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Let me give you a brief essay on my philosophy and some remarks here. For me, democracy is the best and only sustainable kind of government. It is the only kind of government that can ensure sustainable peace inside the country and towards other countries. It is also the best possible way to ensure human rights and the growth of culture, science and art. Not all people think that way. Some of the key elements of democracy, as defined by the US constitution:

When I consider contemporary history, events and decisions like the Patriot Act and its successors, I think that all the democratic virtues and enablers listed above are in great danger. I aim to support democracy by defending the truth.

A short remark on contemporary history from by personal standpoint: On the death of John F. Kennedy: E. Howard Hunt's legacy, George H. W. Bush's speech on Gerald Ford's funeral, and this. On the death of John F. Kennedy Jr. On 9/11 this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this.

Perhaps some of the most frightening ways in which a government can violate these democratic rights are when it denies its citizens' the rights of their own thoughts and physical integrity. Therefore I would like to bring the following short pieces of information about Mind control to attention. No investigation on this topic has ever been performed in the US. Some authors deny that Mind Control ever happened in the US, while others describe the symptoms, causes and healing procedures. The courts follow the denial of its existence, reasoning the scientific mainstream doesn't support its existence. Most of the related government documents were destroyed in 1973, most of the surviving documents were declassified 2001 and can be obtained from the CIA on request. The document collection the CIA delivers digitally is not complete, the residual documents can be obtained via separate requests. Most of the following pieces of information are not in any Wikipedia article.

Mind Control in USA


performed on individuals


On October 3, 1995 President Bill Clinton apologies to human experiment victims after receiving the Final Report of his 1994-1995 Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments. One of the projects involved with unethical human experiments was called Project MKUltra. Investigative efforts were hampered by the fact that CIA Director Richard Helms ordered all MKUltra files destroyed in 1973. Therefore the existence of its sub-project "Monarch" could not be validated by government documents, but only victim testimonies. President Clinton's Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments held hearings of victims and their representatives. Some of these hearings have been video taped on March 15, 1995. The full text related to the videos of these testimonies is available in the book Monarch: The New Phoenix Program by Marshall G. Thomas. Valerie B. Wolf, a trauma therapist with over 20 years of practical experience gives her testimony here. This is followed by the testimony of two female victims, Christina DeNicola and Claudia Mullen. After the hearings, several more mind control test subjects demanded a presidential inquiry specifically into the topic of mind control, some claim that the experiments were ongoing after 1995. They give interviews here and here and there. In a longer interview, Canadian victim Lynne Moss Sharman, who claims to had been a mind control test subject since she was 3 years old, speaks about alleged joint mind control operations between Canadian and US agencies on Canadian territory.

Dr. Corydon Hammond, a Psychologist from the University of Utah, delivered a lecture entitled "Hypnosis in MPD: Ritual Abuse" at the Fourth Annual Eastern Regional Conference on Abuse and Multiple Personality, June 25, 1992 in Alexandria, Virginia. He presented the results of his 8-year study on dissociative identity disorder (DID) patients. Hammond explained the similarities in the symptoms of these patients and how to find out whether mind control was involved. He concluded that the personality of mind control victims got split into pieces (called "alters") which are unaware of each other. Hammond also explained how to get access to each alter personality (and their memory) and how to heal those patients by integrating all pieces back into a single personality.

A history and statistics on government sponsored mind control experiments on children are available at Child Abuse Recovery.com

performed on the public


by the government


In 1975 the Church Committee investigation revealed the existence and procedures involved in Operation Mockingbird which was a secret CIA operation to influence the public opinion. It was revealed that 5000 university professors and 400 editors/journalists in 25 of the biggest media houses were co-opting to publish the CIA's opinions. A brief introduction into the topic can be seen in excerpts from Church Committee hearing and Interviews with CBS president Sig Mickelson and CIA whistleblower John Stockwell, among others. Carl Bernstein, who also unveiled the Watergate scandal together with Bob Woodward, in 1977 wrote the article "The CIA and the Media" for the Rolling Stone magazine.

by the mass media


Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) expert Jonathan Adampants gives his opinion on methods and effects of NLP regarding Fox News hosts. BBC aired a report including reference to statements from official representatives about an event that occurred after the story was aired. Journalist Dave vonKleist shows how television outlet WACB News misrepresents the eyewitness report of William Rodriguez to make it appear to the viewer to match a different story than what Rodriguez actually said. vonKleist shows how a Fox News host tells guests and the viewers with opinions contrary to Fox News to "shut up" and how a CNN host uses ad hominem attacks against vonKleist in order to distract the viewers from the topic of the interview and to discredit the guest. vonKleist also shows how CNN reporter Jamie McIntyre contradicts himself in successive CNN reports.

Alyona Minkovski from RT America discusses with news host Cenk Uygur how he was ousted by his former employer MSNBC because "people in Washington didn't like his tone" and similar reasons. Cenk Uygur is now the main host of the online news outlet The Young Turks. The former Fox News host Glenn Beck says to his audience that the same had happened to him. MSNBC host Phil Donahue was ousted by his employer because he opposed the US government's decision to go to war against Iraq. Former Navy Seal and Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura says he also was banned by his employer MSNBC because he opposed the war against Iraq.