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User:Jayasrinivask/Caste system in south India

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The Telugu Name of Reddirajulu suryavamsam Kshatriya Ratholu Rathiolu Reddolu

In an inscription dated 1345 CE, the Reddy dynasty of Andhra describes how after the elimination of Kshatriyas, the defending of the Cows and Brahmins fell on the shoulders of Shudras. In the same way as Reddy Caste, the Jat Community originally of lower caste gained prestige after fighting with Moghals.

Prominant castes in South India


The South Indian Castes mostly come under Shudras. The people in the South India mainly come under the following castes.

Rajus come under Kshatriyas, the warriors and rulers of traditional Hindu society. They make about 1.2% of the population and they are among the wealthiest communities in South India (mainly found in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh).

They are the traditional traders in the Hindu society and they form about 5% of the population in South India.

Brahmin is the highest class in the Hindu system and in early history there was no restriction for an individual to become a Brahmin, as long as he is learned and has the skills to perform the priestly duties. They consist of about 2-5% of the population.

This is the weavers caste mostly found in all the south Indian states, the geographical constraints made them adopt the names like Padmasali or Devanga. Some believe that they mostly hail from Andhra and have settled in all other places, they form about 15-18% of the population. There is a wrong impression that people from this community are weavers, but they were involved in Medicine, trading and agriculture. They are highly sanskritized with all the men wearing the sacred thread. It is believed that they have a prepared a saree that fits in match box.

This is the caste largely found in south India and they form about 5% of population. One theory is that they got this name from the Buddhist settlement in south eastern parts of Andhra, and their origin is considered to be very recent in history. They are very rich people in Andhra Pradesh and Tamil nadu.

Mala is social group or caste mostly found South India (mostly in Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu), they are considered to be the Dalit/backward caste. One theory says that their origin is from Wrestlers (Malla – wresting community of past). They also have kin-communities such as Baindla, Pothuraju, Mashti, Mala dasoo, Dandems. It is believed that Malas, who were once on par with Kapus, had lost their equality of status over a conflict. They form about 8% of population.

This is also a feudal/farming caste found mainly in Andhra Pradesh but spread all over India. They form 11-15% of the population. Karnataka Reddies are called Vakkalingas, and in Tamil Nadu – Reddiars. Uttar pradesh – Rathore. rajasthan –Rthod.Rajput. of the people of this caste come under the Tribal communities.

This is a caste found in South India, along with Mala they are also the Dalit community. They are mainly into Agriculture and most of the times laborers. In the past they were not allowed into the village environment. Their shadow is believed to be capable of polluting the water of a well. They are about 8-9% of the population.

Velama is one of the feudal castes mostly found in Andhra Pradesh. They ruled parts of Andhra Pradesh for several centuries in the past. The great Palnati Racherla Brahma Naidu, who himself was a valiant fighter and a great reformer is a Velama. He fought to eliminate the caste system with a concept called “Sahapankti Bhojanalu” (People belonging to different castes sit together for lunch/dinner in a feast). They form very less portion of the population now, about 3-4% of the population.

Erukala is a caste largely found in south Indian society. They call themselves “Kurru”. They are called “Yerukala” after their women’s traditional profession of fortune telling. Their reference is in the Mahabharata, the great archer Eklavya is considered to be belonging to Yerukala society. Many historians found references indicating that “Kakatiya Kings” originated from the Erukala tribe.

Mudiraju community is found in south Indian states that too mostly in Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu. They are mainly cultivators and/or parts of village administrators. They are basically warriors whose primitive professions were hunting and fishing. They have a rivalry with Kapus in terms of security of the kingdoms; often they form the military for kingdoms. Kapus and Mudirajus are considered to be of the same origin. They are considered to be great warriors who fought in the battle of Palnadu near Karempudi. Mudiraj people are also known as bants / bunts. The word bant and balija have their origins in Banjara ( Vanjara = Vanara ).

Kapu is a community found in all the south Indian states and also in Orissa. The term itself means protector and they form the army of the kings and primarily agrarian. They form about 22% of the population. Reddies are also considered to be Kapus in some parts.

Yadavas form about 19% of the population and are considered to be descendants of royal Vedic emperor Yadu. Though they are of Kshatriya, they come under backward classes due to the prevailing economic conditions. Some researchers say that the origin of Rajputs is from the Yadavas.

It is the second largest community in Karnataka. Gowdas are also found in some parts of Andhra Pradesh. They are basically village heads when we consider the case of Karnataka. In almost all the parts they are basically involved in the agriculture / farming. Nallavar of Tamil Nadu is also considered to be similar to Gowda caste.

Kurubas are mainly found in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. They are basically considered to be from the Kuru tribe. They were great warriors and are referred to / said to be a part of Yadavas. Now they form considerably less population.

Billavas are found in the Tulu parts of Karnataka and Kerala. They are also called Ediga in some parts of Karnataka and are found rarely in Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. They are mainly into toddy tapping, liquor sales and farming. The famous icon of Karnataka Dr Rajkumar is Ediga himself and is considered to have done work for reforming the inequalities among the people.

They are basically a warrior community found in parts of Tamil Nadu and Kerala. Their population is now divided among two major religions Hinduism and Christianity (60% - Hindus and 40%- Christians). The gene pool of Nadars has similarities with East Asian population. They form considerably very less population now.

  • Ezhava (Illuvar – Tamil Nadu):

Ezhava is one of major communities in Kerala forming about 29% of the population of the state. They are basically rationalists and non-believers and are not considered Hindus most of the times. They are basically Ayurvedic physicians, warriors and traders. The word “Eelam” is considered to be originated from Ezhava. They are considered to have relationships with Nadars.

Vokkalingas are found in the old Mysore region of Karnataka. They are referred to as similar to Kurmi Caste of North India and Vellars of Tamil Nadu. The word Vokkalinga basically means tillers of land. They are cultivators but being the most found community in Karnataka, they believed to be in the administrative jobs in the olden days.

Ligayatism is the social reformation to deprive the social classes of prejudices and superstitions. They are found in almost all the kind of jobs. And they consider Lord Shiva as their supreme God. They are found mainly in Karnataka and parts of Andhra Pradesh as jangam devaras. Lingayats are today spread over the whole Karnataka and parts of Andhra Pradesh and they are about 15-20% of the population.

In addition to the above discussed caste groups, there are a lot of local artisan caste groups such as potter community but those groups are all considered to be derived from the above mentioned groups based on the conditions prevailing. There are also Adivasis (Girijans – Hill people termed by Mahatma Gandhi) who come under Scheduled Tribes. These tribal people are considered to be originated from the tribal communities of North like the Kuru, Yadava but because of economic conditions and the living conditions they come under the Scheduled Tribes of the Indian Act.

Category:Society of India