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Islamic Fraternity is an amic organization, active in many fields as in Da’wah, Education, media, and social welfare. Being a tourist fascination for the people of different ethnicities from all the corners of the world, Kashmir produces a great opportunity for Da’wah. The president of Islamic Fraternity, along with the other activists, leaped at this opportunity by disseminating the message of Islam. With the powerful leadership of Muhammad Aamir and the dedication of all the other members of Islamic Fraternity, IF became successful in establishing an Islamic Global School, which has motivated many Muslim brothers to bring their children into its enchanted Islamic atmosphere. Moreover, Islamic Fraternity publishes a monthly based magazine, The Islamic Revival. This magazine covers various Islamic News, Articles, and contemporary issues. Especially, following the values of the Quran and Sunnah, Idara Tazkeer-ul-Quran was established to provide Islamic education. Besides Da’wah programs and lectures, Islamic Literature is distributed free of cost. The center of Humanitarian Aid helps the subjugated brothers of our society and provides poor students with scholarships to pursue a better education. All these activities had been the brainchild of the growing Da’ee, Muhammad Aamir, whose effectiveness and fruitful presence in the Jum’ah prayers and khutbas in various Masajids of the valley, appeals the Muslim community to cling to the rightly guided ancestral doctrine of Islam and practice it in their lives to be blessed by Allah in this world and the hereafter.

Muhammad Aamir has shared the stage with many international scholars. The success of Islamic Fraternity in this short period, by the grace of Allah, is due to its staff’s hard work and dedication, who left no stone unturned in achieving the aims and objectives of Islamic Fraternity. In Sha Allah, in the future, we are going to establish Al-Awrah Gynae hospital, where the treatment of private ailments of the women, will be given. We also intend to establish Sawat-ul-Islam, an Islamic Radio Station, and Islamic Revival TV Channel. Moreover, we have plans to set up institutes for higher education, including medical and engineering streams, which require a large capital to establish. By keeping our faith in God Almighty, we are moving forward, surpassing all the obstacles in our way. As actions speak louder than words, sincere efforts and initiatives transcend all the borders and barriers of the path.