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This user has significantly contributed to 14 featured articles.
This user has been on Wikipedia for 20 years and 9 days.

This is a list of articles that I care about. It is not a brag sheet: I track my Featured Articles, but I don't track Good Articles, DYKs, article creations, nor anything much else. Most of the articles in this list were written primarily by me, but there are a few articles written primarily by others here, simply because I like them and want to keep an eye on them. The main purpose of this page is to enable Special:Recentchangeslinked/User:Hesperian/Contributions, which functions as a concise watchlist for the articles that I really care about, as opposed to Special:Watchlist, which is invariably overflowing with crud. I periodically purge this page of articles that I have lost interest in.






This user helped promote the article Banksia brownii to featured status.
This user helped promote the article Banksia epica to featured status.
This user helped promote the article Banksia integrifolia to featured status.
This user helped promote the article Banksia telmatiaea to featured status.
This user helped promote the article Banksia prionotes to featured status.
This user helped promote the article Banksia cuneata to featured status.
This user helped promote the article Banksia sphaerocarpa to featured status.
This user helped promote the article Banksia sessilis to featured status.
This user helped promote the article Banksia violacea to featured status.
This user helped promote the article Banksia verticillata to featured status.
WikiProject Banksia

Banksia • Ecology of Banksia • Timeline of Banksia • The Banksia Atlas • The Banksias • The genus Banksia L.f. (Proteaceae) • List of B. ser. Dryandra species

Taxonomy of Banksia • Brown's taxonomic arrangement of Banksia • Brown's taxonomic arrangement of Dryandra • Meissner's taxonomic arrangement of Banksia • Meissner's taxonomic arrangement of Dryandra • Bentham's taxonomic arrangement of Banksia • Bentham's taxonomic arrangement of Dryandra • George's taxonomic arrangement of Banksia • George's taxonomic arrangement of Dryandra • Thiele and Ladiges' taxonomic arrangement of Banksia • Banksieaeidites • Banksieaephyllum

B. subg. Banksia • B. subg. Isostylis • B. subg. Spathulatae • B. sect. Eubanksia • B. sect. Oncostylis • B. ser. Abietinae • B. ser. Banksia • B. ser. Crocinae • B. ser. Cyrtostylis • B. ser. Dryandroideae • B. ser. Salicinae • B. ser. Spicigerae • B. ser. Ochraceae • B. subser. Banksia • B. subser. Cratistylis • B. subser. Leptophyllae • B. subser. Longistyles • B. subser. Sphaerocarpae

Dryandra subg. Dryandra • Dryandra subg. Hemiclidia • Dryandra subg. Diplophragma • Dryandra ser. Aphragma • Dryandra ser. Armatae • Dryandra ser. Capitellatae • Dryandra ser. Floribundae • Dryandra ser. Ilicinae • Dryandra ser. Plumosae • Dryandra ser. Niveae

B. acanthopoda • B. aculeata • B. acuminata • B. armata • B. armata var. armata • B. armata var. ignicida •B. brownii • B. coccinea • B. cuneata • B. dryandroides • B. epica • B. fraseri • B. goodii • B. grandis • B. ilicifolia • B. integrifolia • Taxonomy of B. integrifolia • B. kingii • B. lindleyana • B. lullfitzii • B. micrantha • B. nobilis • B. nutans • B. oligantha • B. prionophylla • B. prionotes - B. proteoides - B. rosserae • B. sessilis • B. sessilis var. cordata • B. sessilis var. sessilis • B. sphaerocarpa • B. spinulosa var. collina • B. spinulosa var. cunninghamii • B. spinulosa var. neoanglica • B. spinulosa var. spinulosa • B. strahanensis • B. stuposa • B. telmatiaea • B. verticillata • B. victoriae • B. violacea • B. viscida • B. wonganensis • B. xylothemelia


This user helped promote the article Adenanthos obovatus to featured status.
This user helped promote the article Adenanthos cuneatus to featured status.

Adenanthos • A. sect. Adenanthos • A. sect. Eurylaema • A. barbiger • A. cacomorphus • A. cuneatus • A. cygnorum • A. detmoldii • A. dobagii • A. eyrei • A. glabrescens • A. ileticos • A. labillardierei • A. macropodianus • A. obovatus • A. oreophilus • A. sericeus • A. terminalis • A. × pamela • List of Adenanthos species • Bentham's taxonomic arrangement of Adenanthos • Nelson's taxonomic arrangement of Adenanthos

Other Proteaceae


Conospermum acerosum • Conospermum glumaceum • Conospermum incurvum • Conospermum stoechadis • Conospermum stoechadis subsp. sclerophyllum • Grevillea linearifolia • Grevillea sericea • Persoonia • Persoonia micranthera • Proteoideae • Stirlingia • Stirlingia simplex • Stirlingia latifolia • Synaphea spinulosa • Xylomelum

Flora of Western Australia


Acacia acuminata • A. anastema • A. ayersiana • A. ayersiana var. latifolia • A. brachystachya • A. coriacea • A. citrinoviridis • A. coolgardiensis • A. craspedocarpa • A. cuspidifolia • A. cyclops • A. cyperophylla • A. grasbyi • A. hemiteles • A. inaequilatera • A. kempeana • A. ligulata • A. murrayana • A. papyrocarpa • A. pruinocarpa • A. pulchella • A. quadrimarginea • A. ramulosa var. linophylla • A. rostellifera • A. saligna • A. sclerosperma • A. subtessarogona • A. tetragonophylla • A. translucens • A. victoriae • A. wiseana • A. xanthina • A. xiphophylla

Adansonia gregorii • Agonis • Agonis flexuosa • Amphibolis antarctica • Atriplex amnicola • Atriplex bunburyana • Atriplex paludosa • Atriplex paludosa subsp. baudinii • Atriplex vesicaria • Atriplex vesicaria subsp. variabilis • Avicennia marina • Calymperastrum • Carpobrotus virescens • Chenopodium melanocarpum • Disphyma • D. crassifolium subsp. clavellatum • Emblingia • Enchylaena tomentosa • Eucalyptus caesia • Eucalyptus drummondii • Eucalyptus salubris • Grevillea flexuosa • Jacksonia furcellata • Kingia • Melaleuca preissiana • Mosses of Western Australia • Muehlenbeckia horrida subsp. abdita • Rhagodia baccata • Rhagodia latifolia • Sesuvium portulacastrum • Tetragonia decumbens • Xanthorrhoea

A Sketch of the Vegetation of the Swan River Colony • Declared Rare and Priority Flora List • Nuytsia (journal) • Western Australian Herbarium

Biogeography of Western Australia


Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia

Esperance Plains • List of endangered flora of the Esperance Plains region

Mallee (biogeographic region) • List of endangered flora of the Mallee region • Western Mallee

Warren (biogeographic region) • List of endangered flora of the Warren region

Low Rainfall Zone • High Rainfall Zone • Transitional Rainfall Zone

Esperance mallee

Integrated Marine and Coastal Regionalisation of Australia

Vegetation of Western Australia


Karri forest

Flora of Australia


Avicennia • Corymbia abergiana • Corymbia gummifera • Enchylaena • Eucalyptus capitellata • Eucalyptus macrorhyncha • Eucalyptus obliqua • Eucalyptus piperita • Eucalyptus robusta • Jacksonia

List of Australian Proteaceae • List of Melaleuca species • List of vascular plants of Norfolk Island • List of Australian plant species authored by Robert Brown • List of Australian plant species authored by Joseph Maiden • List of Australian plant species authored by Ferdinand von Mueller

Australian Plant Name Index

Invasive plants of Australian origin • Mallee (habit) • Minni ritchi

List of Major Vegetation Groups in Australia



Ernest Aberg • Frederick Adamson • James Britten • Ian Brooker • David Burton (botanist) • George Don • Sarah Drake • James Drummond (botanist) • Charles Gardner • Alex George • Peter Good • Brian Grieve • Antoine Guichenot • Desmond Herbert • Joseph Knight (gardener) • Byron Lamont • Joseph Maiden • Bruce Maslin • Neville Marchant • Austin Mast • Carl Meissner • Georgiana Molloy • Alexander Morrison (botanist) • David Nelson (botanical collector) • Ernest Charles Nelson • Kenneth Newbey • Celia Rosser • Robert Royce • Henry Steedman • Frederick Stoward • Robert Sweet (botanist) • Kevin Thiele • Emil Todt • Leonard Clarke Webster • Heinrich Wendland • Jess Young

Botanical journals, books and papers


De Fructibus et Seminibus Plantarum • Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis • Revisio Generum Plantarum • Supplementum Plantarum • A Specimen of the Botany of New Holland • Flora Australiensis • Illustrationes Florae Novae Hollandiae •

Works of Robert Brown


Character and description of Kingia • General remarks, geographical and systematical, on the botany of Terra Australis • General view of the botany of the vicinity of Swan River • Observations, systematical and geographical, on the herbarium collected by Professor Christian Smith, in the vicinity of the Congo • On the natural order of plants called Proteaceae • Prodromus Florae Novae Hollandiae et Insulae Van Diemen • Supplementum Primum Prodromi Florae Novae Hollandiae



apparent infection rate • effective selfing model • mixed mating model • serotiny

People of Western Australia

This user helped promote the article Yagan to featured status.

Harry Anstey • Thomas Axford • Frederick Barlee • Walter Bateman • Frederick Bedwell • Peter Belches • David Black (historian) • Geoffrey Bolton • Henry Briggs (Australian politician) • Charles Edward Broadhurst • Florance Broadhurst • Henry Brockman • William Locke Brockman • Peter Broun • Kenneth Brown (pastoralist) • Maitland Brown • Thomas Brown (Western Australian politician) • Lockier Burges (Australian politician) • William Burges (Australian politician) • Robert Edwin Bush • Thomas Bushell • Bussell family • Alfred Bussell • John Bussell • Thomas Carey • David Carnegie • Alfred Chopin • William Chopin • Andrew Clarke • Frederick Clause • Hal Colebatch • Philip Collier • John Connolly (prospector) • Revel Cooper • Henry Daglish • Robert Dale • M. C. Davies • Edgar Dell • Thomas Dixon • James Drummond (Australian politician) • John Drummond • Johnston Drummond • Norman Ewing • Thomas Falconer • Thomas McCarthy Fennell • John Forrest • Margaret Forrest • Malcolm Fraser (surveyor) • Joseph Gardiner • Edric Gifford, 3rd Baron Gifford • Roger Goldsworthy • William Goldwyer • Joshua Gregory • Hamersley family • Edward Hamersley (Jnr) • Edward Hamersley (Snr) • Samuel Hamersley • Vernon Hamersley • George Hampton • John Hampton • Edward Hardman • James Harding • Alexandra Hasluck • Edward Heitmann • Edmund Henderson • John Hislop • E. T. Hooley • John Horgan (Australian politician) • Joseph Horrocks • John Hutt • Frederick Illingworth • Frederick Irwin • Walter James • Abraham Jennison • Edward Johnston (Australian politician) • Harry Johnston (surveyor) • Ronald Eric Johnstone • George Leake • Anthony O'Grady Lefroy • Henry Lefroy • Frederick Ludlow • John Lutey • Robert Lyon (Australian settler) • Midgegooroo • John Molloy • John Monger • Moondyne Joe • George Fletcher Moore • Newton Moore • Alf Morgans • John Boyle O'Reilly • Frederick Panter • Frederick Henry Piesse • Benjamin Pine • Timothy Quinlan • Cornthwaite Rason • John Rivett-Carnac • Richard Robson • James Elphinstone Roe • John Septimus Roe • John Scaddan • George Shenton • George Shenton Sr • Matthew Smith (colonial secretary) • Patrick Stone • William Sykes (convict) • George Throssell • Hugo Vivian Hope Throssell • Thomas Vasse • Joseph Walton (convict) • John Warren (convict) • Henry Wildman • John Willcock • Frank Wilson (Australian politician) • Tommy Windich • Yagan

History of Western Australia


't Wapen van Hoorn • Alas Poor Yagan • At last she moves • A Descriptive Vocabulary of the Language in Common Use Amongst the Aborigines of Western Australia • Austin expedition of 1854 • Beeliar (tribe) • Caert van't Landt van d'Eendracht • Comptroller General of Convicts (Western Australia) • Convict era of Western Australia • Diary of Ten Years Eventful Life of an Early Settler in Western Australia • Eneabba Stone Arrangement • Ex-convict school teachers in Western Australia • Explorers' Monument • Charles Fraser (botanist) • The Fremantle journal and general advertiser • Imprisonment of John Drayton • La Grange expedition • Land grants in the Swan River Colony • Leeuwin (galleon) • Letterbook of Explorers' Journals • List of convict ship voyages to Western Australia • List of newspapers published in Western Australia • King expedition of 1817 • Nevanas affair • New Holland (Australia) • Ordinance 17 Victoria Number 7 • Parkhurst apprentices • Parmelia (barque) • Poseidon bubble • Ridderschap van Holland • Round House • Sealers' Oven • SS Georgette • The Foundation of Perth 1829 • Unwilling Emigrants • Vianen (ship) • WAY 1979

Politics in Western Australia


Attorney General of Western Australia • Colonial Secretary of Western Australia • Daglish ministry • First Leake ministry • Forrest ministry • James ministry • Members of the Western Australian Legislative Council, 1832-1870 • Members of the Western Australian Legislative Council, 1890-1894 • Morgans ministry • Premier of Western Australia • Second Leake ministry • Surveyor General of Western Australia • Throssell ministry

Geography of Western Australia


Lake Altham • Banksiadale, Western Australia • Lake Banksiadale • Lake Barlee • Lake Bryde-East Lake Bryde • List of caves in Western Australia • Dandalup River • Dumbleyung Lake • Eagle Island (Western Australia) • East Island (Lacepede Islands) • Gascoyne (Western Australia) • Goldfields-Esperance • Hutt Lagoon • Lake Grace North • Lake Grace South • Lake Grace System • Great Southern • List of homesteads in Western Australia • List of islands of Western Australia • Kimberley (Western Australia) • Lacepede Islands • List of lakes in Western Australia • Laverton, Western Australia • Leonora, Western Australia • Margaret River, Western Australia • Meade Island • Mid West (Western Australia) • Moondyne Cave • Morawa, Western Australia • Murchison River (Western Australia) • Murchison River Gorge • Old Jarrah Tree • Peel (Western Australia) • Pilbara • Point Belches • Poison Rocks • Preston Point • Regions of Western Australia • List of rocks in Western Australia • South Dandalup Dam • South Dandalup River • Turtle Dove Shoal • Tryal Rocks • List of watercourses in Western Australia • Wheatbelt • Woodman Light • Woodman Point, Western Australia • Yule Brook Botany Reserve

Houtman Abrolhos

This user helped promote the article North Island (Houtman Abrolhos) to featured status.

Abrolhos Painted Button-quail • Alexander Island (Houtman Abrolhos) • Batavia Road • Batavia Road (boat) • Easter Group • Fish Point (Houtman Abrolhos) • Flag Hill (Houtman Abrolhos) • Flora of the Houtman Abrolhos • Houtman Abrolhos • List of algae of the Houtman Abrolhos • List of birds of the Houtman Abrolhos • List of corals of the Houtman Abrolhos • List of echinoderms of the Houtman Abrolhos • List of fishes of the Houtman Abrolhos • List of hydroids of the Houtman Abrolhos • List of islands in the Houtman Abrolhos • List of molluscs of the Houtman Abrolhos • List of reptiles of the Houtman Abrolhos • North Island (Houtman Abrolhos) • Pelsaert Group • Percy Sladen Trust Expeditions to the Abrolhos Islands • Pigeon Island (Houtman Abrolhos) • Shag Rock (Houtman Abrolhos) •The Abrolhos tragedy • Wallabi Group •



AFL siren controversy 2006 • Arotrophora • Arotrophora arcuatalis • The Atlas of Australian Birds • James Brown (Scottish clergyman) • Cougars in Western Australia • Deltasaurus kimberleyensis • Discoveries in Australia • Edith Dircksey Cowan Memorial • Eolianite • Exhumation of Yagan's head • Geotria australis • Greenwich University • Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia • Journals of Expeditions of Discovery into Central Australia • Landscope • List of amphibians of South Australia • List of amphibians of Tasmania • List of amphibians of Western Australia • List of mammals of Western Australia • List of reptiles of Western Australia • Model Brick Home • Model Timber Home • Moondyne • Mordacia mordax • Mordacia praecox • National colours of Australia • Noongar classification • Percy Sladen Memorial Trust • Thomas Pettigrew • Proteoid root • Pygmy possum • Regionalisations of Australia • Send 'er down, Hughie! • Percy Sladen • Charles Stirling • Walter Stirling • Tautophrase • The Western Australian Naturalist • Threatened Species Protection Act 1995 • Xylorycta • Z-order (curve)

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Collaborations: BanksiaPlantsWestern Australia

Projects: English WikipediaEnglish WikisourceCommonsAll