Jeremy E O Anderson
Music producer, composer, and mechanical engineer Jeremy E O Anderson is an analytical creative with syncopated efficiency and spartan heart. From punchy funky tunes to tone drones with beyond borderline sound design, he brings 21st century Renaissance man ambition to every project. He is a handyman inventor with hands and ears, using a bottom-to-top approach to craft music that grooves first and asks permission later.
Jeremy’s resume tells a story of a musical mechanical with sincere ears. He is an aspiring world citizen with bifurcated work experience that brings a multi-dimensional depth to his art. He is a cross-country collaborator with both people and objects. Currently a full-time father and RVer jaunting around the lower 48 with his daughter and wife, he has conceived and constructed both tiny tools of plastic and bulky behemoths made from one million pounds of steel. Yet his drum setup and studio gear are exercises in minimalism, boiled down to bare bones. Despite producing completely in the box, Jeremy continually strives to live outside it.