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To do...

  1. Create Clan MacDonald/Rennie clan template from User:Willscrlt/UBX/ClanBox

Pages created


From scratch...

Future pages to add



Event Table

Ages of everyone during following Events...
BCE [ Period ] Terah Abram [ Lot ] Oldest Duagtr Order of Events
2140 Start Pnt born Terah, son of Serug, born in Ur
2070 70 years 70 Terah was 70 when he began to have children
2000 60 years 130 born Abram assumed to be born in 2000 BCE
1937 63 years 193 63 born Lot was born in Ur
1934 3 years c. 196 c. 66 c. 3 Haran dies in Ur, in the presence of his father, Terah.
1931 3 years 199 69 6 The journey to Canaan begins; The family leaves Ur.
1907 24 years 205 75 c. 30 born Terah dies at 205; Abram & lot leave Haran; Lot may have at least 1 newborn 40 year span from Ur to Hebron; forshadows the Exodus of 40 years in the Wilderness
1891 16 years 91 46 16 Abraham and Lot part ways; Abraham settles in Hebron.
1883 8 years 99 54 24 Lot's virgin daughters are engaged; Abram becomes "Abraham"; Lot & daughters flee to mountains; Lot's wife dies; Sodom & Gomorrah destroyed
1877 6 years 105 60 c. 30 Moab and Ammon are born

Chronological List


A Work in Progress...

Bible Story Summary Book Author
In the Beginning God's seven years of creation Genesis Moses
Adam and Eve The first marriage Genesis Moses
The Fall of Man The first temptation Genesis Moses
Cain and Abel The first murder Genesis Moses
The Rise Antediluvians The fall of Angels Genesis Moses
The Great Deluge The first Judgement Genesis Moses
Babel The birth of new languages Genesis Moses
Abraham's Journey The Patriarch of God's people Genesis Moses
Sodom and Gomorrah The story of Lot Genesis Moses
Abraham and Isaac The Covenant Genesis Moses
The Case of Job Is God to blame for suffering? Job 1 - 42 Moses
Isaac and Rebekah Genesis Moses
Jacob and Esau Genesis Moses
Jacob and Rachel Genesis Moses
The Son's of Isaac Father of Israel Genesis Moses
Dinah The Rape of Dinah Genesis Moses
The Life of Joseph Egypt: a new home for Israel's descendants Genesis Moses
Moses the Egyptian Egypt: Israelites turned slaves Exodus Moses
The 10 Plagues "Let my people go!" Exodus Moses
The Passover Egypt: Preparing to leave Exodus Moses
The Exodus Crossing the Red Sea Exodus Moses
The Wilderness 40 year trek to the Promise Land Exodus Moses
The Commandments God's laws and priestly rules Leviticus Moses
The Ministry of Moses Moses' Three Sermons Deuteronomy Moses
The Twelve Spies Operation: Ca'naan Numbers Moses
The Promise Land Milk and Honey Joshua Joshua
The Rise of Israel The Time of Judges Judges
Samson and Delilah A story of betrayal Judges
  • The First King of Israel: King Saul
  • David and Goliath
  • David and Bathsheba
  • Absalom's rebellion
  • The Temple Plan
  • The Reign of Solomon
  • The Temple Construction
  • Israel Divided: The Rise of Judah
  • The Ministry of Elijah
  • The Ministry of Hosea
  • The Ministry of Jonah
  • The Temple Restored
  • THe Prophecies of Micah
  • THe Prophecies of Isaiah
  • THe Prophecies of Zephaniah
  • The Occupation and Exiles of Judah
  • THe Prophecies of Jeremiah
  • THe Prophecies of Ezekiel
  • Jerusalem sacked by the Babylonians
  • Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
  • Nebuchadnezzar's Fall
  • The Writing on the Wall
  • A Vision of Daniel: The Four Beasts
  • A Vision of Daniel: The 70 Weeks
  • A Vision of Daniel: The Temple Rebuilt
  • Babylon sacked by the Persians
  • Dedication of the Temple
  • Deliverance of the Jews
  • Ezra's Return to Jerusalem
  • Nehemiah's Return to Jerusalem
  • Jerusalem and the Temple Rebuilt
  • The Prophecies of Malachi

