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User:Hundunsoup/SchizoPoP Manifesto

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SchizoPoP Manifesto is a series of experimental and multidisciplinary works, collages and mash-ups created and developed by poet, performer, visual artist and cultural agitator Henrik Aeshna circa 2000 and later spread as posters, postcards and wall tags across Europe, in the US and South America , and characterized by the artist(s) storming the most unpredictable places, from public toilets to galleries, from streetcorners to laundromats and bars, and then reading, dancing, parodying, displaying experimental films, mixing songs, taking pictures, etc.

History of SchizoPoP Manifesto




A priori, the term schizopop first appeared in Aeshna's collages poems ( or as the artist puts it, "Collage Monster" ), and it has since served to define part of the experimental creative code developed by him throughout his works, with strong associations with his former manifesto BOOM. Actually, the term "schizopop" ( also "schizo pop" or schizo-pop" ) has nothing to do with any specific conceit, style, genre or sub-genre of this or that, but rather an instinctive way of cannibalizing and rearranging global codes and references ( from cutting up reality fragments and media material to copulating with apparently different realities, whatever media is used, from poetry to painting, dance, performance art, cinema and parody, and mixing it all up into a new piece or performance ) in order to recreate other possibilities and correspondences, and with the aim of deconstructing pop clichés and established codes, in short, a hallucinating state of mind whose fuel is provocation, spontaneity, fluxus, or as Aeshna highlights: "a new pyromaniac poetry, vibrant and cannibal - a semiotic soup, a twister-meltingpot pregnant with multiple correspondences, somnambulism & carnival, lipstick & vandalism, black sheep schizo samba, unusual chrysalis, incests, amalgams ". In fact, what distinguishes the schizopop aesthetics from other collage-based disciplines is Aeshna's particular poetic sense itself, described by him as "incests" or "zoophilia of words and apparently distinct realities", so creating a fascinating universe where banal images kidnapped from media mass copulate with chaotically loose short phrases, poems, songs, children's scribbles - nearly all Aeshna's works are permeated with children-like scribbles and schizophrenic syntatic disconjunctions, as well as torn papers and books.

SchizoPoP Manifesto's latest stunts have been described as "SCHIZOPoP CABARET, or live video sessions featuring nude bodies, cello bass & dub shamanoise ( another aeshnean term ), mixing it all up with the sonic-visual deliriums of Stan Brackhage, Jack Smith, Shuji Terayama, Sainkho, FREE JAZZ, Butoh, [[noise]], silence, French songs, tribal, dervish rock, glossolalias & all gnarling hell breaking loose - SCHIZOPoP poetry w/ bits of possession, shockolates & red wine thrown in.", as some have said it is “a hybrid rebel grandson of Dada-Surrealism and son of Fluxus and Punk-Situationism, but who decided to defy his parents and escape from home for they’ve become predictable intellectual totalitarians, unbearably boring, blasé and bureaucratic – but not before burning the house down”.

During a live assault Aeshna said "SchizoPoP Manifesto is not another discourse or an aesthetic movement as we understand it, but rather an explosion of the senses, an insurrection of desire taking shape. The world itself and culture are an unconscious SchizoPoP, and SchizoPoP Manifesto is kinda Collage Monster that can alchemize everything around into a new language, a new pyromaniac poetry, vibrant and cannibal. SchizoPoP loves contrasts and its only discourse is TOTAL FREEDOM & Give Art an ORGASM, as all the rest is frigid monkeypissing Blablaism. Don't ever try to cathegorize it into a pre-determined etymological chain or whatever; a priori, it's a nomad, a trickster which can explode itself before it gets trapped to further reappearing on another stage, intense and possessed, or flaring up on the lips of a mischievous child. SchizoPoP is a newborn baby, fresh and raw, ludicrous, cruel, experimental & mad, and is the Now”.



SchizoPoP Manifesto on Lazy Gramophone Press, London, UK
