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Use of the SSBE


In the early years of the ministry, Elder Jacob O. Meyer – the Directing Elder of the Assemblies of Yahweh - would preach using a King James Version Bible, simply replacing Lord, Jesus and God by the Sacred Names in the text (Yahweh and Yahshua). However, the KJV presented a problem in that, as pointed out by Bible scholars, there are numerous errors in the text. During the late 19th century and on to the early 20th century, a number of notable Bible translations came about which were more accurate than their predecessor, the KJV. These include the American Standard Version, the New International Version and the NASB. The year 1966 saw the significant progressive step of a Bible produced by the Roman Catholic Church, the Jerusalem Bible. In their effort to be literal with their translation they retained the Sacred Name Yahweh in the Old Testament texts, but as a Limited Sacred Name Bible did not include it in the New Testament texts. Other Limited Sacred Name Bibles were produced such as the Anchor Bible, but none which seamlessly retained Yahweh (or indeed Yahshua) throughout the texts. This was one of the main reasons why the Sacred Scriptures Bethel Edition came in to being.

Basing the SSBE on the ASV


As Elder Jacob O. Meyer studied Hebrew and Greek and the original texts, Meyer came to believe that most false doctrines found in modern religious teaching originated from the translation of the text in to modern language, not in the original texts. For example, the SSBE does not use the term ‘cross’ in reference to the death fixture used on the Messiah, but rather ‘stake’ or ‘pole’. This is because this term is #4716 in the Greek text, which is the word ‘stauros’. Never is this word intended to represent a cross. Elder Meyer chose the ASV as a basis for the SSBE translation as Meyer noticed that professors would often comment that the English language that would provide the best approximation of the original text was the American Standard Version. Elder Meyer wrote in the preface of the Sacred Scriptures Bethel Edition:

The American Standard Version published in 1901 was probably the most accurate translation work ever put in to print. It maintains the delicate balance of providing a very literal translation while simultaneously preserving a fair amount of ethnic idiom evident in the text

A Joint Effort


As Meyer wished the Assemblies of Yahweh to be in complete unity, all reading from the same Bible rather than different people reading different versions, Meyer put out an annual report around the Feast of Tabernacles in 1980. In it, he announced that the project of producing an accurate Bible translation would go forth for the glory of Almighty Yahweh. Firstly, the funds had to be acquired for typesetting, printing and binding expenses, as well as the cost of time spent reviewing, editing and making corrections. Donations came in from all over the world to complete the project. That, with securing a loan from the bank, made it possible to advance this project. In the Spring – Summer of 1981, editing was done to the text, assisted by office staff and Obadiah School of the Bible students. Because the editing work was being done in a time before the computer technology came about, editorial changes were all done by hand by Meyer. Not only was Yahweh and Yahshua put back in the text to replace LORD and Jesus but also the Hebrew titles Elohim, Eloah and El were also restored to the texts. Further, the Shakespearean English was updated to reflect the usage of language in the 20th century.

Published and Distributed


The manuscripts were completed by Autumn in 1981. Elder Meyer found a family-owned publisher in Florida who were willing to publish the Bible and it was in 1981 after the Feast of Tabernacles when the proof copies of the signature sheets were received. After a few more weeks, the Sacred Scriptures Bethel Editions went to press and was delivered to the International Headquarters between December 1981 and January 1982. The Assemblies of Yahweh have continuously had the SSBE on display at the altar table of the Bethel Meeting Hall opened to Psalm 101 – Psalm 103. The Sacred Scriptures Bethel Edition has been the standard, accepted Bible translation of all Assemblies of Yahweh worship services and literature since 1982.