteer for a non-profit Organization, there is a great concern about excellence and quality for the service that is done.

The final version is submitted only after a series of revisions. J Bruni has also collaborated as a revisor many times. (It was his father´s first job!)



J Bruni is living in Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, since May 11th, 2006. He got married with Rosana Artiaga, coreographer, in November 26th, 2006. Their first kid arrived in June 5th, 2007. It is a boy and his name is Gustavo.

He founded his own company in May 2007 and happilly works at his Home Office.

João lives with Rosana and Gustavo in his own apartment in the Center of the city, plugged with the world through internet ADSL connection and fix telephone.

Newer News


They moved from downtown to a nearby district, in the same city (Uberlândia).

João and Rosana's second child was born on November 9th, 2009. Another boy, named Félix.