User:JJ Harrison/honeyeater plant list
This is a list of plants that may be used to attract Honeyeaters and other nectar feeding birds. This page is for selfish reasons so I can decide what to plant in my garden.
Ordered List:
- Banksia integrifolia Coast Banksia
- Banksia occidentalis Red swamp banksia
- Sliver banksia ( Banksia marginata)
- Kangaroo paw red and green Anigozanthos manglesii
- Acorn Banksia (Banksia prionotes)
- EUCALYPTUS ptychocarpa Spring Bloodwood
- Grevillea armigera
- Grevillea Tetragonoloba "Honeyeater heaven"
- Hakea laurina-Pincushion Hakea
- Hakea bucculenta Red hot pokers
- Callistemon viminalis-Weeping bottlebrush
- Acacia victoriae Elegent Wattle
- Correa reflexa
- Telopea speciosissima
Corymbia ficifolia, already planted, not technically a eucalypt