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Needless to say...

I have no life. Seriously, I should be doing something constructive with my time, but I'm here writing weird tags and stuff like this for nothing. NOTHING, I TELL YOU! Have fun, though.

The Beginning of the End

I am cool.
by Iberian Wolf 07:12, 1 October 2024

These were the first words of the end, the listening of which brought fear upon the masses. The clouds caught fire and heavens shook before them. The laws of physic and morality were completely destroyed with such a statement, so powerful. Could this be the end of the world?
Fatal error loading "bluescreenofdeath.exe", please order a new computer.
🎸This user plays the guitar.
This user appreciates progressive rock.
What could be happening, they asked. Could they not understand the unparalelled strength of this monster, certainly not a man, who inadvertly destroyed millions of lives? Why didn't anyone predict these events, maybe put an end to them before they even came to be?
Before that is explained, read this. Now that you've wasted your time on something completely unrelated, let's move on.
This user enjoys
heavy metal music.
This user enjoys
metalcore and/or hardcore music.
Time slowly passed. Not only time itself but the people who were there, the ones who felt the power of the mysterious voice, were falling apart. There was no longer oxygen for it was exhausted by the reactions to the daemonic phrase. The silence was now the only thing heard for miles and miles.
Yes, the silence. The absence of the slightest breeze or something that would in any way disrupt the harmony of nothingness. The nights were silent. The days were silent. The dreams were silent. Such was the quietness that thoughts were completely obliterated. Thoughtless. This was the world.
Who could have the power to do such a thing? Who could completly exile rational thought from a world where even the dumbest person can find the urge to write a book? Surely a mad man, or maybe a supercomputer dog. Surely not a teenage mutant ninja turtle for they do not possess vocal chords, and the same applies to jewelry. Pretty nice, huh?
: oThis user is interested in stuff.
;_;This user is interested in being too emo for j00.

The End of the Beginning

One kid was able to track down the villain. The kid claimed he was by the villain's side in a bus straight to Coney Island when he said the words, but obviously no one believed him. Recent theory suggests that he wears a magical cap that protects him from the Evil Lord of Destruction and Silent Death's powers. There are currently 92747 "Cap of protection from the lord" on auction in the infamous E-Bay stores. The highest bid is 1/2€, which beats the "Youth elixir of +1 strength" that only reached 1/666€. This is probably due to the fact that the auctioner for the elixir was called "n00b 0f t3h tr4d3", though this is disputed.
The Chaos-bringer himself, circa 1 October 2024
The one who the kid pointed out in the middle of the crowd, in a busy bus headed for Coney Island (according to his version, of course), was a middle-teenaged person called Iberian Wolf. The kid approached the powerful force of Chaos and calmly said "No, you're not!" "I shalt slay thee!". He followed that statement with some inexplicably uncomfortable farts laughs. The Silent assassin then lost his control over everything. The birds were singing again, and MTV aired hip-hop videos once again. The hero is said to have faced numerous trials in a altered dimension as he uttered those words. Some of them might or might not include swallowing Napalm and eating his way through an army of Burger King's cheeseburgers. A stalwart hero, indeed.

The Trial

The what? He's just a kid, dude. Oh right, use appropriate language. Since the pathetic idiotic moronic individual who caused this was not of age to be tried, he was freed. I still hate don't like him. And I am repulsed by love censorship! Goddamn!

Randomness 101

00101100 100 100 C2 44! That is the power of the mind and the answers to all my life's needs. Hm... you know what, add true love sex to that list.

Why are you still reading this? Go catch pikachu or something.

penis! hehehe