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Five nights At Freddys Fandom NamesFnafanatorsThe term "Fnafanator" is a name that is used by fans of the Five Nights at Freddys game series as a label for themselves to indicate the fact that they are deeply in love with and have invested a large portion of their lives to this fictional universe. The first part of the word, Fnaf, is the abbreviation of the games full title, while the anator part was used because animatronics are often associated with robots. In most fictional works, when anator is added to the end of something, it is more often than not a highly technological piece of equipment or -even more commonly- a robot.FnafatatorsThe term "Fnafatator" is much like Fnafanator but much less commonly used. It is used by people with, not only a passion of Five Nights at Freddys, but also potatoes.