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Here, I am insane. But on Memory Alpha i'm mad. So find me as madman there. Either way I belong in a hospital with young blond female nurses tending to my every need. But, alas, I have to work for a living like everyone else. Well, almost everyone.

Who am I?


All right, here's who I am: By the way, my real name is Jim Helm.



Fast cars, pretty girls, steak and potatoes, money and travel (neither of which I have), computers, music, ice cream, and Star Trek.



The Bush administration, conservative economics, sour-krout, too much pepper, strong pickles, exercise (physical), and snobs that judge others but never themselves.



Christian, but I'm not much into religion. Man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart. -First Samuel somewhere, you know, the story of King David.



Not necessarily Democrat or Republican as a rule. But I believe in human rights, i.e. civil rights And, the Democrats do seem to get that one right more often.

Abortion: I support the right to life of the unborn child as well as his/her mother. If and when it comes down to one or the other, I think the mother should be allowed to choose which lives and which dies. However, in the absence of a very good reason (ie medical, rape, etc.), I believe abortion is tantamount to murder and should be regulated as such. This probably qualifies as a conservative viewpoint.

Gay Marriages: Basically, I think gay couples should not be allowed to adopt children. As for marriage, I don't know. I am against descrimination of all sorts, even toward gay people. But I can't condone raising a child in a gay home. In my opinion, every child should be given a "normal" home life. So I guess I tend to think more like a conservative on this point.

Economics: Corporations should be regulated enough to keep them from screwing the little guy, shipping too many jobs over seas, or practicing slave labor in a world where that sort of thing should have been done away with a long time ago. Also, it was the Conservative "hands-off-the corporations" policy making that allowed the events leading up to the Stock market crash of 1929 and the depression of the 30's. In fact, it seems to me that every time a conservative is in office, we go into a depression. Richard Nixon called for a wage and price freeze while doubling his own salary. Then we had a recession. Ronald Reagan did even worse things. And he made his recession too. (In contrast, Bill Clinton was able to send everyone a check! re: Surplus) A rather liberal viewpoint here, wouldn't you say?

Political corruption: Reagan should have blown the whistle on George Bush Sr. for masterminding the "October Surprise" that cost Jimmy Carter the election of 1980, which was followed up by the Iran-Contra scandal of the 80's. But he didn't. Probably because he feared retribution from the CIA. In fact, I think the CIA is responsible for quite a few assasinations in the past (John F. Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Jr., Jimi Hendrix, Janice Joplin, Jim Morrison, John Lennon, etc. etc.). But remember the attempt on Reagan's life? That had to be a demonstration to scare Reagan into shutting up. I know, I'm crazy. We've already established that. I still think I'm right, though. And if Reagan had come forward, maybe we wouldn't still be dealing with the Bush family today. As you can see, I tend to be more willing to trust liberal politicians. But, really, they're all corruptable. Isn't everyone? How does that saying go? "Power corrupts,..."