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Battle of Bucha
Part of Kyiv offensive (2022) and 2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine
Date27 February 2022 (2 years, 6 months, 3 weeks and 4 days)


  • Ukrainian forces retain control of Bucha
 Russia  Ukraine
Commanders and leaders
Unknown Unknown
Units involved

 Russian Armed Forces

 Armed Forces of Ukraine

Ukraine Irregular civilian volunteers (militia)
  • Unknown number of airborne troops
  • Unknown number of ground troops
  • Numerous tanks and armored vehicles
  • Engineering and bridging units
  • Artillery units
  • Unknown number of ground troops
  • Unknown number of militias
  • Warplanes
  • Artillery units
Casualties and losses
Per Ukraine:
Numerous tanks, armored vehicles, and equipment
Unknown number of civilians killed

The Battle of Bucha is an ongoing battle being fought for control over the city of Bucha between the Russian and Ukrainian armed forces during the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine. As part of the Kyiv offensive (2022), the Russian forces sought control over Bucha, Irpin, and Hostomel in order to encircle and besiege the Ukrainian capital city Kyiv from the west.[1][2] Due to the intensity of the Kyiv offensive, the Kyiv Oblast State Administration named Bucha, along with Irpin, Hostomel, Highway M06, and Vyshhorod as the most dangerous places in the Kyiv Oblast.[3]



In the beginning of the invasion, north of Bucha in the town of Hostomel, Russian forces captured the Hostomel Airport and established a foothold in the town. Although the Ukrainian military contested the Russian occupation in Hostomel, Russian forces began to move south to capture Bucha and the nearby city of Irpin with the goal of encircling Kyiv.[1][2]

Prior to the battle, on 25 February 2022, it was reported that Russian soldiers seized in apartment complex in or near Bucha and evicted the residents before retreating into the forests.[4][5]



27 February 2022


On 27 February, Ukrainian forces reported that Russian ground forces had advanced into Bucha, thus beginning the battle for the city. These forces reportedly include tanks, Russian VDV, engineering and bridging units, and reserves from the 36th Combined Arms Army. Russian artilley bombarded the city, damaging several houses, buildings, and other infrastructures in the process. Residents reported losing access to water, gas, and electricity due to the shelling.[6][7] The Russian forces later managed to breakthrough the city and elements of it advanced towards the neighboring city of Irpin, thus also initiating a battle for Irpin.[2][7][8] A resident recorded footage of Russian forces attacking the city's Afghan soldier monument and a nearby passing civilian motorist, possibly mistaking them for enemy vehicles. One man was killed and another was wounded from the attack.[9][10]

The Ukrainian forces used rocket and artillery bombardments and airstrikes to halt the Russian advances.[11] The State Special Communications Service of Ukraine reported that one of these artillery strikes destroyed a convoy of Russian armored vehicles they designated as "Group V" (due to the letter "V" marked on the vehicles) and that over 100 units of equipment were destroyed.[12][13] Ukrainian forces also destroyed a bridge connecting Bucha and Irpin to prevent more Russian ground forces from entering Irpin.[10]

Ukrainian advisor Oleksiy Arestovych claimed that the residents of Bucha have also joined the fight, throwing Molotov cocktails at Russian armored vehicles and paratroopers. Anton Herashchenko reported that the civilians attacked a Russian column of 30 armored vehicles, setting one or two of them on fire.[11][14][15]

At some point during the day, Ukrainian authorities warned the residents of Bucha not to get on buses that were "evacuating" out of the city, as they have not initiated any evacuation. Ukrainian authorities claimed that it was a ruse employed by the Russian forces to trail behind the fully loaded buses in order to gain entry into Kyiv, using the civilians as human shields.[16][17] This warning was also reported in Irpin on the same day.[18]

28 February 2022


On 28 February 2022, Ukrainian forces engaged and destroyed a Russian armor column. The city's mayor, Anatoliy Fedoruk, published a selfie video showing the smoldering wreckage. He claims there were no Ukrainian civilian or military casualties from the attack.[19]

1 - 2 March 2022


The fighting subsided enough that residents and journalists were able to walk out into the streets and photograph destroyed or abandoned Russian vehicles and equipment. These photos were circulated through Ukrainian news outlets, whom some described Bucha as a "graveyard" for the destroyed Russian equipment.[20][21][22][23]

On 2 March 2022, Ukrainian forces began sending humanitarian aid towards Bucha.[24]

3 March 2022


On 3 March 2022, the Kyiv Oblast State Administration announced more humanitarian aid were heading towards Bucha and Irpin, as well evacuations commencing in both cities. More than 1500 women and children were reported to have evacuated by train and another 250 were evacuated by bus.[25][26] These evacuations however were complicated by the railway tracks in some routes getting destroyed and ongoing skirmishes between Ukrainian and Russian forces.[27]

Ukrainian Ground Forces later announced that Bucha has been "liberated"; posting a video on social media of Ukrainian soldiers raising a Ukrainian flag near the city council building.[28][29][30][31] Additionally, Ukrainian emergency teams restored electricity in the city.[28][29] Russian forces however continued to fight inside the city, but were reported to be repulsed and pushed back into the outskirts of the city by Ukrainian forces.[32][33]

4 - 5 March 2022


On 4 March 2022, Anatoliy Fedoruk confirmed that the city remains under Ukrainian control despite the Russian forces probing the defenses.[34] On 5 March 2022, Russian forces continued to attack Bucha but were continuously repulsed.[35]

6 March 2022


On 6 March 2022, the Russian forces resorted to shelling the city, killing untold numbers of civilians. The city council reported that civilians have taken shelter in basements and that the city were not able to receive humanitarian aid due to the constant artillery bombardments.[36][37]


  1. ^ a b "Latest Military Situation in Ukraine, 27 February 2022 (Map Update)". Islamic World News. 27 February 2022. Retrieved 5 March 2022.
  2. ^ a b c Clark, Mason; Barros, George; Stepanenko, Kateryna (27 February 2022). "Russia-Ukraine Warning Update: Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, February 27, 2022". Critical Threats. Retrieved 5 March 2022.
  3. ^ "Буча, Ірпінь, Гостомель: Кулеба назвав найнебезпечніші місця Київської області". Depo Kyiv. 2 March 2022. Retrieved 5 March 2022.
  4. ^ Горбач, Наталия (25 February 2022). ""Повыбрасывали людей из квартир": Очевидец о том, что происходит в Буче и Гостомеле". depo kyiv. Retrieved 5 March 2022.
  5. ^ "Вырывали замки и стучали в двери: Силовики РФ захватили ЖК в Буче, после чего сбежали в лес". antikor. 25 February 2022. Retrieved 5 March 2022.
  6. ^ "Немає води та зв'язку: жителі Бучі розповіли про ситуацію у місті після обстрілів". TCH. 28 February 2022. Retrieved 5 March 2022.
  7. ^ a b "У Бучі під Києвом тривають бої, колона ворога проривається до столиці (відео)". Konkurent. 27 February 2022. Retrieved 6 March 2022.
  8. ^ Орлова, Віолетта (27 February 2022). "Бої за Ірпінь, Бучу, та Гостомель: що відбувається в цих населених пунктах на Київщині". unian. Retrieved 5 March 2022.
  9. ^ Лисичкіна, Любава (27 February 2022). "Буча є Буча. Як російські окупанти вступили в бій з пам'ятником афганцям". Big Kyiv. Retrieved 5 March 2022.
  10. ^ a b Горбач, Наталія (27 February 2022). "Колона окупантів заблокована: ЗСУ підірвали міст між Бучею та Ірпенем (ВІДЕО)". Depo Kyiv. Retrieved 6 March 2022.
  11. ^ a b "Advisor to the President of Ukraine: Russian invaders broke through into Bucha, Irpin, and Hostomil, their advance was stopped". pravda. 27 February 2022. Retrieved 5 March 2022.
  12. ^ Davidovich, Joshua (27 February 2022). "Ukraine says it destroyed Russian military convoy outside of Kyiv". The Times of Israel. Retrieved 6 March 2022.
  13. ^ "Russian invasion update: Artillery destroys Russia's Group V in Kyiv region". Ukrinform. 27 February 2022. Retrieved 6 March 2022.
  14. ^ Черенкова, Інна (27 February 2022). "Жители Бучи закидали коктейлями Молотова колонну российской бронетехники, - ВИДЕО". 44. Retrieved 6 March 2022.
  15. ^ "Мешканці Бучі спалили коктейлями Молотова два російських БМД — Арестович". HB. 27 February 2022. Retrieved 6 March 2022.
  16. ^ "Данилов – жителям Бучи: Не садитесь в автобусы для "эвакуации", это подвох россиян для входа в Киев, чтобы пустить их перед собой". censor.net. 27 February 2022. Retrieved 5 March 2022.
  17. ^ "Окупанти хочуть використати дітей та жінок з Бучі як «живий щит»". Ukrinform. 27 February 2022. Retrieved 5 March 2022.
  18. ^ ""Не сідайте в автобуси до ворога": міський голова попередив населення про провокацію окупантів в Ірпені та Бучі". TCH. 27 February 2022. Retrieved 6 March 2022.
  19. ^ Ворона, Галина (28 February 2022). "У Бучі знищили колону ворожої техніки – відео від мера Федорука". Big Kyiv. Retrieved 5 March 2022.
  20. ^ "Сожженная российская техника, одежда, армейский паек. Появились новые фото и видео из Бучи". HB. 1 March 2022. Retrieved 6 March 2022.
  21. ^ "Разбитая техника российских оккупантов на улицах Бучи. ВИДЕО+ФОТОрепортаж". censor.net. 2 March 2022. Retrieved 6 March 2022.
  22. ^ "Фото: Буча перетворилася на кладовище знищеної техніки агресора". UA. 2 March 2022. Retrieved 6 March 2022.
  23. ^ "Улица в Буче превратилась в "кладбище" для уничтоженной вражеской техники РФ". Antikor. 2 March 2022. Retrieved 6 March 2022.
  24. ^ Орлова, Віолетта (2 March 2022). "Київ відправив гуманітарну допомогу в місто Буча на підступах столиці". Unian. Retrieved 5 March 2022.
  26. ^ БАЛАЧУК, ІРИНА (3 March 2022). "З Ірпеня і Бучі вивезли понад 1,5 тисячі жінок і дітей, з Фастівщини – ще 500". Pravda. Retrieved 6 March 2022.
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  28. ^ a b "В Буче не только подняли флаг, но и восстановили электроэнергию". 24tv. 3 March 2022. Retrieved 5 March 2022.
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  32. ^ РОЩИНА, ЕЛЕНА (3 March 2022). "Бои поблизости Бучи не утихают 4 часа, вышли кадыровцы – мэр". Pravda. Retrieved 6 March 2022.
  33. ^ "Снова было горячо в Буче, Гостомеле и Ирпене: оккупанты безуспешно пытались прорвать оборону". 24tv. 3 March 2022. Retrieved 6 March 2022.
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