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Kotobagari (言葉狩り) is a term used to describe the social policing of negative terms that are prohibited from use.



There are situations where the words used by the dominant societal ideology are overly regulated by groups who oppose them, especially those words that relate to countries and discriminated groups. In such cases, these words have been banned from mass communications like television and radio. In such cases where voluntary restraint is used, as for going too far, these words are still used in banter and ridicule, yet they still have their negative connotations.

In situations where discriminatory words are used, all mass communication companies, educational institutions, and governmental groups have banded together to disuse these terms.

In contemporary Japan, so-called discriminatory terms are expressed using other words. "Kotobagari," then, is pointing out these changes, and in situations where the writer refuses to do so, the publisher or broadcasting office or similar company will not publish the sentences. There are examples of lawsuits that arose after publication.

This kotobagari, in the same way as discrimination, situations where the terms were used are largely based on the involved party's personal opinion. Regulation can go too far, or perhaps be unsuitable, and based on this viewpoint, kotobagari can be sometimes be viewed in a negative light.

Putting in other words


There are terms that can be seen as showing prejudice against people, and these terms have a historic and societal context. Forcing people to use other terms to convey the same meaning can be seen as infringing on a freedom of expression. This problem arises largely in such places of original expression such as literary works.

In these situations, it must be asked if these expressions (graphic depictions are included too) infringe upon human rights and public welfare. So as to carefully handle the situation, new words and unnatural neologisms are created. The sentimental drift of the human rights protection groups turns into sarcasm. Right after these prejudiced terms are criticized, due to kotobagari, the words are simply turned into disused words, and the true state of discrimination becomes unclear, and so the ending of true discrimination becomes a far off thing.






Kotobagari as a label




Kotobagari for ideology




一方で、長い国名を省略するなど、便宜的に省略することも少なくない。一例を挙げれば、朝鮮民主主義人民共和国(英名:Democratic People's Republic of Korea)について、日本では「北朝鮮」、英語圏では「North Korea」、他の言語でも「北の朝鮮」という朝鮮半島における位置関係で示す呼称がまま用いられている。これは報道などに際しての呼称の便宜から長い名称を省略する意図と、大韓民国(英名:Republic of Korea)との混同を避け二者のいずれか明瞭にする意図から主に用いられており、上記したような政治的な意図をもっての言い換えとして用いられることは少ない。同様の理由から、大韓民国についても、英語圏では「South Korea」、他の言語でも「南の朝鮮」という位置関係で示した呼称が用いられることがままある。こうした種類の、悪意や政治的意図を伴わない言い換えや省略についても、結果的に上記のイデオロギーによる言葉狩りの場合と同様に当事国の政治体制を認めないかのごときニュアンスを帯びることから、その対象にされがちな国々はその使用にしばしば難色を示しており、国際連合の会議での発言時などでは、中立的な発言においても公式の場での使用に異議が唱えられることがある。

Character kotobagari


An example of kotobagari in writing characters is the change from writing kodomo from 子供 to 子ども. See the corresponding article.

See also
