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User:Hypnôs/sandbox/List of pharaonic tombs

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Early Dynastic Period

Sites of early dynastic pharaonic tombs
Pharaonic tombs at Umm El Qa'ab
Tomb name Type Pharaoh Site Region Ref
Dynasty 0
Tomb U-j Mastaba Scorpion I Umm El Qa'ab Abydos [1]
B0/1/2 Mastaba Iry-Hor Umm El Qa'ab Abydos [1]
B7/9 Mastaba Ka Umm El Qa'ab Abydos [1]
1st Dynasty
c. 2900 BC – c. 2730 BC
B17/B18 Mastaba Narmer Umm El Qa'ab Abydos [1]
13/14, B16
Mastaba Hor-Aha Umm El Qa'ab Abydos [1]
Tomb O Mastaba Djer Umm El Qa'ab Abydos [1]
Tomb Z Mastaba Djet Umm El Qa'ab Abydos [1]
Tomb Y Mastaba Merneith Umm El Qa'ab Abydos [1]
Tomb T Mastaba Den Umm El Qa'ab Abydos [1]
Tomb X Mastaba Anedjib Umm El Qa'ab Abydos [1]
Tomb U Mastaba Semerkhet Umm El Qa'ab Abydos [1]
Tomb Q Mastaba? Qa'a Umm El Qa'ab Abydos [1]
2nd Dynasty
c. 2730 BC – c. 2590 BC
Gallery Tomb B Gallery Nynetjer Saqqara Memphis [1]
Tomb P Mastaba Peribsen Umm El Qa'ab Abydos [1]
Tomb V Mastaba Khasekhemwy Umm El Qa'ab Abydos [1]

Old Kingdom

The pyramid of Djoser, the first pharaonic pyramid-tomb
The pyramids of Giza, tombs of 4th dynasty pharaohs Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure
Tomb name Type Pharaoh Site Region Ref
3rd Dynasty
c. 2592BC – c. 2544 BC
Pyramid of Djoser Step pyramid Djoser Saqqara Memphis [2]
Buried Pyramid Step pyramid
Sekhemkhet Saqqara Memphis [3]
Layer Pyramid Step pyramid Khaba Zawyet El Aryan Memphis [4]
4th Dynasty
c. 2543 BC – c. 2436 BC
Red Pyramid? Pyramid Snefru Dahshur Memphis [5]
Great Pyramid Pyramid Khufu Giza Memphis [6]
Pyramid of Djedefre Pyramid Djedefre Abu Rawash Memphis [7]
Pyramid of Khafre Pyramid Khafre Giza Memphis [8]
Pyramid of Menkaure Pyramid Menkaure Giza Memphis [9]
Pyramid of Bikheris Pyramid
Bikheris Zawyet El Aryan Memphis [10]
Mastabat al-Fir'aun Step mastaba Shepseskaf South Saqqara Memphis [10]
5th Dynasty
c. 2435 BC – c. 2306 BC
Pyramid of Userkaf Pyramid Userkaf Saqqara Memphis [11]
Pyramid of Sahure Pyramid Sahure Abusir Memphis [12]
Pyramid of Neferirkare Pyramid
Neferirkare Abusir Memphis [13]
Pyramid of Neferefre Pyramid Neferefre Abusir Memphis [14]
Pyramid of Nyuserre Pyramid Nyuserre Abusir Memphis [15]
Headless Pyramid Pyramid Menkauhor Saqqara Memphis [16]
Pyramid of Djedkare Pyramid Djedkare Saqqara Memphis [17]
Pyramid of Unas Pyramid Unas Saqqara Memphis [18]
6th Dynasty
c. 2305 BC – c. 2118 BC
Pyramid of Teti Pyramid Teti Saqqara Memphis [19]
Pyramid of Pepi I Pyramid Pepi I South Saqqara Memphis [20]
Pyramid of Merenre Pyramid Merenre South Saqqara Memphis [21]
Pyramid of Pepi II Pyramid Pepi II South Saqqara Memphis [22]

First Intermediate Period

Tomb name Type Pharaoh Site Region Ref
8th Dynasty
c. 2150 BC – c. 2118 BC
Pyramid of Qakara Ibi Pyramid Qakare Ibi South Saqqara Memphis [23]
Pyramid of Khui Pyramid Khui Dara Middle Egypt [24]
11th Dynasty
c. 2080 BC – c. 1940 BC
Tomb of Intef I Saff tomb Intef I El-Tarif Thebes [25]
Tomb of Intef II Saff tomb Intef II El-Tarif Thebes [25]
Tomb of Intef III Saff tomb Intef III El-Tarif Thebes [25]
Tomb of Mentuhotep II Saff tomb Mentuhotep II Deir el-Bahari Thebes [26]

Middle Kingdom

The Middle Kingdom Pyramid of Senusret II at El Lahun
Tomb name Type Pharaoh Site Region Ref
12th Dynasty
c. 1939 BC – c. 1760 BC
Pyramid of Amenemhat I Pyramid Amenemhat I Lisht Memphis [27]
Pyramid of Senusret I Pyramid Senusret I Lisht Memphis [28]
White Pyramid Pyramid Amenemhat II Dashur Memphis [29]
Pyramid of Senusret II Pyramid Senusret II El Lahun Faiyum [30]
Pyramid of Senusret III Pyramid Senusret III Dashur Memphis [31]
Black Pyramid Pyramid Amenemhat III Dashur Memphis [32]
Hawara pyramid Pyramid Hawara Faiyum [33]
Southern Mazghuna pyramid? Pyramid Amenemhat IV Dashur Memphis [34]
Northern Mazghuna pyramid? Pyramid Sobekneferu Dashur Memphis [34]
13th Dynasty
c. 1759 BC – c. 1630 BC
Pyramid of Ameny Qemau Pyramid Ameny Qemau Dashur Memphis [35]
Tomb of Hor Shaft Hor Dashur Memphis [36]
Pyramid of Khendjer Pyramid Userkare Khendjer South Saqqara Memphis [37]

Second Intermediate Period

Tomb name Type Pharaoh Site Region Ref
17th Dynasty
? – c. 1540 BC
Pyramid of Sobekemsaf I Pyramid Sobekemsaf I Dra' Abu el-Naga' Thebes [38]
Pyramid of Intef V Pyramid Intef V Dra' Abu el-Naga' Thebes [38]
Pyramid of Intef VI Pyramid Intef VI Dra' Abu el-Naga' Thebes [38]

New Kingdom

The Valley of the Kings, burial place of most New Kingdom pharaohs
Interior of the Tomb of Tutankhamun (KV62)
Tomb name Type Pharaoh Site Region Ref
18th Dynasty
c. 1539 BC – c. 1292 BC
Tomb ANB?
Rock-cut Amenhotep I Valley of the Kings
Dra' Abu el-Naga'
KV20, KV38 Rock-cut Thutmose I Valley of the Kings Thebes
KV42? Rock-cut Thutmose II Valley of the Kings Thebes
KV20 Rock-cut Hatshepsut Valley of the Kings Thebes
KV34 Rock-cut Thutmose III Valley of the Kings Thebes
KV35 Rock-cut Amenhotep II Valley of the Kings Thebes
KV43 Rock-cut Thutmose IV Valley of the Kings Thebes
KV22 Rock-cut Amenhotep III Valley of the Kings Thebes
Royal Tomb
of Akhenaten
Rock-cut Akhenaten
(=Amenhotep IV)
Royal Wadi Amarna
KV55? Rock-cut Akhenaten?
Valley of the Kings Thebes
KV62 Rock-cut Tutankhamun Valley of the Kings Thebes
KV23 Rock-cut Ay Valley of the Kings Thebes
KV57 Rock-cut Horemheb Valley of the Kings Thebes
19th Dynasty
1292 BC – 1191 BC
KV16 Rock-cut Ramesses I Valley of the Kings Thebes
KV17 Rock-cut Seti I Valley of the Kings Thebes
KV7 Rock-cut Ramesses II Valley of the Kings Thebes
KV8 Rock-cut Merneptah Valley of the Kings Thebes
KV15 Rock-cut Seti II Valley of the Kings Thebes
KV10 Rock-cut Amenmesse Valley of the Kings Thebes
KV47 Rock-cut Siptah Valley of the Kings Thebes
KV14 Rock-cut Twosret Valley of the Kings Thebes
20th Dynasty
1190 BC – 1070 BC
KV14 Rock-cut Setnakhte Valley of the Kings Thebes
KV11 Rock-cut Ramesses III Valley of the Kings Thebes
KV2 Rock-cut Ramesses IV Valley of the Kings Thebes
KV9 Rock-cut Ramesses V,
Ramesses VI
Valley of the Kings Thebes
KV1 Rock-cut Ramesses VII Valley of the Kings Thebes
KV6 Rock-cut Ramesses IX Valley of the Kings Thebes
KV18 Rock-cut Ramesses X Valley of the Kings Thebes
KV4 Rock-cut Ramesses XI Valley of the Kings Thebes

Third Intermediate Period

Nuri pyramids
Tomb name Type Pharaoh(s) Site Region Ref
21st Dynasty
1076 BC – 944 BC
NRT III Psusennes I
Tanis Nile Delta
NRT IV Amenemope Tanis Nile Delta
22nd Dynasty
943 BC – c. 746 BC
NRT III Shoshenq II Tanis Nile Delta
Osorkon II Tanis Nile Delta
NRT V Shoshenq III Tanis Nile Delta
NRT III Shoshenq IV Tanis Nile Delta
NRT II Pami Tanis Nile Delta
25th Dynasty
722 BC – c. 655 BC
Ku.1 Pyramid Piye El-Kurru Kush, Nubia
Ku.18 Pyramid Shebitku El-Kurru Kush, Nubia
Ku.15 Pyramid Shabaka El-Kurru Kush, Nubia
Nu.1 Pyramid Taharqa Nuri Kush, Nubia
Ku.16 Pyramid Tantamani El-Kurru Kush, Nubia

Late Period

Locations of pharaonic tombs of the Late Period
Tombs of Persian pharaohs at Naqsh-e Rustam
Tomb name Type Pharaoh Site Region Ref
27th Dynasty
525 BC – 404 BC
Tomb of Darius Rock-cut Darius the Great Naqsh-e Rostam Persepolis, Iran
Tomb of Xerxes Rock-cut Xerxes I Naqsh-e Rostam Persepolis, Iran
Tomb of Artaxerxes Rock-cut Artaxerxes I Naqsh-e Rostam Persepolis, Iran
Tomb of Darius II Rock-cut Darius II Naqsh-e Rostam Persepolis, Iran
29th Dynasty
399 BC – 380 BC
Tomb of Nepherites Nepherites I Mendes Nile Delta [39]

Hellenistic Period

Tomb of Alexander IV
Tomb name Type Pharaoh Site Region Ref
Argead Dynasty
332 BC – 304 BC
Tomb of Alexander the Great Alexander the Great Memphis Memphis
Latter tomb of
Alexander the Great
Alexandria Nile Delta
Tomb of Philip III Philip III of Macedon Vergina Greece
Tomb III Alexander IV of Macedon Vergina Greece
Ptolemaic dynasty
305 BC – 30 BC
Tomb of Ptolemy VII Ptolemy VIII Physcon Ptolemais Libya
Tomb of Antony and Cleopatra Cleopatra VII Alexandria Nile Delta
Tomb of Arsinoe IV Arsinoe IV Ephesus Turkey

Roman Egypt

The Mausoleum of Augustus
Tomb name Type Pharaoh Site Region Ref
Roman pharaohs
30 BC – 313 AD
Mausoleum of Augustus Mausoleum Augustus Rome Italy
Mausoleum of the Domitii Mausoleum Nero Rome Italy
Tomb of Otho Otho Brixellum Italy
Mausoleum of Augustus Mausoleum Nerva Rome Italy
Trajan's Column Column Trajan Rome Italy
Mausoleum of Hadrian Mausoleum Hadrian Rome Italy
Antoninus Pius
Lucius Verus
Marcus Aurelius
Septimius Severus
Mausoleum of Galerius Mausoleum Galerius Felix Romuliana Serbia


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o Engel 2008, p. 37-40.
  2. ^ Lehner 1997, p. 84-93.
  3. ^ Lehner 1997, p. 94.
  4. ^ Lehner 1997, p. 95.
  5. ^ Lehner 1997, p. 104-105.
  6. ^ Lehner 1997, p. 108-114.
  7. ^ Lehner 1997, p. 120-121.
  8. ^ Lehner 1997, p. 122-126.
  9. ^ Lehner 1997, p. 134-137.
  10. ^ a b Lehner 1997, p. 139.
  11. ^ Lehner 1997, p. 140-141.
  12. ^ Lehner 1997, p. 142-144.
  13. ^ Lehner 1997, p. 144-145.
  14. ^ Lehner 1997, p. 146-148.
  15. ^ Lehner 1997, p. 148-149.
  16. ^ Lehner 1997, p. 153.
  17. ^ Lehner 1997, p. 153-154.
  18. ^ Lehner 1997, p. 154-155.
  19. ^ Lehner 1997, p. 156.
  20. ^ Lehner 1997, p. 157-159.
  21. ^ Lehner 1997, p. 160-161.
  22. ^ Lehner 1997, p. 161-163.
  23. ^ Lehner 1997, p. 164.
  24. ^ Lehner 1997, p. 164-165.
  25. ^ a b c Lehner 1997, p. 165.
  26. ^ Lehner 1997, p. 166-167.
  27. ^ Lehner, 1997 & 168-169.
  28. ^ Lehner, 1997 & 170-173.
  29. ^ Lehner & 1997 174.
  30. ^ Lehner & 1997 175.
  31. ^ Lehner, 1997 & 177-179.
  32. ^ Lehner, 1997 & 179-181.
  33. ^ Lehner, 1997 & 181-183.
  34. ^ a b Lehner, 1997 & 184-185.
  35. ^ Lehner & 1997 185.
  36. ^ Morgan, Jacques de (1894). Fouilles a Dahchour. pp. 89–105. doi:10.11588/diglit.4188.
  37. ^ Lehner, 1997 & 186-187.
  38. ^ a b c Lehner, 1997 & 188-189.
  39. ^ Arnold, Dieter (1999). Temples of the last Pharaohs. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. pp. 102. ISBN 978-0-19-512633-4.

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