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File:Valorant Cover Art.jpg
Developer(s) Riot Games
Publisher(s) Riot Games
Director(s) * David Nottingham * Joe Ziegler
Producer(s) * Anna Donlon * John Goscicki
Designer(s) * Trevor Romleski * Salvatore Garozzo
Programmer(s) * Paul Chamberlain * Dave Heironymus * David Straily
Artist(s) Moby Francke
Composer(s) Jesse Harlin
Engine Unreal Engine 4
Platform(s) Windows
Release June 2, 2020
Genre(s) * Hero shooter * Tactical shooter
Mode(s) Multiplayer

Valorant, a free to play first-person tactical shooter video game developed and published through Riot Games for windows. Development of the game began in 2014, a closed beta period with limited access was available on April 7, 2020, followed by a release on June 2, 2020. The game released with an initial selection of 5 agents (Brimstone, Sage, Sova, Jett, and Phoenix) through beta. Come the actual release of the game there was an added 5 agents, forming a total 10 on release.

The game as of today carries a current total of 20 agents available to play in the game.

- There are 4 different role categories in the name in which the agents are categorized into: Duelists, Sentinels, Initiator, and Controller

Role Categories


Roles are the different classes each agent is grouped in, these classes determine what each agents abilities are meant for and what the agent is used for. The 4 different roles : Duelists. Sentinels, Initiators, and Controllers.



A duelists role is to be a "self-sufficient fragger" (the aim being to get kills for the team), as Riot describes. Duelists are meant to be the 'entry squad', the players who get their other teammates on site, making space for teammates to get on and take the site. Duelist players should be expected to have the most kills, entry and take space for their team, make first contact, and so forth. Expect to get trash talked if you instalock (immediately select) a duelist character and perform poorly.



Sentinels are “defensive expert" players, they have the abilities/utility in which allows them to lock down areas and watch flanks, both on attack and defender rounds. Sentinels carry abilities (slows, trips, mollies, etc.) that allow them to slow down enemies and stop or delay their pushes. These players are known as 'support players'



Initiator players jobs are to challenge angles by setting up their team to enter contested ground and push defenders away with their utility/abilities (flashes, location reveals, etc.) These agents often excel on the offensive, setting up their teammates for success by "flashing" (blinding) the enemies allowing people to push up and get what should be an easy kill and site take.



Controllers are player experts in “slicing up dangerous territory for their team.” This usually comes in the form of smokes, which can be used to offensively or defensively block off the enemies vision but also slows, stuns, and in some cases, flashes. Controllers should be expected top block off enemy openings from their defense or their attack this helps delay and/or stop them from committing a push onto a site.

The ground rule is that all roles are just as important as the next, for a valuable and useful team comp it would be smart to have at least one of each rule on a team, this allowing for at least one player for each asset necessary. The roles have what they excel, but it's better to work off and alongside one another and other rules for easy gameplay and an easy win.

Valorant Agents


All Valorant agents go by a codename (ex; Brimstone, Sage, etc.) The game has since release been revealing the real names of characters a few at a time. Each agent also has their own lore (backstory) that the game also tells and adds to a few at a time as well (through the game or through videos, cinematic visuals, and snippets released through YouTube).

All agents have the same amount of abilities (3 main abilities alongside their 4th -- their ultimate (ult for short), this ability is a special one that is earned throughout rounds.) Each character has a different amount of points before they retrieve their ultimate, these points can be earned through various things within the game (planting the spike, defusing the spike, kills, etc.)

Brimstone (1)


Real Name : Liam Bryne

Brimstone (American) is one of the original 5 agents open for players since Beta, the original one at that known as Agent 1. Classified as a controller and the leader of the agent roster, Brimstone carries abilities such as: 3 smokes, a molly, and stim beacon. His abilities assist in blocking off enemy vision, delay/stop an enemy from an action with his molly, and boost himself and allies with the stim beacon (increases speed, bullet speed, and damage). Brimstone's ultimate allows him to drop something like a bomb in a certain radius at any spot on the map.

Sage (2)


Real Name : Ling Ying Wei

Sage (Chinese) is also among the original 5 agents since Beta, Sage is a sentinel (support) character essential towards healing her allies (infinite, regenerating after 40 seconds of use) and even having the ability to resurrect them (ultimate). Her other abilities are her slow which are to delay enemies and her wall which also delays enemies, blocking them off, but can be broken and shot down.

Sova (3)


Real Name : Sasha Novikov

Sova (Russian) with the 5 original agents since Beta release is an initiator, his abilities allow him to scout and tag enemies for his team. His abilities include: his recon (location) dart which reveal the enemies open to the arrow (comes back after 40 seconds), enemies can break this dart. Shock darts which do damage to enemies it hits, and his owl (drone) which he can control and look through also assisting in scouting enemies. Sova's ultimate allows him to shoot his bow 3 times through walls at a long range distance dealing damage to the players in it's line of target.

Jett (4)


Real Name : Sunwoo Han

Jett (South Korea) included in the original 5 as a duelist, her abilities heavily assisting her in being self-dependent and able to entry for her team. Jett's always been one of the strongest characters having endured many nerfs due to this--her abilities include: 2 cloudbursts (smokes) that last for a few seconds of cover, her tailwind (dash) that allows her to get away quickly in any direction (this returns after 2 kills), and 2 updrafts which propels her into the air, if you hold space when she's in the air she can hover down slowly. Jett's ultimate (blade storm) gives her 5 highly accurate knives that return after a kill (1 knife to the head, 3 to the body, 4 to the leg, and a right click kills players instantly as well, but you do not receive the knives back). Jett took the title as one of the best agents to use an operator (sniper) with as with her shot she can instantly get away.

Phoenix (5)


Real Name : Jamie Adeyemi

Phoenix (UK) the last of the 5 original agents, also a duelist whom players can utilize his fire and flash. His abilities comprise of a curveball (a flash orb) that takes a curve path, is typically used in turning corners flashing those in sight of it. He also has his blaze (a fire wall) and hot hands (a fireball thrown on the ground), both of these abilities do damage to any players touching it, but on the opposite healing Phoenix himself. Phoenix's ultimate is his 'run it back' which creates a marker where it is used, creating a duplicate of oneself with a timer (if the duplicate's timer runs out or dies player is returned to their body with complete regenerated health).

Omen (6)


Real Name : Redacted

Omen (A shadow), it is said for Omen to be a phantom of sorts, he "hunts in the shadows". Released through beta and part of initial game release agent roster as a controller--he has a blind ability, his paranoia which is a line of shadows that blinds those hit (this ability can pass through walls). His other abilities include 2 shrouded steps (teleports) which allow him to teleport to points available to him, and 2 dark covers (smokes) which are shadow orbs that block the enemies sight, one smoke regenerates after 30 seconds of use. Omen's ultimate is called 'from the shadows', his ultimate gives players a full view and access of the map for players to teleport wherever, during an Omen teleport there is a short second where players can cancel before fully committing or enemies can shoot it stopping a player from teleporting.

Viper (7)


Real Name : Sabine Callas

Viper (American) also came out during beta and was among the initial release of the game, Viper is also a controller who in comparison to Brimstone and Omen differs a bit in how she is utilized to take control of sites. Viper's ability set is made up of her toxic screen (a wall of gas) and her poison cloud (a gas orb) both using up the bar of fuel she has that needs to refill when completely used up. Both of these abilities of Viper's allow her to block off enemies vision, as well as decay enemies health when standing in the proximity of these smokes making it easier to kill them. Viper also carries 2 snake bites which are poisonous venoms that can be thrown that damage players standing in it. Her ultimate is a large cloud of smoke called 'vipers pit', enemies in this clouds' health decays to 1 and their vision is reduced (this cloud stays up as long as viper remains in it, but when she leaves and the fuel bar for it depletes entirely, the cloud does as well).

Raze (8)


Real Name : Tayane Alves

Raze (Brazilian) a duelist added in beta apart of of the initial game release group, known for the characters utilization in movement. One of Raze's abilities is her 2 blast packs that provide a boost almost like flying if used correctly, this is where the utilization of movement comes into play when on Raze. She also has her paint shells (grenade) that can be thrown to damage enemies, this ability is returned to her after 2 kills. Her boom bot is her last ability which is deployed to move in a straight line and bounce off walls, the bot locks onto and targets enemies in it's site chasing them and exploding when reaching them causing heavy damage dealt. Showstopper is Raze's ultimate which is a rocket launcher with massive area damage with its contact to anything.

Cypher (9)


Real Name : Amir El Amari

Cypher (Moroccan) is a sentinel who came out during beta as well as with the original 10 agent roster during game release. Cypher is a character that allows players to stay back on defense and defend site using his utility that delays enemies. Cypher's abilities include: his 2 cyber cages which can be tossed in front of him, this case blocks enemy vision and slows enemies who pass through it. His spycam is a camera that can be placed that allows him to take control of the cameras view, his camera lets him target enemies revealing the location of those struck by it. He also carries 2 destructible and covert trapwires, this is a line that spans between point a and point b, enemies who cross a tripwire will be tethered, revealed, and dazed after a short period if they do not destroy the device in time. All of cyphers abilities can be picked up and redeployed after a few seconds of reload time.

Breach (10)


Real Name : Erik Torsten

Breach (Swedish) the last among the added during beta and the10 agents on release, classified as an initiator. Breach has 2 flashpoints which can be flashed through a wall, blinding all players looking at it, there's also his fault line which is a seismic blast that can be charged to increase distance by holding, players in the zone of this blast will become concussed (this ability returns after 40 seconds). His aftershock is his last ability which fires a slow-acting burst through the wall causing heavy damage to whoever gets caught in the area. 'Rolling Thunder' is his ultimate, this fires a cascading quake through all of the terrain in a large cone, this quake dazes and knocks up players caught in it.

Reyna (11)


Real Name : Zyanya Mondragon

Reyna (Mexican) was the first added agent to the roster with version 1.0, June 2 2020. Reyna is a duelist who like jett was also heavily one of the stronger characters who had to endure several nerfs. Reyna is a primarily self-sufficient agent whose abilities are only of use if able to get kills--she has 2 leers (blinding eyes) that block the near sigh of all enemies who can see the eye. Her next 2 abilities are joint in uses which are 2 uses, her devour and dismiss which are both only available to use with a kill--devour allows her to regain full health and even "overheal" which replenishes shields as well, but the shields will decay after a period of time. Dismiss allows players to become invincible for a few seconds to get away from enemies (similar to a jett dash). Reyna's Ultimate is called empress, her ultimate is essentially a boost (firing speed, reload, and equip speed are all increased), she has unlimited use of her devour and dismiss combined. The time on her ultimate refreshes with each kill, but if a kill is not made within 30 seconds her ultimate form ends.

Killjoy (12)


Real Name : Klara Bohringer

Killjoy, (German) a scientist added in patch 1.05 during August of 2020, Killjoy is a sentinel who was also the first agent to debut after the game's full release. Killjoy like Cypher is able to sit back on defense and allow her utility to do the defending, Killjoy's utility comprises of her alarm bot which is placed and when enemies step into its range the box explodes it makes the targets vulnerable. Her turret fires at enemies in its sight at its consistent 180 turn, and she has 2 nanoswarms which are grenades that are placed and activated by the player dealing damage to enemies in which is in the swarms radius. All of Killjoy's abilities can be placed and picked up pre-round, but during the game only her turret and alarm bot can, however only her turret regenerates if broken by an enemy. Lockdown is her ultimate, after a long windup all enemies within the lockdown radius become detained and unable to move for a certain amount of time, this device can however be destroyed by enemies or certain agents utilities/abilities.

Skye (13)


Real Name : Kirra Foster

Skye (Australian) was the first added initiator in patch 1.11 in October of 2020, Skye is a heavy utility focused agent as her abilities not only gather information, but also assist her teammates. Skye's ability set is made up of her trailblazer, a predator (one of which most call a dog) that she is able to take control of and concuss/damage enemies targeted and jumped at. She has 2 guiding lights (flashing birds) that're fully controlled and guided by players movement, when activated the bird will flash and blind those in sight of it (1 bird is always recharged after 40 seconds of use). Her regrowth ability is what allows her to assist her teammates through healing when in range and line of sight--when her healing pool has run out however she can no longer heal. Her ultimate are her 'Seekers', as people call (cabbage patches) that are sent out and track down the nearest 3 enemies, revealing their location and nearsighting the enemies it hits (enemies can shoot them).

Yoru (14)


Real Name : Ryo Kiritani

Yoru (Japanese) released in version 2.0 of Valorant in January 2021. On initial release there was a lot of hype surrounding Yoru and players were quite disappointed when he actually came out, the agent then received major rework and buffs to his character in patch 4.04--this update to him made him more likeable and playable. Yoru has a blindside which is "an unstable dimensional fragment from reality", when this is thrown (bounced off of walls, grounds, or ceilings) it blinds those in its sight. His gatecrash ability (can be recharged with 2 kills) is a rift tether ability that can be sent forward or be placed stationary, when activated one can teleport to this opening and when used it triggers a fake teleport. Lastly is his fakeout, Yoru's fakout sends out a mirrored image of Yoru who moves in a straight line, when shot at by enemies the mirrored Yoru explodes into a flash blinding enemies. 'Dimensional Drift' is his ultimate, this ability allows players to enter another dimension going invisible where they are unable to be affected by enemies, this is good for scouting out enemies and clearing sites--when near enemies they see a signal on their screen and when within the proximity Yoru can be seen, but still invincible.

Astra (15)


Real Name : Efia Danso

Astra (Ghanaian), debuted in March 2021 with patch 2.04, was the first new controller since Valorant's release (nearly a year after the game's closed beta). Astra is seen as a more difficult character to play and master as she is utilized in an entirely different system in comparison to other agents and controllers. She was one of the stronger agents (controllers especially) during release, but has since had to be nerfed--still a strong selection if used properly/well. Astra's abilities include all connect to her stars, stars are what are bought by Astra players (she has 4 each round), these stars can be placed anywhere through the complete and accessible map view. The stars are then utilized through the different abilities: nova pulse, this ability when activated concusses all players in its radius, her other ability is her nebula which are her smokes, like all smokes it blocks enemy sight (she has two of these), when a player takes back a star it places/fakes a nebula for a few seconds before retrieval. Her last ability is her gravity well, this ability pulls players in its radius towards the center before exploding, making all players that remained trapped fragile and easier to kill. Astra's ultimate is known by players as her "astra wall", but its actual name is 'atral form / cosmic divide'--this allows players when in map view to click from point a to point b and create a straight wall that divides the map, blocking bullets and dampening audio.

KAY/O (16)


Real Name : Unknown

KAY/O (Earth -Alternate Universe) is a robot agent that was released with patch 3.0 in June 2021. He was the 4th initiator to join the agent roster. KAY/O's signature ability is his zero/point, this is a suppression blade that is thrown and sticks to the first surface it touches (regenerated after 40 seconds of use)--anyone within its radius of explosion is then suppressed. Those suppressed by KAY/O get their abilities suppressed leaving them with only availability to their gun for a few seconds. He also his frag/ment which is his version of a molly/grenade, this is also thrown and sticks to the floor, exploding multiple times, and dealing damage to whomever is in it (damage increases depending on how far in to the middle a player is in the fragment). Flash/drive is a flash grenade that is also thrown and can be bounced off walls (can be thrown overhand and underhand with a weaker throw, but quicker flash). Anyone in the line of sight of the flash is blinded as all flashes. Null/Cmd is KAY/O's ultimate which cause large energy pulses to emit from his location when these pulses hit an enemy they become suppressed for a short period. When KAY/O is killed in his ult he falls down (almost like a battery dying), he can be revived (recharged) for a certain period of time by allies before completely dying.

Chamber (17)


Real Name : Vincent Fabron

Chamber (French) a sentinel released into the game in patch 3.1 during November 2021. Chamber was played vastly aggressively though being a sentinel as his guns supported that aggressive direction. He has since received several nerfs (4.09 and 5.03) to fit him better into the support role. Headhunter allows players to have a heavy pistol (like the sheriff weapon), but they can aim down sights with the gun unlike the bought weapon--players buy the bullets for this gun during buy round (8 bullets max). Rendezvous is Chamber's teleport anchor, this allows players to teleport to the anchor when on the ground and within its range, this ability can be picked up and redeployed (after 30 seconds) in another place. Trademark is a trap that can be placed and scans for enemies, when a visible enemy enters its radius the trap begins to count down, destabilizing the terrain surrounding, and resulting in a lingering slowed field for the players caught in it. Chamber's ultimate is called 'tour de force', this ability gives players a custom sniper rifle that kills enemies on direct contact (regardless of where), when an enemy is killed the other players around them can get caught in a slowed field that is left behind from the enemy killed.

Neon (18)


Real Name : Tala Nicole Dimaapi Valdez

Neon (Filipino - from Manila) is a duelist known for her lighting-fast speed and introduced as the duelist who could rival the speeds off Jett, released during January 2022 in patch 4.0. Neon is known for her high gear ability which allows players to have increased speed that uses up power from her energy bar that depletes (completely in 10 seconds) with use, but refills to 100 in 60 seconds--in the use of her speed players can also trigger an electric slide on the ground (this slide resets after every two kills). Fast lane is Neon's energy line walls, two sets of walls are thrown forward extending until hitting a surface, the walls block enemy vision helping Neon players and allies to get on site. Relay bolt is an energy bolt that comes with one bounce, upon hitting a surface the bolt electrifies the ground below with a concussive blast to whomever is in its area. Neon's ultimate is called 'Overdrive', this ult gives players a deadly lighting beam that has high accuracy and emits from Neon's fingers. Neon's energy bar is increased from depleting completely in 10 seconds to 20 when in her ultimate, similar to Reyna Neon's ultimate form also ends without a kill after 20 seconds, but after a kill the time is reset. (Damage is 54-30 - the head, 18-10 - body, 15-8 - legs (w. falloff)).

Fade (19)


Real Name : Hazal Eyletmez

Fade (Turkish) entered the Valorant agent roster in April 2022, patch 4.08 in the middle of the VCT season. Fade is an initiator whose abilities with a dark, nightmarish appearance. Her abilities include: her seize, this ability is an orb of nightmare ink and enemies who get caught in the zone are trapped in its radius for a few seconds. Haunt is her other ability (a nightmarish entity as described) that is an orb thrown to plummet on the ground in which reveals the location of enemies whom are caught in its sight (enemies can destroy this ability to stop completely or reduce it's location reveal depending how fast it's broken)--this ability is restored after 40 seconds of use. Prowler (as many players call, her dog) is sent out and travels in a straight line, but can also be steered by players--the prowler locks onto enemies or trails in their frontal vision, and chases them. These are breakable, but if an enemy does not shoot it fast enough and it still reaches them then they will become nearsighted for a few seconds. Nightfall is fades ultimate (the power of fear), this sends out a radius wave of nightmare energy that can be traversed through walls, this ability creates a trail to the opponents hit deafening and decaying them in the process.

Harbor (20)


Real Name : Varun Batra

Harbor (Indian), the most recent and newest agent to come out in patch 5.08 during October of 2022. Harbor is a controller with abilities that give him a lot of zoning power and flexibility. Cascade is a wave of water that is sent rolling forward and through walls, the wall can be stopped with the same button that sent it out, and players hit by the wall become slowed. Cove is a sphere like shield of water that is thrown and upon impact on the ground the shield formed is one that blocks bullets protecting players inside or on the other end--the shield can be broken when shot at enough. Harbor's signature is his high tide ability, this is a wall of water that is custom created through players guide (in the direction of their crosshair), players hit by the wall are also slowed similar to the Cascade. Harbors ultimate is a geyser pool summon on the ground in a certain radius, this is called the 'Reckoning'. Players in the affected area are targeted by successive geyser strikes, players can avoid these strikes, but if caught in it they become concussed. His ultimate lasts 9 seconds with the concussions affecting enemies for 2 seconds.

Valorant Protocol


The Valorant agent roster in order from recruitment

  1. Brimstone (Controller) - United States | Beta
  2. Viper (Controller) - United States | Beta
  3. Omen (Controller) - Unknown | Beta
  4. Killjoy (Sentinel) - Germany | Patch 1.05
  5. Cypher (Sentinel) - Morocco | Beta
  6. Sova (Initiator) - Russia | Beta
  7. Sage (Sentinel) - China | Beta
  8. Phoenix (Duelist) - UK | Beta
  9. Jett (Duelist) - South Korea | Beta
  10. Reyna (Duelist) - Mexico | 1.0
  11. Raze (Duelist) - Brazil | Beta
  12. Breach (Initiator) - Sweden | Beta
  13. Skye (Initiator) - Australia | 1.11
  14. Yoru (Duelist) - Japan | 2.0
  15. Astra (Controller) - Ghana | 2.04
  16. KAY/O (Initiator) - Alternate Timeline Earth | 3.0
  17. Chamber (Sentinel) - France | 3.10
  18. Neon (Duelist) - Philippines | 4.0
  19. Fade (Initiator) - Türkiye | 4.08
  20. Harbor (Controller) - India | 5.08

Scrapped Agents


Crusader (later reworked into Breach)

An old agent concept that was later on reworked into Breach. Crusader featured a shield-type abilities including a Riot Shield, Sword (depicted from her icon), and Flash Grenade. Sound effects of a slash, shield throw, and grenade flash were datamined. It was later confirmed by a developer, Morello from Riot Games where Crusader was an early prototype of Breach.


Scrapped in early development, similarly to Shatter and Crusader.  Three of her abilities had supposedly served as the prototype for other agent's abilities. Her Lockdown served as the prototype for Killjoy's Lockdown, her Drone Dart served as the prototype for Sova's Owl Drone, and her Blink served as the prototype for Jett's Tailwind. Additionally, she seemed to have prototype abilities called "Seaker Bolt" and "Shock Grenade". These made have served as the prototypes for an unreleased Seeker ability Killjoy was planned to have, but was ultimately scrapped, and Sova's Shock Bolt.


Scrapped Agent leftover from VALORANT internal playtests.

Reference section


https://playvalorant.com/en-us/agents https://valorant.fandom.com/wiki/Agents https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9BODh2KJ8M&ab_channel=PlayerIGNhttps://www.oneesports.gg/valorant/valorant-real-agent-names-revealed/https://dotesports.com/valorant/news/full-valorant-agent-release-order

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