Moothurls is a Nation & a monotheistic faith for people of Good Character Moothurls Follow The Foundation of Thurl these are some basic acts in moothurls lifestyle , considered mandatory by moothurls, its the foundation of a moothurl belief 1. The Shahada is the fundamental statement of faith and commitment made by Moothurls: “There is no God but God (Allah), and Muhammad is His Messenger & there will be no Leader Of The Moothurls After Amir Luay. 2. Five daily prayers (Moothurls pray same way As The Muslims But is not mandatory for them to say it in Arabic) 3. Protect The Weak & Take Care Of The Poor( All Moothurls Must Help & protect a Person in Need) 4. Ramadan ( All Moothurls Must preform Ramadan Same Time as The Muslims) 5 Respect Honesty & Trust ( Apply These Codes To Yourself & Others) Moothurls Also Follow The Laws Of Thurl 1. Love Your Family Like you love Yourself (Moothurls & Muslims) 2. Never compete with your family. 3. Never Mix Truth with falsehood 4. Never Steal 5. Never Talk BAD about a person behind their back say something good or say nothing at all.. 6. Never Trade Your Character (Thurl) For This World 7. Never Harm a Muslim Or Moothurl 8. Commanding what is Right. 9. Never run in War 10.Forbidding what is evil 11. you can't be apart of any other faith besides Moothurl Or Islam. most MooThurls Become Muslim in due time. founded by Amir Luay who is also a Muslim After Amir Luay There will be no other leaders of The Moothurls.