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Cotelizade Dynasty


The Çötelizade family, a noble family of Harpoot, also known as Mesopotamia,[1] played a significant role in the political and economic development of the region during the 18th century in the Ottoman Empire. Their influence extended to various spheres of governance, including tax-farming, administrative council membership, and even the position of deputy mayor in the urbanization process of Mezre.[2] The family's involvement in local politics and governance during the ottoman empire is well-documented, showcasing their impact on the region's transformation from a hamlet-turned-garrison into a city and the center of the province (Sipahi, 2015, p. 10-55).[3]

Harput castle, built in 6th century BC. Inside there are secret passages leading to the Church of the Virgin Mary. The dungeon in the castle was built in 1123 by Belek Gazi, the King of Jerusalem II.[4]



Governor Veysi Pasha stated in a report that the dynasty had been around for a few hundred years, and that it had been the most prominent (fâik-ül akrân) family in the region (Sipahi, 2015, p. 96).[3] The family's involvement in local politics and governance shedding light on their impact on the region's development and urbanization process.[5] Like other imperial families, they were heavily involved in broader political and social movements, and it is documented that they made substantial donations to welfare institutions such as the Ottoman Red Crescent,[6][7]

Their influence however extended beyond local governance, as they were also involved in the urbanization process of Mezre and held chair positions in the Chamber of Agriculture, further solidifying their role in shaping the region.[8] Their impact on the transformation of Mezre from a hamlet-turned-garrison into a city and the center of the province is evident, leading to a reorganization of government offices and the legal system, as well as a shift in the balance of power between Mezre and the neighboring town of Harput.[9]

Notable Members of the Family


Some notable members of the family include

  • Çötelizade Muhiddin Bey, a deputy, was involved in donating to welfare institutions during the nationalist movement in the 1920s.
  • Çötelizade Halid Bey and Çötelizade İshak who who signed an open letter along with other notables of the city, showcasing their prominent status within the local elite.
  • Çötelizade Hacı Bekir Ağa and Çötelizade İshak Bey Efendi who were members of the local council and played roles in the legal and administrative spheres of the region.
  • Çötelizade Asım Bey
  1. ^ Centre, UNESCO World Heritage. "Historic City of Harput". UNESCO World Heritage Centre. Retrieved 2023-11-28.
  2. ^ Canbakal, Hülya (2004). "Some Questions on the Legal Identity of Neighborhoods in the Ottoman Empire". Anatolia moderna - Yeni anadolu. 10 (1): 131–138. doi:10.3406/anatm.2004.985. ISSN 1297-8094.
  3. ^ a b Sipahi, A. (2015). At Arm's Length: Historical Ethnography of Proximity in Harput (Doctoral dissertation). University of Michigan.
  4. ^ Centre, UNESCO World Heritage. "Historic City of Harput". UNESCO World Heritage Centre. Retrieved 2023-11-28.
  5. ^ DEMİREL, Yurdal; ARTUÇ, Nevzat (2022). "OSMANLI TAŞRASINDA MAARİF MÜDÜRLÜKLERİNİN KURULUŞU: MAMURETÜLAZİZ VİLAYETİ ÖRNEĞİ". Diyalektolog - Ulusal Hakemlin Sosyal Arastirmalar Dergisi. 29 (29): 01–31. doi:10.29228/diyalektolog.58233. ISSN 2146-4219.
  6. ^ DOĞRAMACIOĞLU, Hüseyin (2021). "HÂKİMİYET-İ MİLLİYE GAZETESİ VE MİLLİ MÜCADELE". 9. Uluslararası Atatürk Kongresi Bildiriler. Ankara: Atatürk Araştırma Merkezi Yayınları. doi:10.51824/978-975-17-4794-5.39.
  7. ^ DOĞRAMACIOĞLU, Hüseyin (2021). "HÂKİMİYET-İ MİLLİYE GAZETESİ VE MİLLİ MÜCADELE". 9. Uluslararası Atatürk Kongresi Bildiriler. Ankara: Atatürk Araştırma Merkezi Yayınları. doi:10.51824/978-975-17-4794-5.39.
  8. ^ Canbakal, Hülya (2004). "Some Questions on the Legal Identity of Neighborhoods in the Ottoman Empire". Anatolia moderna - Yeni anadolu. 10 (1): 131–138. doi:10.3406/anatm.2004.985. ISSN 1297-8094.
  9. ^ DEMİREL, Yurdal; ARTUÇ, Nevzat (2022). "OSMANLI TAŞRASINDA MAARİF MÜDÜRLÜKLERİNİN KURULUŞU: MAMURETÜLAZİZ VİLAYETİ ÖRNEĞİ". Diyalektolog - Ulusal Hakemlin Sosyal Arastirmalar Dergisi. 29 (29): 01–31. doi:10.29228/diyalektolog.58233. ISSN 2146-4219.