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Hi, I am a political scientist that has interest in topics such as languages, travel, art, sports and history. I speak Serbian, English and Spanish fluently. I am also learning German and Italian. My goal is to contribute to Wikipedia in the best way possible. I am currently cooperating with an amazing photographer Thomas Kellner in order to make sure that his work is recognized in Balkan countries as in many other countries where his collections are already present.

Zdravo, ja sam politikolog koji se interesuje u strane jezike, putovanja, umetnost, sport i istoriju. Tečno govorim srpski, engleski i španski. Takođe učim nemački i italijanski, Moj cilj je da unapredim Wikipediju an najbolji mogući način. Trenutno sarađujem sa izvanrednim nemačkim fotografom Tomasom Kelnerom, kako bi bila sigurna da njegov rad postane cenjen i na Balkanu, kao što je već slučaj u mnogim svetskim državama gde su njegove kolekcije izložene.