User:INkosi Pokwana Menziwa ka Zangashe
INgqutura nezizwe ezifikele ku Chief Pokwana
When Chief Menziwa was granted the land in the place now called Engcobo, he sent his son, Pokwana, to go and leave there. Chief Menziwa was still reigning at Mbhashe and his grandson, Maseti, from Pokwana’s great house was meant to take over the reigns from Chief Menziwa, for his father, Pokwana had left to seek permanent residence in a newly acquired amaZizi land.
Our history says that when Pokwana left Mbhase, for Ngqutura, he took with him his right hand house wife uMaflephu, mother of Qayiso Ah! Holomisa. The true and correct roots of Ngqutura chieftainship can be traced in the genealogy below:
Inkosi Menziwa Ah! Myamezeli l Pokwana Ah! Mlindazwe _____________l_____________ l l Maseti Qayiso Ah! Holomisa l Moses Ah! Gwebinglala l Ngangomzi Ah! Jongumhlaba l Zuko Ah! Jongisilo
On his arrival at Ngqutura, Chief Pokwana settled at what is now called eGqubeni (referring to what is left of his homestead). That was the great place, komkhulu. It is said that years before the death of Pokwana, Maseti’s wife arrived arrived from Mbhashe and said she had come to visit her father-in-law, Chief Pokwana. She stayed for longer than what could have been referred to as a mere visit. Maseti also came later, following his wife, also on a “visit”. Chief Pokwana began to worry when time went by and his, Maseti, was showing no sign of returning to Mbhashe and asked him. Before his death, Chief Pokwana gathered amaZizi at Nqguruta, first reiterated his concern about Maseti not returning to Mbhashe. He then told amaZizi that owing to the fact that his heir, Qayiso, was still a young man and still attending iintlombe, he would propose that Qikani, iqadi lobunene (Qayiso) would hold the fort for his brother (Qayiso) until he was of the appropriate age. Soon after Pokwana’s death, Maseti started (ibango) claiming that it was his bona fide claim to rule. A lot happened in the three years during ibango. The magistrate who presided over this case asked amaZizi to go back and resolve the matter themselves. The magistrate is quoted as having said: “If I say Maseti must go back to Mbhashe it will be to abandon him, for the current leader in Mbhashe is not holding for him anymore. Those people moved on, they are reigning.”
It is around the same time that Bangani, twin of Dick, both younger brothers of Maseti, was tossed into fire by, presumably, the adherents of or by the house of Mbande to ensure that no one was left from the great house of Pokwana and this clearly was an act of ensuring that they were entrenched as Chiefs presiding over the land that belonged to Maseti. The present Chief now is Nezile of Dadeni, grandson of Grababa. Currently he is the hardest working Chief amongst the four Chiefs of the Lunika house, with a fully recognized chieftainship. We applaud him for that. Sithi Ah! Zwelidumile.
Menziwa is said to have been the longest to live amongst chief of the AmaZizi. Menziwa lived, approximately over 100 years after his initiation. Pokwana was sworn in, eMbhashe, before Menziwa’s death because Menziwa was very old to rule at the time.
To end ibango, a unanimous decision was taken that Maseti would be given the reigns. Masethi’s great son was Mdumiso father of Moriat. Moriat gave birth to Sabelo and left the reins to him. Zwelixolile ruled until he was involved in act of abuse of power over his subjects. Court cases and looming arrests forced him to step down a couple of years later. Mvulankulu, Ah!! Zwelithambile, younger brother of Moriat was instated as a ruler. The integrity of the chieftainship continued to deteriorate terribly, his stubbornness, ignorance and lack of leadership sass brought the house into disrepute. Meetings were held and he was constantly asked to step down. Sabelo was then recently reinstated (early 2007).
(Mr Hall, a certain land affairs officer, was tasked by the then cape government to re-demacate the land and unfortunately it is apparent that he might have had it as his intention to use an equal split method to spread the land evenly. This was detrimental and opposed to traditional custome.)
a. Nxamagele
Fadana, a Dlomo Chief, was given on Ngangelizwe’s request, was granted the land. At the death of Inkosi Fadana, Mpukula, his nephew took over. Surprisingly it was discovered that Fadana had registered his nephew, Mpukula, as his successor.
b. Cwecweni
The missionaries continued their unprecedented interferance with the lives of the African people. They continued to disrupt their living, their spiritual belonging, their way of life. They continued to preach a doctrine that was designed to forever enslave indeginous Africas by making them solely dependent on the oppressive white settlers. Suffice it to say that our people had given up the resistance on this peculiar phenomenon, christianity. Chief Pokwana then spared some piece of his land for erection of a mission, eCwecweni. The Chief also asked the reverend of the time to hold the land as its presiding officer. The reverend came back to surrender the leadership of the land saying that it was improper for him to preside on faith based and also traidional leadership structure at the same time. The reverend then suggested that Chief Pokwana appoint Mqobi of Mbulawa. The latter having been a police officer, the reverend thought that he would be appropriate. The Chief agreed and Mqobi was then appointed as headman. Mqobi’s great brother was Madwala. His son was Enoch (Ngangenyathi). See below his genealogy:
Mbulawa ____________l_____________ l l Madwala Mqobi l Enoch (Ngangenyathi) l Wathu l Zanoxolo
One might ask that why did Chief Pokwana not install his sons in all the resettlements to ensure that the land would never be lost in history. Well, the answer is simple: during those times there was a lot of tribes that were moving around, attacking other tribes on contact and conquering from livestock to women and kids. It was therefore important for a rulling nation to place others around themselves for protection.
c. iXonya - amaNdungwana
Xonya was under the rule of Mxwayo, ibhodi of Chief Pokwana. AmaNdungwana arrived, having been refered to Pokwana by King Ngangelizwe to come and ask for land. Pokwana then settled then at Xonya and Mxwayo’s authority ceased to be. Ndungwana was the first born of Nxego and elder brother of Dlomo even thought he was not the heir. AmaNdungwane are structured as follows: (Ndungwana, Diya, Gungu, Langa, Kono, Bejula, Nene, Qwesha, Ndarala, Tshaka, Mvumbi, Siyabalala)
When they arrived at Xonya they were under the rule of Mthwaku, son of Ntshinka.
Ntshinka l Mthwaku l Ngonyama l Ngubesilo
d. Mqonci - amaQoma
The whole of Mqonci, from the boundary with Tora, including what is now Ingasa and extending all the way to Zulu, another boundary with Gcalekaland, was under the rule of Mazimela, yet another ibhodi of Chief Pokwana. The Ntlonti royal place is situated right on Mazimela’s stand. When amaQoma arrived Mazimela ran away to his mothers place (Ngqamakwe). It is said that he did not run to his chief Pokwana and some dubbed him iqwala. When amaQoma’s invasion was sruitinised, Pokwana agreed that they settle there. AmaQoma leadership line:
Bhinase l ?????? l Mfezi l Ngangonhlaba
e. Caba - amaTshatshu
The last land to be resettled, Caba, is a very small piece of land and this is a testimony that indeed when Gcuwa (a boy at the time) arrived with amaTshatshu Pokwana was running out of land to accommodate outsiders. AmaTshatshu were running away from the whites and Gungubele was in Roben Island, having been arrested for he and his impi were reported to have shot whites. They were from Gwatyu at Rhoda and after their chief Gungubele was arrested, they went to King Ngangelizwe to ask for land. Ngangelizwe told them that he had run out of land but reckoned that if they went to Pokwana they would get help. Pokwana could not turn them down as they were sent to him by King Ngangelizwe owing to the good relationship between Chief Menziwa, Pokwana’s father and King Ngangelizwe.
AmaTshatshu are descendants of Tembu. It is said that Manusi was the right hand house of Dlomo, the main house being Hala. Dlomo was the eighth in line of succession from Tembu, (it is Tembu, Bomoyi, Ntongakazi, Cedume, Toyi, Ntande, Mguti, Nxego then Dlomo. The main house of Dlomo, which is the reinging house, descends from: Dlomo, Hala, Madiba, Tato, Zondwa, Ndabazenyamakazi, Ngubengcuka, Mtirara, Ngangelizwe, Dalinyebo, Sampu).
Manusi (Rt. H of Dlomo) l Tukwa l Xoba l Tshatshu l Bawana l Mapasa l Gungubele
Gcuwa l Sobantu _______l________________ l l Mncedisi Nombungqaso
10. Izinqulo
(a) EzamaZizi akwaChief Menziwa ka Lunika
Ah! Mlindawe: Noqha bholoshuphono, Ndlanzi entshobololo Sithi Ah Myamezeli: Dungwa nkomo zakoyayo, sangcana esihle sasemaZizini, uMnyamezeli owanyamezela izizwe zamaGcaleka nezabaThembu, isihlala qoqweni sakokwabo kwamaMbhele Iinkomo zikaZangashe, kaLunika kaNdosi Iinkomo zikaNdunakazi kaNtondwa kaMtatela Inkomo zikaNgxibinoboya kaCubungulashe, ushaqa ashiyele inkwenkwe ugumbi lamagwala Iinkomo zikaLamyeni Mathole kaBhengela kaLubokoboko Undaba ayipheli komkhulu ithethwa iintsuku neentsuku, nofike ngomso woofika isamlindele Mabandla kaNgubonde kaZizi kaKhuze Nina bakwaSibalikhulu kaDlamini
7. Eminye imihlaba yamaZizi
After the War of Nongxokozelo, King Ngangelizwe wanted to know who had suffered more losses of all the amabutho, armies, that were helping him during the war. It became apparent that AmaZizi were the ones who had suffered most losses, approximately 90 amaZizi warriors were killed. The fossils of these amaZizi can still be found in a ridge overlooking Mbhashe near Mthentu.
Ngangelizwe then called Menziwa and gave him additional land as a bonus, from the ridges of Mjanyana to the ridges of Lunda encompassing the following six locations: Xonya, Mqonci, Ngqutura, Cwecweni, Chaba and Nxamagele. Menziwa then gave the land to his great son Pokwana, Ah!! Mlindazwe. When Pokwana left UmBashee heading for the new home (Ngqutura) he was accompanied by: Jijingubo (a Zizi), Hlubi, Mazimela and Shiyindlala (a Miya), Mxwayo (Tshezi of Tenza designation) and Mkrweqe Jija (a Tolo).
When Xabadiya, son of Mkhuli, came of age, Chief Menziwa went to King Ngangelizwe to ask for land for him. He explained that Xabadiya was second son from the great house Mkhuli and was granted land in Mbholompo. Xabadiya’s genealogy is as follows:
Mkhuli l___________________ Xabadiya Menziwa l Nqweniso l Chanciso l Mdalu l Jonguxolo l Viwe
It is said that the whites, when there was conflicts, would recruit chief’s sons with their armies. Aparently there was some conflict that Mcpahukisi was recruited into and as abantwana beenkosi they were promised land afterwards. He was then rewarded with the land in Tabase. His house descends as follows:
Menziwa ___________l____________________
l l Pokwana Mbande
_______________________________l_____ l l Mlotsana Mcaphukisi l
Grababa Krokrani
l l Dadeni Joluvalo l Nezile
Dlamini’s right hand son was Sibakhulu, whose great son was Kuze. The successor of Kuze was to be one of the two twins, Tolo and Zizi.
When twins came of age and the question of appointing an heir had arisen, the matter was settled in an essentially primitive fashion.
The day of the ceremony was the same day as the first fruit celebration (ukushwama). Kuze called the twins before him and gave them separate instructions as to how they would have to act on the occasion.
Addressing Tolo he said, “You are to take this root and chew it, then take a piece of pumpkin and likewise chew it. Then take a bite on this black substance (imsizi) chew it and swallow it.”
Zizi was given the same instructions and in addition to Zizi he said, “You are to dance facing the rising sun and then the setting sun”.
Zizi was thereupon proclaimed the heir to the succession. However, that contest brought war to the brothers and from that day the twins separated each one rulling over his own adherents.
Zizi’s territory started at the upper Klip river, the boundary proceeding from that point to the sources of the Tugela and then along the foot of the drakensburg to the Bushman’s river. All these tribes, Tolos AmaZizi, AmaBhele, AmaKuze and Intlangwini have always been closely related and continued to prove their common origin by the use of the same salutation “DLAMINI”.
Zizi’s great son was Ngobonde. Ngubonde gave birth to Langa (main house), Lamyeni (right hand house) and Jama (minor house). It is said that even before the year 1800 the territoty of Zizi was divided into two with Langa ruling his people on one side of the Tugela River and Lamyeni doing likewise on the other side of the river. Nothing is recorded about Jama being a chief that far back in time. It is said that the chieftaincy of Langa, his only descendants who were traceable from Tugela to the Cape, was later disbanded when Mdingi (the heir) died before he could bare any boys. History tells us that he was killed in the battle of iZembe eNgqushwa in 1846 (source: RT Kawa). We, however, were still able to trace the house of Langa and its genealogy down to present days. We know Langa to have descended as follows:
Zizi Ngubonde Langa Magodla Satshana Mdlakude Mtabane Mpange Mlubi Nqubeni Pukula
Langa’s brother from the Right Hand House, Lamyeni and his descendants, managed to hold on to their chieftaincy and a lot of their history was recorded during their encounters with other tribes as they pressed further down to Thembuland. We can trace it from their departure in their ancestral land in eThukela, due to imfecane, their encounter with amaMphondo of Faku, their arrival in Thembuland and their involvement in battles such as Nongxokozelo. These encounters are unpacked in point 5 below.
AmaZizi of Lamyeni’s side descended as follows:
Dlamini 1 (d. 1527) Sibalukhulu Kuze Zizi Ngubonde (d. 1674) Lamyeni Ngxibiniboya Mtatela Ntondwa Ndunakazi Ndosi Lunika Mkhuli Zangashe (Mavumengwana.) Xabadiya Menziwa (born +/-1785 Nqweniso Pokwana (born +/- 1820 Tefa (Khalana: +/- born 1846)
Maseti (MH – born +/-1850 Qayiso (Rt.H – born +/- 1864
Mdumiso Moses (Gwebindlala) 1904 Moriati Ngangomzi (A! Jongunhlaba) 1949 Sabelo (born +/- 1949 Zuko (A! Jongisilo) 1978
NB: Khalana, elder borther of Masethi, drowned before his rite-of-passage in Bashee, Mthatha.
In his book, Ibali LamaMfengu, Richard Tainton Kawa explained a lot about clans that were also under/ together with amaZizi. It then becomes difficult to find a precise conncetion of some of these clans to Zizi himself even though some of them still fall under the rule of amaZizi chiefs, e.g. in Ngutura: amaTshetshengwana, iNdlovu ka Langa, amaMiya, amaTolo, amaGoqolo etc. RT Kawa says all these people are / were and have always been part of amaZizi.
He explains:
AmaPolane and amaPetla were amaZizi long ago. They were amongst the very first groups of people to leave Tugela and climb Drakensburg Mountains towards Lesotho.
Tenza/ Tshezi: It is said the very first amaZizi to leave Tugela and get into Lesotho. They were originally located near the Tugela Falls. They must have left around the year 1600.
AmaMfene: NgamaZizi akwaMalukazi ozalwa nguTenza. History says they were dubbed Batsoeneng because their tribal emblem (indwe) was made of a baboon skin.
AmaTshetshengwana: these are said to be amaZizi descending from the house of eSikalweni, who descended from Njokweni 1. Most of these people were swallowed by the abeSotho as abeMbo were departing from Tugela.
5. Migration of AmaZizi from near Tugela
During the rein of Tshaka, which lasted for sixteen years from 1812 to 1832, Mfecane wars broke out. All tribes that were undesired were severely attacked and driven away. The same applied to AmaZizi, who were at the time under the rule of Chief Mkhuli, father of Mavumengwana and Xabadiya. The right hand house of Lunika was Zangashe who was presumably dead at the time. However, Zangashe’s great son Menziwa was with Chief Mkhuli.
5.1 Imfazwe yamaZizi namaMpondo
As AmaZizi extended further south, they got to Pondoland during the rein of Faku. A battle between AmaZizi and AmaMpondo broke out and people died from both sides near Umzimvubu river. Chief Mkhuli and his heir son Mavumengwana died together with a Thembu chief of Qudeni by the name of Mkhubukeli.
Njokweni, also a Zizi, was seen taking over the chieftainship imixhaka at the death of Chief Mkhuli and his heir son and there was a big quarrel between AmaZizi. Njokweni then decided to take his adherents and extended southwards along the coast. Chief Menziwa took over AmaZizi akwa Lamyeni and pressed downwards. Chief Menziwa was from the Right Hand House of Chief Lunika. The rightful heir, Xabadiya, was reportedly young at the time.
5.2 Chief Menziwa in Thembuland
Chief Menziwa pressed on until he got to BaThembu Royal Place in Queenstown, the present ruler there was King Ndabazenyamakazi, son of Zondwa of Tato of Madiba of Hala. Menziwa must have been same age as Ngubengcuka, son of Ndabazenyamakazi, and his great son Chief Pokwana is thought to have neen same age as King Sarili of amaGcaleka and Mtikrakra, father of King Ngangelizwe (Qheya).
King Ngangelizwe’s praises, as remembered and passed on by elders, went as follows:
Ngumaxhela inkunzi ayitye namarhola Ulanga laphuma enkindle kwasomtsewu Zagcakamela zonke izilwane Undaba ngaye bayashumayezana abakwaGcaleka tata nabasemaMpondweni
Menziwa was warmly welcome by abaThembu and recognized as a chief. He was consequently given land with his AmaZizi tribe. AmaZizi widened and continued to spread because the land was still uninhabited. They went on until they got to Zingqayi, between Butterworth and Ngqamakwe.
Chief Menziwa then decided to go back to the Thembu Royal Place, recalling that on his arrival from Tugela he was warmly welcomed by the AbaThembu. At the time the Thembu King was Ngubengcuka, son of King Ndaba. He was then given land including these areas: UmThentu, Rhune, Gqutyini, Gxwalibomvu, and Bityi.
When Xabadiya came of age, Chief Menziwa asked for land to locate him. Xabadiya was then located at Mbholompo where his succession still rules today. Not too long afterwards a war broke out between AmaGcaleka and abaThembu.
Chief Menziwa had many wives. In the olden days many chiefs used to have about five wives namely: indlu enkulu; iqadi lendlu enkulu; ubunene; iqadi lasekunene; ixhiba.
By his eighth wife Chief Menziwa descended as follows:
l_______________ l 1. Phindiso 2. Mahonono _____________________________l______ l l l l 1.Mgwedane
Jongimpendulo Mandi Fudumele 2. Jabavu
l l l 3. Matini
Ndindi etc 1. Mzwandile Tatakhe
l l Khayakethu Skobho l Lukholo
Jongimpengulo’s house, birth name Nkebenkebana, is as follows:
Menziwa l Phindiso l Jongimpendulo __________________l____________________ l l Ndindi, Tsiyotsiyo, Doyoyo Mhlahlo, Lunga l l 1. Sebenzile (had no issue)
For the purpose of the reader, we would like to clarify once again that Menziwa was not a descendant of Jama, as RT Kawa put him in his book. We believe that Kawa knew this clearly but might have made a genuine error in his book “Ibali lamaMfengu” on P10. Menziwa is a Zizi, just like descendants of Jama, but he descends from Lamyeni, Jama’s brother.
PICTURE of Menziwa’s grave
6. (1) Nongxokozelo War 1875
In 1870 Nomkhafulo (Novili), a daughter of Kreli (King Sarili- Gcaleka), wife to King Ngangelizwe and mother of Dalinyebo, was brutally trashed by her husband and when she sustained a broken leg, she dragged herself to the nearby kraal of Chief Menziwa of amaZizi. She was then taken to Sigidi’s place, chief of amaMbende at Cizela and later taken to Qora, her father’s home. Sarili (Kreli) then reported the incident to European settler and Resident at the Ntlambe, Willian Fynn. Ngangelizwe according to the Gcalekas was fined eighty head of cattle, “although the English documents say the fine was fourty head”. When Novili ran away from Ngangilizwe she left behind her maidservant (impelesi), Nongxokozelo. In his violent temper Ngangelizwe stabbed the maid to death. When this was reported to Kreli he said Ngangelizwe must produce his child, Nongxokozelo. This was impossible. Kreli then refered the matter to the Europeans and asked to be given permission to reprimand Ngangelizwe. He was then permitted on the condition that he did not pass the upper ridges of Bashee.
Chief Menziwa, reportedly, had vowed that he would never fight against King Kreli owing to the brutal treatment that the princess (Novili) was receiving from King Ngangelizwe. For that reason he was driven away by King Ngangelizwe and took refuge at Idutywa. He was then taken back to his land by Military Authorities. (JH Soga) History also says that at some undertermined number of meetings held at The Thembu Great Place, King Ngangelizwe was usually witnessed illtreating his wife. At one of these meetings Pokwana, great sone of Chief Menziwa, arrived late and to his supprise the meeting had not started yet. On his arrival he was told that the King was bitting up his wife inside the house. Pokwana refused to intervene to the most feared King claiming that the king, although younger than him, had no respect for elders. Upon being begged continually, and being told that at the time he was the only one the king still listened to, he eventually gave up and went in. His intervention came in handy.
However, when the war eventually broke out Chief Menziwa was on King Ngangelizwe’s side presumably because he couldn’t watch abaThembu who had given him refuge being attacked by an outsider. Chief Menziwa’s forces took up position on the ridges overlooking the Tyalara and Buwa on both sides. According to the information obtained from Gewbindlala Moses Menziwa, great grandson of Chief Menziwa, AmaZizi closed two drifts, namely Nomngqingo and Mawela.
From the Gcaleka forces and division under Ngubo, son of Malashe, was ordered to attack Menziwa whose forces had gone around the Ntsilana stream and had occupied Ntsilana ridge. King Kreli, with AmaVelelo and AmaBangqo was engaged with Thembus at Mthentu stream.
“The sound of the (AmaZizi) fingo guns betokened (indicated or suggested) heavy fighting in that direction and King Kreli dispatched one of his wings to go on Ngubo’s assistance”. JH Soga, South Eastern Bantu.
The backup force had to attack AmaZizi from behind and so they came up Tyalara road. AmaZizi were then surrounded with the back up force pressing the attack and gaining the ridge. Ngubo’s men drove AmaZizi into the arms of the Gcalekas in the rear. AmaZizi immediately broke up and ran going up Bashee. They were badly cut up and prevented from rejoining with King Ngangelizwe. However Gcalekas had severe losses too.
MH MH RtH1 RtH2 Intlangwini
Dlamini 1 Sibalukhulu Kuze Lunqgi Zizi Mvumbi Tiba Ngubonde Menywa Mabandla Langa Lamyeni Jama Ndlovu Mengcwa & Mrwebi Cubungulashe Magodla Ngxibiniboya Sijadu Mzabane Gasa Satshana Mtatela Nomane Ngonyama Nombewu Mdlakude Ntondwa Gwili Nguza & Gobingca Fodo Bhengela Mtabane Ndunakazi Dweba Dulini Mdungazwe Mpange Ndosi Xenge Hlabathi Mlubi Lunika Madwalisa Mzimbili Nqubeni Mkhuli Zangashe Makhalima Pukula (Mavumengw.) Xabadiya Menziwa Wulani Nqweniso Pokwana Tefa Maseti Mdumiso Moriati Sabelo
INKCUKACHA NEMINOMBE YOMZI KA NDOSI: © 2007 by Zuko Pokwana A! Jongisilo
Lunika Mashiya Mcebi 1. Mkhuli 2. Zangashe Mjakuja Maphuthuma Gubhuza Ngcotsho Nkowane Matokazi Mehlathi Balani Khuza Moldini Zengezile
NB: Khuza Mvubu, Nogononda, Ndothusile
Zangashe 1. Menziwa 2. Mthwesi
1. Pokwana 2. Sogwangqa Maweni Mbande
Veliso Sthethi indlu enkulu nobunene buka Pokwana Pokwana
MH RH 1. Masethi 2. Dick 3. Bangani Qayiso Mduniso Mntwaphantsi Gwebindlala Moriat 1, Mute 2. Zalisile 3. Bhokleni 4. Zondekile Ngangomzi Mlandeli Zolile
Zithobile 2. Nyathela 3. Nto Zuko, Axolile Thobela Thembisile
NB:Qayiso had two brothers: Makhawula and James.
(1. Qayiso) 2. Makhawula 3. James
Aron Gxukwana Mkokoko Gedion Daglas Makwezi Makwezana
Ntsikelelo Sindi Monwabisi
1. Mlamleli 2. Mzoli 3. Ndoda 4.Mbuyiseli 5. Andile Siyambonga Mncedisi Zamile Alungile & Maxhoba
iqadi lendlu enkulu neqadi lasekunene
iqadi le MH iqadi le RH Namba Qikani Bhinase Bhotya Mthi 1. Qhubilanga 2. Mnkazana 3. Xhalisile 4. Thozamile Ndiki, Bhido Ndo, Yayini Bhozoyi 1. Mazizi 2. Mnise 3. Nkosayiphatwa Sony
NB: The first son of Bhotya from his first wife was Langalitshoni
Mdumiso Gunuza Moriati Mvakwendlu Mvulankulu Mvusi Mafumba Mava Sabelo Sithembele Bonile, Fundile Lizwe Monwabisi Dyakopu Vukile & Godas & Bim
NB: Ixhiba lika Pokwana (the fifth house): Magenge Congress Mninawa