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History of Tropicalia (Tropicalismo)


Tropicalia movement of music started in the 1960's. It's founding events are located in 1967, even though the movement Tropicalismo first appeared in music in 1968.[1] Tropicalism, which is the common term in the cultural industry and the media, is a point of cleavage. The term tropicalia (tropicalismo) has multiple connotations in that it played on images of Brazil being that of a "tropical paradise."[2]  It encompasses art forms like that of theater, poetry, and music. This movement was seen as one that is avant-garde and popular, and also showed a fusion of traditional Brazilian culture with some foreign influences. Tropicalismo was presented as a "field for reflection on social history. This movement spurred musical controversies, creating paradigms of musicality and cultural critique."[3] This is a movement that stirred controversy, and many of the activist sought to counter them. This was originally a collaborative project between Caetano Veloso and Gilberto Gil, in which some of the key albums from the movements. The dominant principle of the movement was "antropofagia." This created a unique, and very influential movement, which transformed Brazil in its entirety.

  1. ^ Neapolitan, Marcos, & Villaça, Mariana Martins. (1998). Tropicalism: The Relics of Brazil in Debate. Brazilian Journal of History , 18 (35), 53-75. Https://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S0102-01881998000100003
  2. ^ Veloso, Caetano, Barbara Einzig, and Isabel de Sena. 2003. Tropical truth: a story of music and revolution in Brazil.
  3. ^ Perrone, Charles A. "Nationalism, Dissension, and Politics in Contemporary Brazilian Popular Music." Luso-Brazilian Review 39, no. 1 (2002): 65-78. http://www.jstor.org/stable/3513834