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User:Instantnori/Portrayal of East Asians in American film and theater/Bibliography

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You will be compiling your bibliography and creating an outline of the changes you will make in this sandbox.



Edit this section to compile the bibliography for your Wikipedia assignment. Add the name and/or notes about what each source covers, then use the "Cite" button to generate the citation for that source.

Galella, D. (2018). Feeling Yellow: Responding to Contemporary Yellowface in Musical Performance. Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism 32(2), 67-77. https://doi.org/10.1353/dtc.2018.0005.

- This is an article detailing an Asian-American woman's experience at a musical performance in which 'yellowface' was performed. It is a source that puts words to the types of emotions that the practice evokes from Asian-Americans, so it is helpful when I write a blurb about the community's reactions.

Daniher, C.K. (2023). [Review of the book Made-Up Asians: Yellowface During the Exclusion Era, by Esther Kim Lee]. Modern Drama 66(2), 301-304. https://www.muse.jhu.edu/article/901792.

- This article is a review of a novel written about the origins and technologies behind the practice of 'yellowface'. It serves as an excellent summary of the book's argument and will aid me as I discuss the background of the subject.

Thornton, R. (2017). Dragon Lady Stereotype. In Women in American History : A Social, Political, and Cultural Encyclopedia and Document Collection: Progressive Era through World War II (pp. 229–230).

- This book describes the 'dragon lady' stereotype and its connections to racism toward people of Asian descent and sexism to East Asian women. This will help as I include information about the Asian-American community's response to the American portrayal of East Asians.



Outline of proposed changes


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I intend to provide more background on the subject of 'yellowface', as I believe that this is one of the most important points within the topic of 'Portrayal of East Asians in American film and theater'. Additionally, I would like to touch on specific stereotypes and tropes, such as the 'Yellow Peril' and 'Dragon Lady'. These content gaps becoming filled would make the article a more cohesive and complete one that properly depicts the stereotypes that Asian-Americans even today face.

Daniher's review of the book Made-Up Asians: Yellowface During the Exclusion Era will allow me to set up needed context. I will first go into detail about the "purpose" of yellowface and precisely how its emphasis on physical transformation and exaggeration have been accused to be deeply problematic by the Asian-American community. Furthermore, I plan to discuss the topics of 'cosmetic yellowface' and 'prosthetic eye technologies', which are techniques used frequently in theater.

Galella's Feeling Yellow: Responding to Contemporary Yellowface in Musical Performance is a written critique about the practice of yellowface. I intend to reference this source when describing the emotions that the Asian-American community has reported feeling due to the skewed portrayal in film and theater.

In addition to close content gaps, I also plan to improve the article's readability by reorganizing the material and switching sections around so that the page provides a comprehensive story.