Heng Cho Choon was born in Singapore. Educated at Raffles Institution, University of Singapore and the University of London. In 1988 he was awarded the LL B (Hons) degree by London University. He also studied theology at Toronto Baptist Seminary. He writes regularly articles for the local newspapers and magazines. In 2011 he edited the 130 Anniversary Magazine of Glory Presbyterian Church. He is an amateur photographer and videographer. He enjoys cycling at Pulau Ubin.
His videos are on You Tube under the name of hengcc. In these videos you can view the places he has visited.
He has told his pastor that he wants a sea burial when his final journey on earth is done. He lives a happy life and has no regrets when God calls him to his eternal rest.
He likes to listen to MP3 music and watch videos on You Tube.
He likes the Desiderata which was composed by the American writer Max Ehrmann (1872-1945):
Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals; and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass. Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul. With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.
I like the famous poem entitled "One solitary life" and this poem speaks of Jesus Christ the Son of God, and also my personal Saviour. The poem goes like this: ''He was born in an obscure village. He worked in a carpenter shop until he was about thirty. He then became an itinerant preacher. He never held an office. He never had a family or owned a house. He didn't go to college. He had no credentials but Himself.
After preaching three years, the public turned against Him. His friends ran away. He was turned over to His enemies and went through the mockery of a trial. He was nailed to a cross between two thieves. While He was dying, His executioners gambled for His clothing, the only property He had on earth. He was laid in a borrowed grave.
Nineteen centuries have come and gone, and today He is the central figure of the human race. All the armies that ever marched, all the navies that ever sailed, all the parliaments that ever sat, and all the kings that ever reigned have not affected the life of man on the earth as much as that ONE SOLITARY LIFE.
Author unknown.
Hymns and their lyrics:
Chinese Hymn Book 3
Contents .....................................................................................................01
Hallelujah -Aleluya ......................................................................02
Jehovah is love ...........................................................................04
Kasih Yesus indah oh indah ........................................................06
lya Nyadi Raja .........................................................................07
Missions ......................................................................................09
Nothing is impossible with him ....................................................14
Nunga talu hamate an ..................................................................20
Oh my heart ................................................................................22
Really good ..................................................................................23
Tetap cinta Yesus ........................................................................25
The fragrance of Jesus ..............................................................28
This generation ..........................................................................29
True love .....................................................................................31
Tuhan Yesus si parmahan ..........................................................38
Ui Merepet Nemu ........................................................................39
Wait upon God ............................................................................41
What is man? ..............................................................................43
Yesus do dalan .............................................................................48
Your love is steadfast ....................................................................50
Your nail-scarred hands ................................................................52
p 02 Hymn No 1
Hallelujah- Aleluya (Iban)
Puji Aleluya Puji Aleluya Puji Aleluya Praise Hallelujah
Kemesai Ke Nama iya (Glorify His name)
Am Kitai Sama Muji (Let us glorify Him together)
Ngemesai Ke Nama iya (Glorify His name)
lya Nyadi Pengamboh
Pengidup Ti Teguh (Our livelihood is secure)
lya Ngelepas Ke Kitai
Ari Semua Dosa
Am Sama Nyembah lya (Let us worship Him)
Belama Lama lya (He is eternal)
Puji Aleluya Puji Aleluya Puji Aleluya Praise Halalelujah
Kemesai Ke Nama lya (Glorify His name)
Puji Aleluya Puji Aleluya Puji Aleluya p 03
lya Udah Nyadi Raja (He is the King)
Puji Aleluya Puji Aleluya Puji Aleluya
lya Udah Nyadi Raja (He is already the King)
Lebuh lya Datai (When is He coming?)
Mai Pengelantang (He brings peace)
Ngagai Orang Ti Arap (People of faith)
Bulih Idup Meruan ( will get everlasting life)
Apai Diserga Kudus Nama Nuan (Your name is holy)
Perintah Nuan Tegap
Datai Ke Belama lya
Puji Aleluya Puji Aleluya Puji Aleluya
Kemesai Ke Nama lya (Glorify His name)
Puji Aleluya Puji Aleluya Puji Aleluya
lya Udah Nyadi Raja (He is the King)
Puji Aleluya Puji Aleluya Puji Aleluya p 04
Kemesai Ke Nama lya
Puji Aleluya Puji Aleluya Puji Aleluya
lya Udah Nyadi Raja
Puji Aleluya Puji Aleluya Puji Aleluya
Hymn No 2
Jehovah is Love --耶和華是愛
耶 和 華 是 愛 ye he hua shi ai Jehovah is love
讓 我 安 歇 青 草 溪 水 邊 rang wo an xie qing cao xi shui bian He let me rest on the grass beside the stream
神 令 我 省 察 心 中 的 幽 暗 shen ling wo xing cha xin zhong de you an God leads me to examine the darkness in my heart
共 度 每 一 天 gong du mei yi tian He is with me every day 耶 和 華 是 愛 p 05 ye he hua shi ai Jehovah is love
在 困 境 中 祂 保 守 引 領 zai kun jing zhong ta bao shou yin ling In my difficulty He is eager to protect and lead
神 為 我 擺 設 豐 盛 的 恩 典 shen wei wo bai she feng sheng de en dian He bestows abundant blessings on me
在 危 難 也 不 改 變 zai we nan ye bu gai bian In danger He does not change
在 世 間 主 恩 與 共 zai shi jian zhu en yu gong In this world I am surrounded by the Lord’s grace
祂 的 愛 常 在 我 身 邊 ta de ai chang zai wo shen bian His love is always beside me
神 為 我 施 恩 惠 保 守 勉 勵 shen wei wo shi en hui bao shou mian li God bestows on me his grace, protection and encouragement
共 同 度 此 生 gong tong du ci sheng He walks with me in this life 耶 和 華 是 愛 p 06 ye he hua shi ai Jehovah is love
讓 我 安 歇 青 草 溪 水 邊 rang wo an xie qing cao xi shui bian He let me rest on the grass beside the stream 無 限 滿 足 快 樂 湧 自 心 田 wu xian man zu kuai le yong zi xin tian He fills my heart with joy and happiness
在 危 難 也 不 改 變 zai wei nan ye bu gai bian In danger He does not change
Hymn No 3
Kasih Yesus indah indah oh indah
I love Jesus because He is attractive
Kasih Yesus indah indah oh indah
Kasih Yesus indah indah oh indah
Lebih indah dari pelangi
More beautiful than the rainbow
Lebih indah dari bintang di langit p 07
More beautiful than the star in the sky
Lebih indah dari bunga di taman
More beautiful than the flowers in the garden
Oh Yesus ku
Oh my Jesus
Lebih indah dari pelangi
Lebih indah dari bintang di langit
Lebih indah dari bunga di taman
Oh Yesus ku
Hymn No 4 lya Nyadi Raja (He is the King)-Iban
Aku Berasai Gaga Ati
(I feel happy in my heart)
Aku Berasai Gaga Ati
Aku Andal Sereta Muji
(I am happy to praise)
Muji Nuan Raja
(Glorify your King)
Aram Nyembah Sereta Muji lya Let us worship together Glorify Him
Aram Nyembah Sereta Muji lya p 08
Aram Nyembah Sereta Muji lya
Raja Semua Raja (King of kings) lya Nyadi Raja (He is the King)
lya Mega Tuhan (He is also God)
Nama lya Yesus
(His name is Jesus)
Yesus Yesus Yesus
(Jesus Jesus Jesus)
Oh Nyadi Raja
(Oh He is the King)
Aku Anak Raja
(I am a child of the King)
Nuan Anak Raja (You are a child of the King)
Semoa Kitai Anak Raja (We are children of the King)
Aku Anak Raja ( I am a child of the King)
Nuan Anak Raja (You are a child of the King)
Semoa Kitai Anak Raja (We are children of the King)
Haleluya Puji Tuhan (Hallelujah Praise God)
Haleluya Puji Tuhan (Hallelujah Praise God)
Haleluya Puji Tuhan (Hallelujah Praise God)
Hymn No 5 p 09 Missions -使命
主 耶 稣 走 过 的 十 架 路
zhu ye su zou guo de shi jia lu
The Lord Jesus walked the path of the Cross
我 也 愿 跟 随 wo ye yuan gen sui I am willing to follow Him
流 出 宝 血 牺 牲 的 道 路 liu chu bao xue xi sheng de dao lu Shedding his blood to walk the path of sacrifice
我 要 跟 随 到 底 wo yao gen sui dao di I want to follow him to the end
险 峻 的 山 岭 也 无 所 谓 xian jun de shan ling ye wu suo wei It does not matter if the mountains are high and dangerous
天 涯 海 角 我 也 愿 跟 随 tian ya hai jiao wo ye yuan gen sui I am willing to follow him to the remotest corners of the world
为 了 拯 救 失 丧 的 灵 魂 wei liao zheng jiu shi sang de ling hun for the purpose of saving lost souls
我 愿 舍 弃 宝 贵 生 命 p 10 wo yuan she qi bao gui sheng ming I am willing to abandon my precious life
父 啊 求 祢 差 遣 我 fu a qiu ni chai qian wo Oh Father, please send me
我 要 奔 走 十 架 路 wo yao ben zou shi jia lu I want to run the path of the cross
不 惜 牺 牲 宝 贵 生 命 bu xi xi sheng bao gui sheng ming
Not to grudge the sacrifice of my precious life
求 祢 差 遣 我 qiu ni chai qian wo Lord please send me
主 耶 稣 走 过 的 十 架 路 zhu ye su zou guo de shi jia lu The Lord Jesus walked the path of the Cross
我 也 愿 跟 随 wo ye yuan gen sui I am willing to follow Him
流 出 宝 血 牺 牲 的 道 路 liu chu bao xue xi sheng de dao lu Shedding his blood to walk the path of sacrifice
我 要 跟 随 到 底 p 11
wo yao gen sui dao di
I want to follow him to the end
险 峻 的 山 岭 也 无 所 谓 xian jun de shan ling ye wu suo wei It does not matter if the mountains are high and dangerous
天 涯 海 角 我 也 愿 跟 随 tian ya hai jiao wo ye yuan gen sui I am willing to follow him to the remotest corners of the world
为 了 拯 救 失 丧 的 灵 魂 wei liao zheng jiu shi sang de ling hun for the purpose of saving lost souls
我 愿 舍 弃 宝 贵 生 命 wo yuan she qi bao gui sheng ming I am willing to abandon my precious life
世 界 虽 无 理 的 仇 恨 我
shi jie sui wu li de chou hen wo
The world may hate me without a reason
我 仍 然 以 爱 相 对 wo reng ran yi ai xiang dui Yet I will confront it with love
拯 救 时 间 灵 魂 的 十 架 zheng jiu shi jian ling hun de shi jia It is urgent that souls be led to the cross
甘 愿 走 上 这 路 p 12 gan yuan zou shang zhe lu Willing to tread this path
主 耶 稣 走 过 的 十 架 路 zhu ye su zou guo de shi jia lu The Lord Jesus walked the path of the Cross
我 也 愿 跟 随 wo ye yuan gen sui I am willing to follow Him
流 出 宝 血 牺 牲 的 道 路 liu chu bao xue xi sheng de dao lu Shedding his blood to walk the path of sacrifice
我 要 跟 随 到 底 wo yao gen sui dao di I want to follow him to the end
险 峻 的 山 岭 也 无 所 谓 xian jun de shan ling ye wu suo wei It does not matter if the mountains are high and dangerous
天 涯 海 角 我 也 愿 跟 随 tian ya hai jiao wo ye yuan gen sui I am willing to follow him to the remotest corners of the world
为 了 拯 救 失 丧 的 灵 魂 wei liao zheng jiu shi sang de ling hun for the purpose of saving lost souls
我 愿 舍 弃 宝 贵 生 命 p 13
wo yuan she qi bao gui sheng ming
I am willing to abandon my precious life
甚 至 为 了 我 牺 牲 生 命 shen zhi wei liao wo xi sheng sheng ming Even if I have to sacrifice my life
祢 爱 我 竟 爱 到 底 ni ai wo jing ai dao di You love me to the uttermost
求 祢 接 纳 这 微 小 的 我 qiu ni jie na zhe wei xiao de wo Please accept this insignificant I
献 上 我 的 爱 情 xian shang wo de ai qing To offer unto thee my love
求 祢 接 纳 这 微 小 的 我 qiu ni jie na zhe wei xiao de wo Please accept this insignificant I
献 上 我 的 爱 情 xian shang wo de ai qing To offer unto thee my love
Hymn No 6 p 14
Nothing Is Impossible With Him -在祂沒有難成的事
不 論 有 多 大 有 多 難 的 事, bu lun you duo da you duo nan de shi No matter how big or how difficult the matter is
交 托 在 全 能 的 上 帝 手 裡; jiao tuo zai quan neng de shang di shou li Entrust it to the almighty God
不 論 有 多 大 有 多 難 的 事, bu lun you duo da you duo nan de shi No matter how big or how difficult the matter is
交 托 在 上 帝 手 裡。 jiao tuo zai shang di shou li Entrust it to God
看! 看 耶 和 華 成 就 大 事, kan kan ye he hua cheng jiu da shi Look! look at Jehovah who has accomplished great things
祂 說 有 就 有, ta shuo you jiu you He spoke and it was done
祂 命 立 就 立; ta ming li jiu li He ordered it and it was established
看!看 耶 和 華 成 就 大 事, p 15 kan kan ye he hua cheng jiu da shi Look! look at Jehovah who has accomplished great things
在 祂 沒 有 難 成 的 事, zai ta mei you nan cheng de shi With Him nothing is impossible
- boat#######church#######
不 論 有 多 大 有 多 難 的 事, bu lun you duo da you duo nan de shi No matter how big or how difficult the matter is
交 托 在 全 能 的 上 帝 手 裡; jiao tuo zai quan neng de shang di shou li Entrust it to the almighty God
不 論 有 多 大 有 多 難 的 事, bu lun you duo da you duo nan de shi No matter how big or how difficult the matter is
交 托 在 上 帝 手 裡; jiao tuo zai shang di shou li Entrust it to God
看! 看 耶 和 華 成 就 大 事, kan kan ye he hua cheng jiu da shi Look! look at Jehovah who has accomplished great things
祂 說 有 就 有, ta shuo you jiu you He spoke and it was done
祂 命 立 就 立; p 16 ta ming li jiu li He ordered it and it was established
看! 看 耶 和 華 成 就 大 事, kan kan ye he hua cheng jiu da shi Look! look at Jehovah who has accomplished great things
在 祂 沒 有 難 成 的 事。 zai ta mei you nan cheng de shi With Him nothing is impossible
- dog#####church ##########dog######
不 論 有 多 大 有 多 難 的 事, bu lun you duo da you duo nan de shi No matter how big or how difficult the matter is
交 托 在 全 能 的 上 帝 手 裡; jiao tuo zai quan neng de shang di shou li Entrust it to the hand of God
不 論 有 多 大 有 多 難 的 事, bu lun you duo da you duo nan de shi No matter how big or how difficult the matter is
交 托 在 上 帝 手 裡; jiao tuo zai shang di shou li Entrust it to the hand of God
不 論 有 多 大 有 多 難 的 事, bu lun you duo da you duo nan de shi No matter how big or how difficult the matter is
交 托 在 全 能 的 上 帝 手 裡; p 17 jiao tuo zai quan neng de shang di shou li Entrust it to the almighty God
不 論 有 多 大 有 多 難 的 事, bu lun you duo da you duo nan de shi No matter how big or how difficult the matter is
交 托 在 上 帝 手 裡; jiao tuo zai shang di shou li Entrust it to God
看! 看 耶 和 華 成 就 大 事, kan kan ye he hua cheng jiu da shi Look! look at Jehovah who has accomplished great things
祂 說 有 就 有, ta shuo you jiu you He spoke and it was done
祂 命 立 就 立; ta ming li jiu li He ordered it and it was established
看! 看 耶 和 華 成 就 大 事, kan kan ye he hua cheng jiu da shi Look! look at Jehovah who has accomplished great things
在 祂 沒 有 難 成 的 事。 zai ta mei you nan cheng de shi With Him nothing is impossible
看! 看 耶 和 華 成 就 大 事, p 18 kan kan ye he hua cheng jiu da shi Look! look at Jehovah who has accomplished great things
祂 說 有 就 有, ta shuo you jiu you He spoke and it was done
祂 命 立 就 立; ta ming li jiu li He ordered it and it was established
看! 看 耶 和 華 成 就 大 事, kan kan ye he hua cheng jiu da shi Look! look at Jehovah who has accomplished great things
对 他 没 有 難 成 的 事, dui ta mei you nan cheng de shi
对 他 没 有 難 成 的 事, dui ta mei you nan cheng de shi
对 他 没 有 難 成 的 事, dui ta mei you nan cheng de shi
- river##singapore flyer#####
没 有 難 成 的 事, mei you nan cheng de shi
全 知 全 能 神, quan zhi quan neng shen The omniscient and omnipotent God
榮 耀 都 歸 你。 p 19 rong yao dou gui ni All glory be unto thee
在 你 沒 有 難 成 的 事, zai ni mei you nan cheng de shi With you nothing is impossible
在 你 沒 有 難 成 的 事, zai ni mei you nan cheng de shi
在 你 沒 有 難 成 的 事, zai ni mei you nan cheng de shi
沒 有 難 成 的 事, mei you nan cheng de shi
哈 利 路 亞, ha li lu ya Hallelujah
哈 利 路 亞, ha li lu ya Hallelujah
哈 利 路 亞。 ha li lu ya Hallelujah
Hymn No 7 p 20
Nunga Talu Hamate an (Batak)
Dibaen Tuhan Jesus I
Ai Na Hehe do Ibana
Songon Na Nidok Nai
Haleluya Haleluya (Hallelujah Hallelujah)
Nunga Hehe Jesus I
Haleluya Haleluya (Hellelujah Hallelujah)
Nunga Hehe Jesus I
Ia Angka Boru Boru
Lao Do Tu Tanoman I
Ndang Disi Be Tuhan Jesus
Nunga Hehe Sian I
Haleluya Haleluya
Nunga Hehe Jesus I
Haleluya Haleluya p 21
Nunga Hehe Jesus I
Marlas Roha Be Ma Hita
Ala Hehe Jesus I
Ai Malua Sude Hita
Sian Hamagoan I
Haleluya Haleluya
Nunga Hehe Jesus I
Haleluya Haleluya
Nunga Hehe Jesus I
Sai Tapuji Ma Tuhan Ta
Namarholong Roha I
Ta Pasangap Ma Ibana
Na Marasi Roha I
Haleluya Haleluya Nunga Hehe Jesus I p 22
Haleluya Haleluya Hallelujah Hallelujah
Nunga Hehe Jesus I
Hymn No 8
Oh my heart-我的心哪
我 的 心 哪、 wo de xin na Oh my heart
你 為 何 憂 悶、 ni wei he you men why are you so depressed
為 何 在 我 裡 面 煩 躁。 wei he zai wo li mian fan zao why are you so impatient within me 我 的 心 哪、 wo de xin na Oh my heart
應 當 仰 望 神, ying dang yang wang shen you ought to look up to God 他 用 笑 臉 幫 助 我 們, p 23 ta yong xiao lian bang zhu wo men He helps us with a smiling face 他 用 笑 臉 幫 助 我 們, ta yong xiao lian bang zhu wo men
他 用 笑 臉 幫 助 我 們, ta yong xiao lian bang zhu wo men 是 我 的 力 量 是 我 的 神。 shi wo de li liang shi wo de shen He is my strength He is my God
Hymn No 9
Really good-真正好- Chin Chia Ho (hokkien)
真 正 好 来 信 耶 稣 chin jia ho lai sin ya soh Really good , come and believe in Jesus
真 正 好 chin jia ho really good
真 正 好 来 信 耶 稣 chin jia ho lai sin ya soh Really good come and believe in Jesus 真 正 好 p 24 chin jia ho really good
我 拜 一 拜 二 拜 三
gua bai yit bai li bai sah Even on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
拜 四 拜 五 拜 六 bai si bai goh bai lak
Thursday, Friday , Saturday
整 个 礼 拜 真 正 好
kwee eh lay bai jin jia ho The whole week is really good
来 信 耶 稣 真 正 好 lai sin ya soh chin jia ho Come and believe in Jesus, really good
主 耶 稣 真 好 zhu ya soh jin ho Jesus is good
我 要 来 赞 美 gua beh lai oh lo I want to praise him
我 的 耶 稣 对 我 真 好 gua eh ya soh dui gua jin ho Jesus is good to me
拿 掉 我 的 烦 恼 p 25 gia tiow gua eh huan lo He removes my worries
给 我 每 日 笑 ho gua tak lit chio He makes me smile everyday
我 的 耶 稣 对 我 真 好 gua eh ya soh dui gua jin ho Jesus is good to me
Hymn No 10
Tetap Cinta Yesus 永遠愛耶穌 -Love Jesus forever (Batak)
Ku mau cinta Yesus selamanya 我要永远爱耶稣 I want to love Jesus forever
Ku mau cinta Yesus selamanya 我要永远爱耶稣 I want to love Jesus forever
Meskipun badai silih berganti 虽然经常狂风暴雨 Although there are storms dalam hidupku p 26 在生命中 in our life
Ku tetap cinta Yesus selamanya 我要永远爱耶稣 I want to love Jesus forever
Ku mau cinta Yesus selamanya 我要永远爱耶稣
Ku mau cinta Yesus selamanya 我要永远爱耶稣
Meskipun badai silih berganti 虽然经常狂风暴雨
dalam hidupku 在生命中
Ku mau cinta Yesus selamanya 我要永远爱耶稣
Ya Bapa Bapa 天父啊 My heavenly Father
Ini aku anak mu p 27
I am your child
Layakkan lah seluruh hidupku 我一生完全是你的恩典 I receive your blessings in my life
Ya Bapa Bapa 天父啊 Oh heavenly Father
Ini aku anakmu 我是你的孩子 I am your child
Pakailah sesuai dengan 遵循 合乎 Abide by your
Rencanamu 旨意 purpose
Hymn No 11 p 28 The fragrance of Jesus -耶稣的香气
耶 稣 你 甚 美 丽 ye su ni shen mei li Jesus you are beautiful
无 人 能 比 wu ren neng bi No one is comparable to you 你 的 香 气 吸 引 我 来 靠 近 ni de xiang qi xi yin wo lai kao jin Your fragrance draws me close to you 耶 稣 你 甚 美 丽 慈 爱 公 义 ye su ni shen mei lie ci ai gong yi Jesus you are beautiful, loving and righteous 圣 洁 荣 光 充 满 整 个 殿 宇 sheng jie rong guang chong man zheng ge dian yu Your holy light fills the whole temple 我 闭 上 眼 睛 就 看 见 wo bi shang yan jing jiu kan jian I close my eyes and then I see 你 舍 弃 天 上 尊 贵 将 我 赎 回 ni she qi tian shang zun gui jiang wo shu hui You forsake heaven’s honour to redeem me
我 只 要 留 心 就 听 见 p 29 wo xhi yao liu xin jiu ting jian I only have to be careful to listen 你 用 生 命 为 话 语 ni yong sheng ming wei hua yu You use your life as words 教 我 降 服 谦 卑 jiao wo jiang fu qian bei To teach me to submit and be humble
Hymn No 12
This generation--這世代
看 哪,猶 大 獅 子 已 得 勝, kan na you da shi zi yi de sheng Look, the lion of Judah is already victorious
眾 聖 徒 預 備 朝 見 祂, zhong sheng tu yu bei chao jian ta All believers should be ready to see him 少 年 人 看 異 象, shao nian ren kan yi xiang The young man shall see visions
老 年 人 要 作 異 夢, lao nian ren yao zuo yi meng The old man shall dream dreams p 30 因 為 神 的 復 興 將 來 到, yin wei shen de fu xing jiang lai dao Because God’s revival will come soon 聽 到 錫 安 的 號 角 響 起, ting dao xi an de hao jiao xiang qi You hear the sound of Zion’s horn
萬 國 萬 民 都 要 顫 抖, wan guo wan min dou yao chan dou All the nations shall tremble 耶 和 華 日 子 將 到, ye he hua ri zi jiang dao Jehovah’s day is near
光 明 將 除 去 黑 暗, guang ming jiang chu qu hei an Light shall dispel the darkness 因 為 神 的 復 興 將 來 到, yin wei shen de fu xing jiang lai dao Because God’s revival is coming
我 們 要 看 到 神 的 榮 耀, wo men yao kan dao shen de rong yao We shall see God’s glory 這 世 代, 我 們 用 敬 拜 爭 戰, zhe shi dai wo men yong jing bai zheng zhan This generation, we use worship to fight
我 們 用 禱 告 改 變 世 界, p 31
wo men yong dao gao gai bian shi jie
We use prayers to change the world
這 世 代,
zhe shi dai
This generation
聖 靈 要 更 新 澆 灌 我 們, sheng ling yao geng xin jiao guan wo men the Holy Spirit shall revive us anew 這 世 代,是 耶 穌 時 代。 zhe shi dai shi ye su shi dai This generation, is Jesus‘ generation
因 為 神 的 復 興 將 來 到, yin wei shen de fu xing jiang lai dao Because God’s revival is coming
我 們 要 看 到 神 的 榮 耀, wo men yao kan dao shen de rong yao We shall see God’s glory
Hymn No 13 True love-真爱 (Hokkien)
主 耶 稣 我 爱 你 zhu ye su wo ai ni zhu ya soh gua ai li Lord Jesus I love you 真 心 真 意 吾 是 假 p 32 zhen xin zhen yi wu shi jia jin sim jin yi em si keh With a sincere heart and good intentions, not falsehood 若 无 你 伫 我 的 生 命 中 ruo wu ni zhu wo de sheng ming zhong na bo li teh gua eh si mia tiong If you are not in my life
我 的 日 子 怎 样 阿 过 wo de ri zi zen yang a guo gua eh lit ji za yeo ah kueh How am I to pass my days
主 耶 稣 我 爱 你 zhu ye su wo ai ni zhu ya soh gua ai li Lord Jesus I love you
真 心 真 意 吾 是 假 zhen xin zhen yi wu shi jia jin sim jin yi em si keh With a sincere heart and good intentions, not falsehood
每 日 渴 幕 甲 你 来 作 伙 mei ri ke mu jia ni lai zuo huo mueh jit ke bo ka li lai zo ho Every day I long to be your partner
心 内 只 有 耶 稣 你 一 个 xin nei zhi you ye su ni yi ge sim lai ji wu ya soh li jit eh I only have Jesus in my heart 主 耶 稣 是 我 p 33 zhu ye su shi wo zhu ya soh si gua Lord Jesus is my
苦 难 中 的 避 难 所 ku nan zhong de bi nan suo koh nan tiong eh bi nan soh refuge when I am suffering
我 的 脚 步 wo de jiao bu gua eh ka poh My footsteps
伊 会 保 守 看 顾 yi hui bao shou kan gu yi eh po siu kwa ko are under your protection
主 耶 稣 是 我 zhu ye su shi wo
zhu ya soh si gua
Lord Jesus is my
苦 难 中 的 避 难 所 ku nan zhong de bi nan suo koh nan tiong eh bi nan soh refuge when I am suffering
伊 会 引 导 yi hui yin dao yi eh yin chua He will lead me p 34 我 面 前 的 路 途 wo mian qian de lu tu gua bin zeng eh loh toh to tread the path ahead of me
主 耶 稣 我 爱 你 zhu ye su wo ai ni zhu ya soh gua ai li Lord Jesus I love you
真 心 真 意 吾 是 假 zhen xin zhen yi wu shi jia jin sim jin yi em si keh With a sincere heart and good intentions, not falsehood
每 日 渴 幕 甲 你 来 作 伙
mei ri ke mu jia ni lai zuo huo
mueh lit keh bo ka li lai zo ho
Every day I long to be your partner
心 内 只 有 耶 稣 你 一 个 xin nei zhi you ye su ni yi ge sim lai ji wu ya soh li jit eh In my heart there is only one Jesus
主 耶 稣 是 我 zhu ye su shi wo zhu ya soh si gua Lord Jesus is
苦 难 中 的 避 难 所 p 35 ku nan zhong de bi nan suo koh nan tiong eh bi nan soh my refuge when I am suffering
我 的 脚 步 wo de jiao bu gua eh ka poh
伊 会 保 守 看 顾 yi hui bao shou kan gu yi eh po siu kuah ko
主 耶 稣 是 我 zhu ye su shi wo zhu ya soh si gua
苦 难 中 的 避 难 所 ku nan zhong de bi nan suo koh nan tiong eh bi nan soh
伊 会 引 导 yi hui yin dao yi eh yin chua He will lead me
我 面 前 的 路 途 wo mian qian de lu tu gua bin zeng eh lo toh to tread the path ahead of me
主 耶 稣 是 我 p 36
zhu ye su shi wo
zhu ya soh si gua
苦 难 中 的 避 难 所 ku nan zhong de bi nan suo koh nan tiong eh bi nan soh
我 的 脚 步 wo de jiao bu gua eh ka po
伊 会 保 守 看 顾 yi hui bao shou kan gu yi eh po siu kwa ko
主 耶 稣 是 我 zhu ye su shi wo zhu ya soh si gua
苦 难 中 的 避 难 所 ku nan zhong de bi nan suo koh nan tiong eh bi nan soh
伊 会 引 导 yi hui yin dao yi eh yin chua He will lead me
我 面 前 的 路 途 wo mian qian de lu tu gua bin zeng eh lo toh to tread the path ahead of me
主 耶 稣 是 我 p 37 zhu ye su shi wo zhu ya soh si gua
苦 难 中 的 避 难 所 ku nan zhong de bi nan suo koh nan tiong eh bi nan soh
我 的 脚 步 wo de jiao bu gua eh ka po
伊 会 保 守 看 顾 yi hui bao shou kan gu yi eh po siu kwa ko
主 耶 稣 是 我 zhu ye su shi wo zhu ya soh si gua
苦 难 中 的 避 难 所
ku nan zhong de bi nan suo
koh nan tiong eh bi nan soh
伊 会 引 导 yi hui yin dao yi eh yin chua He will lead me
我 面 前 的 路 途 wo mian qian de lu tu gua bin zeng eh lo toh to tread the path ahead of me p 38 伊 会 引 导 yi hui yin dao yi eh yin chua He will lead me
我 面 前 的 路 途 wo mian qian de lu tu gua bin zeng eh lo toh to tread the path ahead of me
Hymn No 14
Tuhan Jesus siparmahan au biru biru nado Jesus gok diho rohakku sai ihutton nokku ho sai ihutton nokku ho sai ihutton nokku ho Jesus gok di ho rohakku sai ihutton nokku ho juppa masa sori mago tung pangapul ho gogo ia bogas mi hu ida sai ihutton nokku ho sai ihutton nokku ho p 39 sai ihutton nokku ho ia bogas mi hu ida sai ihutton nokku ho
Dukkon au suruan mu ai hatam somagopo dungi ho huhut manogu dongakki manopot ho taiti ma sude tuho taiti ma sude tuho sai asi roham sai togu sahat ma sude tuho taiti ma sude tuho taiti ma sude tuho sai asi roham sai togu sahat ma sude tuho
Hymn No 15 Ui Merepet Nemu- Iban
Ngelibung negku O Tuhan ku
Ui merepet Nemu Nginita negku
Amung luk do ilap ku p 40
Rat Nemu Tuhan
Ulun ku idi bang palad Mu
Iko mare amung luk pinian ku
Luk bire Mu ineh do tu- tu
Iko matar idi nguyut negku Tuhan
Iko mo Tuhan bang ulun ku
Ui mare amung ubur kuan Tuhan
Ui lutep ngerawe Tuhan ku
Na luk ngenau niat ku megagau
Ngeceku Tuhan ineh bang niat ku prayer
Tuhan mada dalan ulun kuan ku
God invite servant vessel
Kareb Iko idi mepanu awang ku only he Pedengan rat Nemu
Ngeperuan negku
Awang Mu luk bire Mu kuan ku
Ui mare amung ubur kuan Tuhan
Ui lutep ngerawe Tuhan ku
Na luk ngenau niat ku megagau
Ngaceku Tuhan ineh bang niat ku
Ui mare amung ubur kuan Tuhan
Ui lutep ngerawe Tuhan ku p 41 Na luk ngenau niat ku megagau
Ngaceku Tuhan ineh bang niat ku OO...
Ngaceku Tuhan ineh bang niat ku
Ngaceku Tuhan ineh bang niat ku
Hymn No 16
Wait upon God -等候神
我 的 心 哪 wo de xin na My heart
你 當 默 默 無 聲 ni dang mo mo wu sheng You ought to be silent 要 專 心 等 候 神 yao zhuan xin deng hou shen and concentrate on waiting upon God 我 的 救 恩 是 從 神 而 來 wo de jiu en shi cong shen er lai My salvation comes from God 祂 是 我 的 磐 石 我 的 得 勝 ni shi wo de pan shi wo de de sheng You are my solid Rock, my victory
我 的 心 哪 p 42 wo de xin na My heart
你 當 默 默 無 聲 ni dang mo mo wu sheng
You ought to be silent
要 專 心 等 候 神 yao zhuan xin deng hou shen and concentrate on waiting upon God
我 的 盼 望 是 從 神 而 來 wo de pan wang shi cong shen er lai My hope comes from God 祂 是 我 的 幫 助 我 的 榮 耀 ni shi wo de bang zhu wo de rong yao He is my help, my glory 主 作 我 的 高 台 zhu zuo wo de gao tai Lord you are my tower 我 必 不 至 動 搖 wo bi bu zhi dong yao I will certainly not be shaken 主 是 我 的 力 量 和 避 難 所 zhu shi wo de li liang he bi nan suo Lord, you are my strength and refuge
我 要 時 時 倚 靠 祂 p 43 wo yao shi shi yi kao ta I want to trust in Him always
我 要 安 靜 等 候 祂 wo yao an jing deng hou ta I want to silently wait upon Him
我 的 榮 耀 能 力 全 都 在 乎 神 wo de rong yao neng li quan dou zai hu shen My glory and strength comes from God 我 的 榮 耀 能 力 全 都 在 乎 神 wo de rong yao neng li quan dou zai hu shen My glory and strength comes from God
Hymn No 17
What is man ?--人算什麼
耶 和 華 我 們 的 主 ye he hua wo men de zhu Jehovah is our Lord 祢 的 名 在 地 何 美 ni de ming zai di he mei Your name is splendid in all the earth 祢 將 榮 耀 彰 顯 於 天 p 44 ni jiang rong yao zhang xian yu tian Your glory is conspicuous in the heavens 將 榮 耀 彰 顯 於 天 jiang rong yao zhang xian yu tian 觀 看 祢 所 造 的 天 guan kan ni suo zao de tian When I look at the heavens you have created 所 擺 設 月 亮 星 宿 suo bai she yue liang xing xiu You ordain the moon and the constellation 觀 看 祢 指 頭 所 造 的 天 guan kan ni zhi tou suo zao de tian Look at the heavens that your finger has created
所 設 的 月 亮 星 宿 suo she de yue liang xing xiu You ordain the moon and the stars
便 說 人 算 什 麼 ? bian shuo ren suan shen me What is man? 祢 竟 顧 念 他 他 算 什 麼 ? ni jing gu nian ta ta suan shen me You care for him yet what is man? 他 比 天 使 微 小 一 點 ta bi tian shi wei xiao yi dian He is a little lower than the angels 祢 賜 他 榮 耀 冠 冕 p 45 ni ci ta rong yao guan mian You bestow glory on him and crown him
耶 和 華 我 們 的 主 ye he hua wo men de zhu Jehovah is our Lord 祢 的 名 在 地 何 美 ni de ming zai di he mei Your name is splendid in all the earth
祢 將 榮 耀 彰 顯 於 天 ni jiang rong yao zhang xian yu tian Your glory is conspicuous in the heavens
祢 將 榮 耀 彰 顯 於 天 ni jiang rong yao zhang xian yu tian Your glory is conspicuous in the heavens
觀 看 祢 所 造 的 天 guan kan ni suo zao de tian Look at the heavens that your finger has created
所 摆 設 的 月 亮 星 宿 suo bai she de yue liang xing xiu You ordain the moon and the stars
觀 看 祢 所 造 的 天 guan kan ni suo zao de tian Look at the heavens that you have created
所 設 的 月 亮 星 宿 p 46 suo she de yue liang xing xiu You ordain the moon and the stars
- car ###road #####
便 說 人 算 什 麼 ? bian shuo ren suan shen me What is man? 祢 竟 顧 念 他 他 算 什 麼 ? ni jing gu nian ta ta suan shen me You care for him yet what is man?
他 比 天 使 微 小 一 點 ta bi tian shi wei xiao yi dian He is a little lower than the angels
祢 賜 他 榮 耀 冠 冕 ni ci ta rong yao guan mian You bestow glory on him and crown him
耶 和 華 我 們 的 主 ye he hua wo men de zhu Jehovah is our Lord 祢 的 名 在 地 何 美 ni de ming zai di he mei Your name is splendid in all the earth
祢 將 榮 耀 彰 顯 於 天 ni jiang rong yao zhang xian yu tian Your glory is conspicuous in the heavens
將 榮 耀 彰 顯 於 天 p 47 jiang rong yao zhang xian yu tian
Your glory is conspicuous in the heavens
觀 看 祢 所 造 的 天 guan kan ni suo zao de tian Look at the heavens that your finger has created
所 摆 設 月 亮 星 宿 suo bai she yue liang xing xiu You ordain the moon and the stars
觀 看 祢 指 頭 所 造 的 天 guan kan ni zhi tou suo zao de tian Look at the heavens that your finger has created
所 設 的 月 亮 星 宿 suo she de yue liang xing xiu You ordain the moon and the stars
環 顧 宇 宙 萬 物 何 廣 闊 huan gu yu zhou wan wu he kuang kuo You look after the universe, the vast myriad of things
試 問 人 算 什 麼 ? shi wen ren suan shen me It may well be asked : what is man?
Hymn No 18 p 48
Sipata di hangoluan non
jot jot do marudur arsak
boasa so tu Jesus si
alu hon non mu arsak mi
pos roham sai doi sasude
sipata diate ate pe
jot jot do sai mian holso
hatop maho tu Jesus si
paboa nasa holsomi
pos roham malum do sasude
Ai Jesus do damei
ai Jesus do dalan na tutu p 49
Ai Jesus do sipamalum
arsak pe dina porseai
Sipata diate ate pe jot jot do sai mian holso hatop maho tu Jesus si paboa nasa holsomi pos roham malum do sasude
Ai Jesus do damei Ai Jesus do dalan na tutu Ai Jesus do sipamalum arsak pe dina porseai Ai Jesus do damei
Ai Jesus do dalan na tutu Ai Jesus do sipamalum arsak pe dina porseai Ai Jesus do damei Ai Jesus do dalan na tutu Ai Jesus do damei
Hymn No 19 p 50
Your love is steadfast- 你的愛不離不棄
沒 有 一 個 憂 患 mei you yi ge you huan There is no hardship that
耶 穌 不 能 擔 當 ye su bu neng dan dang Jesus cannot bear 沒 有 一 個 痛 苦 mei you yi ge tong ku There is no suffering that
耶 穌 不 能 背 負 ye su bu neng bei fu Jesus cannot bear
我 要 向 高 山 舉 目 wo yao xiang gao shan ju mu I will lift up my eyes to the mountains 我 的 幫 助 從 你 而 來 wo de bang zhu cong ni er lai My help comes from Thee 滿 有 豐 盛 的 慈 愛 man you feng sheng de ci ai Your love is rich and abundant 賜 給 凡 求 告 你 名 的 人 p 51 ci gei fan qiu kao ni ming de ren Bestowed on those who call on thy name 你 的 愛 總 是 不 離 不 棄 ni de ai zong shi bu li bu qi Your love is after all sure and steadfast 憐 憫 如 江 河 湧 流 lian min ru jiang he yong liu Your pity gushes out like the river 在 我 敵 人 面 前 擺 設 筵 席 zai wo di ren mian qian bai she yan xi Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies 使 我 的 福 杯 滿 溢 shi wo de fu bei man yi My cup runneth over
你 的 愛 總 是 不 離 不 棄 ni de ai zong shi bu li bu qi Your love will not forsake me 時 刻 將 我 環 繞 shi ke jiang wo huan rao Thy love constantly surrounds me 你 必 永 遠 紀 念 與 我 所 立 的 約 ni bi yong yuan ji nian yu wo suo li de yue You shall remember the covenant that I have promised
p 52 使 我 領 受 豐 盛 的 恩 典 shi wo ling shou feng sheng de en dian And allow me to receive thy abundant blessings
Hymn No 20 Your nail-scarred hands-祢钉痕的手
祢 钉 痕 的 手 ni ding heng de shou Your nail-scarred hands
抚 慰 我 伤 口 fu wei wo shang kou are there to sooth my wounds
要 亲 自 医 治 我 的 痛 yao qin zi yi zhi wo de tong to personally heal my pain 看 著 祢 的 手 kan zhe ni de shou Looking at your hands
想 到 祢 的 痛 xiang dao ni de tong and thinking of your pain
p 53 我 顿 时 忘 掉 wo dun shi wang diao Immediately I forget
自 己 一 点 点 的 痛 zi ji yi dian dian de tong
the little pain that I have 主, 请 教 导 我 zhu, qing jiao dao wo Lord teach me
不 要 那 么 在 乎 痛 bu yao na me zai hu tong not to be too concerned about my own pain 让 我 也 能 够 被 骂 不 还 口 rang wo ye neng gou bei ma bu huan kou Let me not to retaliate when being scolded 让 我 时 常 看 到 祢 钉 痕 的 手 rang wo shi chang kan dao ni ding heng de shou Let me always see Your nail-scarred hands 知 道 我 的 痛 zhi dao wo de tong So that I may know my pain
永 远 不 及 祢 的 痛 yong yuan bu ji ni de tong can never be compared to Yours
祢 钉 痕 的 手 p 54 ni ding heng de shou Your nail-scarred hands
抚 慰 我 伤 口 fu wei wo shang kou are there to soothe my wounds
要 亲 自 医 治 我 的 痛 yao qin zi yi zhi wo de tong to personally heal my pain 看 著 祢 的 手 kan zhe ni de shou Looking at your hands
想 到 祢 的 痛 xiang dao ni de tong and thinking of your pain
我 顿 时 忘 掉 wo dun shi wang diao Immediately I forget
自 己 一 点 点 的 痛 zi ji yi dian dian de tong
the little pain that I have 主, 请 教 导 我 zhu, qing jiao dao wo Lord teach me
不 要 那 么 在 乎 痛 p 55 bu yao na me zai hu tong not to be too concerned about my own pain 让 我 也 能 够 被 骂 不 还 口 rang wo ye neng gou bei ma bu huan kou Let me not to retaliate when being scolded 让 我 时 常 看 到 祢 钉 痕 的 手 rang wo shi chang kan dao ni ding heng de shou Let me always see Your nail-scarred hands 知 道 我 的 痛 zhi dao wo de tong So that I may know my pain
永 远 不 及 祢 的 痛 yong yuan bu ji ni de tong can never be compared to Yours
主, 请 教 导 我 zhu, qing jiao dao wo Lord teach me
不 要 那 么 在 乎 痛 bu yao na me zai hu tong not to be too concerned about my own pain 让 我 也 能 够 被 骂 不 还 口 rang wo ye neng gou bei ma bu huan kou Let me not to retaliate when being scolded
p 56 让 我 时 常 看 到 祢 钉 痕 的 手 rang wo shi chang kan dao ni ding heng de shou Let me always see Your nail-scarred hands 知 道 我 的 痛 zhi dao wo de tong So that I may know my pain
永 远 不 及 祢 的 痛 yong yuan bu ji ni de tong can never be compared to Yours
- Jesus#####
祢 钉 痕 的 手 ni ding heng de shou Your nail-scarred hands
抚 慰 我 伤 口 fu wei wo shang kou are there to soothe my wounds
要 亲 自 医 治 我 的 痛 yao qin zi yi zhi wo de tong to personally heal my pain
看 著 祢 的 手 kan zhe ni de shou Looking at your hands
想 到 祢 的 痛 xiang dao ni de tong and thinking of your pain
我 顿 时 忘 掉 p 57 wo dun shi wang diao Immediately I forget
自 己 一 点 点 的 痛 zi ji yi dian dian de tong
the little pain that I have