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User:H3r01n B0b

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That makes Heroin Bob, or it would have made Heroin Bob if Wikipedia allowed that name to be chosen. Wiki wouldn't let us use that name because it was too similar to another user's name. We found a way around that, obviously. Fuck you automated name thingy.

Now St3v0 has entered the fray, and offered some memes of his own...

And now for a list of our own little memes:

Meme: Heroin Bob

Date: Known to the ancients

Origin: H3r01n and B0b believed that in the movie SLC Punk that Heroin Bob would happily (and sarcastically) remark "You caught me!" when Shawn thought he was Jesus. This line never occurred in the movie and no explanation has surfaced for why it was expected in the first place.

Proper Usage: When someone makes an absurd accusation, e.g.; "Wait, you like reality television, don't you?" "You caught me!"

Meme: Rumpelstiltskin

Date: 05/25/2007

Origin: H3r01n's sister uttered something stupid, to which B0b replied "No, Rumpelstiltskin..." and H3r01n continued with "...because he's a she... ...and exists."

Proper Usage: When someone says something stupid that defies casual ignorance (usually about another person), e.g.; "Bill did (action)!" "Yeah... ...because he's a she... ...and exists."

Meme: Theatre Arts

Date: 05/25/2007

Origin: H3r01n remarked that his mother was proud of his sister having only A's for her grades while B0b was investigating her school progress report and eventually uttered "She has a B... ...in theatre arts."

Proper Usage: A way of calling someone stupid, because only a moron would get a B in something as stupid as theatre arts, e.g.; (A stupid act is performed) "He/She has a B... ...in theatre arts."

Meme: Failed Classes

Date: 05/25/2007

Origin: B0b proudly stated "I've failed some classes..." while H3r01n and his mother were talking about school grades.

Proper Usage: When anyone is talking about anything school related, e.g.; "In high school there was this cool class I took..." "I've failed some classes..."

Meme: Mr. Glass

Date: Known to the ancients

Origin: In the movie Unbreakable, Mr. Glass declares "They call me Mr. Glass because I break like glass.", to which H3r01n replied "...I don't work as hard as the rest of the slaves."

Proper Usage: When being asked for a name, you respond with "They call (me/him) Mr. Glass because (I/he) break(s) like glass, (I/he) don't work as hard as the rest of the slaves.", e.g.; "What's your name?" "They call me Mr. Glass because I break like glass, I don't work as hard as the rest of the slaves."

Meme: Known to the ancients

Date: 12/8/2008

Origin: Can be found in the Linux program gElemental when describing elements known long ago.

Proper usage: Whenever you reference something and don't know when it first came into existence, e.g.; "When did pornography first come around?" "It was known to the ancients, dumbass."

Meme: Internet

Date: Known to the ancients

Origin: A demotivational poster featuring an illustrated police officer that proclaims "INTERNET: internet internet internet internet internet internet internet internet internet internet"

Proper usage: Whenever anyone argues with your source of information, e.g.; "Wikipedia isn't that relia-" "internet internet internet internet internet internet internet internet internet internet"

Meme: Damn good

Date: Known to the ancients

Origin: Aqua Teen Hunger Force season three (volume four) episode eight - Moon Master. After learning that he is a Moon Master, Master Shake proclaims "I'm not surprised, I'm damn good."

Proper usage: After someone announces an amazing feat you performed, e.g.; "You just jumped over a moving car!" "I'm not surprised, I'm damn good."

Meme: Ormus

Date: 1/10/2009

Origin: Diablo 2

Proper Usage: Anytime, preferably when meeting someone. e.g.; "Hello, who is this?" "You now speak to Ormus. Ormus was once a great mage known to the ancients, but now he is a douchebag who speaks in third person because he got a B in theatre arts..."


Date: 1/16/2009

Origin: St3v0's brother was having an argument with his dad. His brother shouted "I don't know your damn phone number!" to which his dad replied "Memorize it!" While listening in, H3r01n suggested that the following happen instead: "I don't know your damn phone number!" (SMACK) (THUD) "MEMORIZE IT!"

Proper usage: When someone comes up with "I don't know..." smack the shit out of them and follow up with "MEMORIZE IT!" e.g; "What do you expect me to do? I don't know..." (SMACK) (THUD) "MEMORIZE IT!"

Meme: Thick Door

Date: Known to the Ancients

Origin: Charlie Wilson's War - Charlie Wilson exclaims "That's a thick door!" to CIA agent Gust Avrakotos' inexplicable knowledge of Charlie's conversation.

Proper Usage: When someone knows something that they normally shouldn't. e.g; "I thought you didn't have any money?" "What the- that's a thick door!"

Meme: Glitch in the Matrix

Date: 03/02/2009

Origin: The movies in the Matrix trilogy

Proper Usage: An analog to Damn Good, whenever something doesn't work out in your favor. e.g.; "Dude, were you trying to get hit by that car, or what?" Shut up! It was a glitch in the Matrix!"

Meme: Box-Mirror

Date: 9/11/2009

Origin: H3r01n had a large box loaded in the passenger seat of his truck, and communicated his frustration from being unable to properly use the rear-view mirror through the sentence "Half my mirror is box!".

Proper Usage: When you are unable to view something, e.g.; "Affirmative Yankee17, have you spotted the target?" "Half my mirror is box!"