User:Habatchii/Technology Conception; Developer Environment- Under Proposal/WikiSeries 3D-GPU Whitepapers
[edit]This section of the WikiSeries 3D GPU Team wikiproject is for the development and creation of GPU industrial industry specific Whitepapers. Its objectices include a single directory for each major article class or library and a reservation system in which once an article has been assumed, it can only be queued in by the existing author/editor.
WikiSeries 3D-GPU Whitepaper Overview
[edit]Once an editor has accepted the reservation, they must strike out the topic and insert the diamond life symbol behind the closed topic (as provided in the drop down menu of your wiki editor, which looks like this 'AutoCAD ♦'.) If the paper is already prepared, include a link to the new article. This makes your reservation exclusive and prevents multiple versions of WikiSeries 3D-GPU articles.
Technology is a changing industry which needs to be updated at high frequencies. Therefore, all reservations must be updated. Various taskforces are assigned to ensure that whitepapers are fresh and up to date, so allowing opportunity for new editors to participate. If you would like to added to the taskforce list, or to see if a reservation is available, add your username below:
Username | Topic | Taskforce (Y/N) | Reservation |
Username | AutoCAD | Y | Not Reserved |
Habatchii | /SketchUp | N | Reserved |
ψ | ψ | ψ | ψ |
ψ | ψ | ψ | ψ |
GPU Hardware Whitepapers
[edit]GPU Software Whitepapers
[edit]3D Flash | 3DMLW | 3Delight |
3ds Max | 3dvia | AC3D |
ACIS | ARRIS CAD | Adobe Atmosphere |
AfterBurn (plugin) | Aladdin4D | Animanium |
Animation:Master | ArchiCAD | AutoCAD |
AutoQ3D | AutoShade | Autodesk Architectural Desktop |
Autodesk Inventor | Blender (software) | Blue Moon Rendering Tools |
Brazil R/S | Bryce (software) | CATIA |
Cabri 3D | Cadwork | Cal3D |
Canoma | Carrara (software) | Character Studio |
Cheetah3D | Cinema 4D | DAZ Studio |
DKBTrace | Dielectric Shader | Digimation |
Dynamation (software) | E-on Vue | Electric Image Animation System |
FPS Creator | FPrime | FinalRender |
Flux (software) | Form-Z | GLC Player |
Gmax | Hexagon (software) | Holomatix Rendition |
Houdini (software) | IDV | Imagine (3D modeling software) |
Infini-D | Interactive Scenario Builder | JetStream (software) |
LightWave 3D | MacPerspective | MakeHuman |
Massive (software) | Maya (software) | Mental Images (firm) |
MeshLab | Metasequoia (software) | MicroStation |
MilkShape 3D | Mimics | Mining simulator |
Mirai (software) | Modo (software) | MojoWorld Generator |
Morph target animation | Mudbox | NX (software) |
Nato.0+55+3d | Orionflame | Pixie (renderer) |
Poser | Poser figures | PowerAnimator |
Pro/ENGINEER | Real3D (3D modeling software) | RealWorld Icon Editor |
Render Plus Systems | RenderMan | RenderMan Artists Tools |
RenderMan Interface Specification | RenderMan Shading Language | Rhinoceros 3D |
SIMDIS | Satellite Tool Kit | Sculpt 3D |
Sculpt 4D | Scythe Physics Editor | Seamless3d |
Silo (software) | / |
SketchUp Ruby |
Softimage | Softimage 3D | Softimage XSI |
SolidThinking | SolidWorks | SpeedTree |
Stella (software) | Strata 3D | StrataVision 3D |
Sum3d | SurfCAM | The Advanced Visualizer |
TrueSpace | TurboSilver | Typestry |
V-Ray | VectorWorks | Visual Nature Studio |
ZBrush |