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User:Hostile Amish

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Just an important note: I am not Hostile Amish from MySpace.

Message of the Day: Stay in Milk, Don't do school, and Drink your Drugs.

Leonhard Euler
Painting credit: Jakob Emanuel Handmann; restored by Bammesk

If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be called Reasearch.

— Albert Einstien

{{Quotation| Arthur Raymond Hannah IV was born on June 27th 1985 at 8:12 a.m. At that same very moment The Moon, The Sun, Mars, and Venus all alighned together to send a birthmark on his right thigh. That was the last time his biological family would ever see him. The doctors told his parents he died due to birthing complications BUT HE DIDN'T. He was actually abducted by a clan of Brazilian Transvestite Werewolf Nijas. Where he learned the art of vanishing, seduction, and fast paced shaving. His early childhood story inspired Mettallica's ...And Justice For All album and it is rumored that Milli Vanilli's Blame it on the Rain was inspired by Arthur's first assanation attempt on Fidel Castro. Arthur was recruited into the CIA at age nine. After two minutes of being part of the CIA he broke into their evidence room and stole every narcotic under the sun and fled to Ireland. At age fifteen He owned all of Ireland from his mad hustling skill. He was also Knighted by the Queen of England for his great breakdancing teqchnique. He was last seen on the Isle of Dr. Monroew

I decided to change the idea of this group I had started. I would be proud of what I was in the underground community and not only when telling people in my "real" life about it. The DHC got revised. Only users with real credentials would be members: they would be subject to regular meetings via IRC chat channels or encrypted messenger services. The crew got refined, less than ten members at any given time. People joined up who knew people. These people would invite people they knew and so the DHC became an actual hacking, cracking, phreaking, crew. My nickname Roke was however getting into trouble. I had started shit with people who you shouldn't start shit with. I tracked IRC cops, snitches and FBI agents. I then released this info to the masses through global messages and mass emails. I decided I would do as I pleased online. Cocky behavior got the best of me. Some pranks I pulled were creating my own AOL keywords (mostly about how to exploit AOL services), then global messaging everyone I could on AOL to visit them. I hacked AOL accounts changing info and such. I did a lot of stupid pranks. Mass kicking people off line, mail bombing, flooding, and nuking servers. These are things respectable hackers do not do! This is a big nono, not only will you be thought of as a lamer which fancies himself as a 31it3 d00d (Elite Dude). It is also against everything a hacker stands for.

The way I got out of these fates was simple I would resign as the dhc founder, cancel all my affiliations and memberships with other crews and pass my DHC founder position to the most respected and most talented hacker I could of ever met. His name was Super Axe Hacker. He took over and Roke went away. Little did my crew or anyone else knows that I was both Super Axe Hacker and Roke. I confused the obvious by cloning myself. In crew meetings I would spoof my IP address and make it appear that Super Axe and Roke were connecting from two different locations and two different states. Meanwhile I talked for both of them sometimes talking to myself to keep the charade up. I chose the name from the Dr. Seuss book "The Lorax" plus I thought it sounded cool. I soon shortened it to Saxe and the DHC members soon decided to change the name of the crew now that Roke was gone. The new crew minus a few old dhc members would be called SysRq, which stood for System Request. The crew was the best I had ever been in, members with talent and knowledge. I knew non-of them needed this crew but I also knew we all wanted it. The line up was pretty good in my opinion. Sonic_Borg a kid from the UK knew a bit about everything. [[Linux], bsd, proxy, telnet. If I didn't know, I would ask him. He was what a hacker was supposed to be; very security minded. Mr.B1onde had an unfamiliar nick. The most he had to offer was knowing everything about web programming. Html and Java isn't what I'm talking about C+ and VB were useful in knowing how web servers were running. He also designed some nice sites. Phorzen_Entry was another new kid. He mostly chatted and ran exploits on NT servers to knock down web sites. Last is Stealth Killa. He had an edge, which I still don't understand. I could give him a nickname and within a week he would come back with the real name, home address, home phone, and any other information he could find. This was extremely useful when getting into wars with other crews. For example how would you feel if you said something egotistical like "I will take down your whole crew lamer." And I replied "really -their real name-? Don't you live in -real-home-address-?" This was an extremely effective scare tactic. SysRq had been formed and was a real force to reckon with.

DHC Web Attack - Archive Listing - Provided by ZONE H Defacement Mirror |WTF of the week|}}

Cogito Ergo Sum - I think, therefore I am.

I will attempt to 'fill in the blanks' here on Wikipedia. If you have any comments or suggestions about my editing on Wikipedia, please drop a note.

I am also on the Wikipedia Typo Team, and will correct typos whenever I can.