User:Helmut Hoppenstedt
Hi, I´m Helmut Hoppenstedt, I´m lawyer and chessplayer in Munich, Germany. My real name is Alexander Würdinger. Concerning law, I wrote a part of the german-language Wikipedia. I wrote e.g. the following articles:
de:Subsidiaritätsprinzip (Verfassungsprozessrecht)
de:Gerichtliche Hinweispflicht (Deutschland)
de:Umgehungsverbot (anwaltliches Berufsrecht)
de:Anspruch auf Strafverfolgung Dritter
de:Grundsatz des sichersten Wegs
de:Grundsatz der Waffengleichheit
de:Vermutung aufklärungsrichtigen Verhaltens
de:Wahrnehmung berechtigter Interessen
I´m ErwinLindemann (an owner of a boutique in Wuppertal, Germany), Rompiscatoledue (a nervous Italian), Milhouse M. van Houten (an American schoolboy, the best friend of Bart Simpson), Bohnenblust (the Swiss lawyer of Anatol Ludwig Stiller), Jenecomprendsrien (a French with not so much brain), Heinz-Rüdiger zwei (a child, the film-son of Gerhard Polt and Gisela Schneeberger), Herr Dings (a simple man), Hans Travioli (a very close friend of John Travolta), Schadubinsky (an unknown chessplayer from Poland), Robert Eponge (the French Spongebob), Thomas Müller-Poltawa (a man from Ukraine), Francesco Cisano (a man from Lago di Garda, Italy), Rudolf Ufbold (a hooligan), Müller-Liebenthal (a man from a little village in Brandenburg) and finally Oriol Orotava (a man from a little village in Tenerife, Spain).