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Welcome.This is my page.I made it with my bare hands.Dont need an axe for that cause as far as i know ppl used wood to make papers but thats like two days ago,its ancient history now.now we r using some thing known as internet. Internet is basically bits.Its gonna rip u off bit by bit if u dont use it wisely.Anyways,screw that and lets do the introduction thing.

Hi,My name is Syed Hassan Raza.I was born in Narowal,Lahore,Punjab,Pakistan,Asia,World.I can write more but u get the point.Now i was brought to Saudia when i was 3 months old(nobody told me that i was going there).Then i was exposed to knowledge and being currently exposed still.All these radiations,gamma,beta and alpha are killing me,waow thats too much to learn isn't it?naah.I have survived long enough haven't i?Huh?Hmmm?anyways,i have a dark past cause all the knowledge light is being given now,in the present.No secrets,so no fun,no curiosity,nothing.Well,I was brought up with 3 meals a day and enough clothes etc,yeah like a normal kid.But was it just that ordinary or was it know that one day i will be having my own page?u can never guess that can ya?me neither.just ten minutes ago i felt that i should be doing something and here i am and here u are,me writing or shall i say finished writing while u r reading this.I dont know what u find in this column that u keep going on but hey dont blame me,that s' what life is all about.To know more,to get more.Besides i use MORE card to call my love ones.when i finish one and am about to throw it away,i see written MORE.....MORE.....MORE.then after a few days,i buy one more.ok then gotta go now.Take Care.Bye