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User:Gyrofrog/NARA 2

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Speaking as a participant in (if not necessarily on behalf of) WP:JAZZ:

First, I am not familiar with any of the Archive's items that I'm about to describe. Second, I wouldn't expect to complete a lot of this (much less all of it) in one afternoon (I'm not even certain I can attend).

There are a lot of radio, film, and television archives (e.g. Willis Conover broadcasts like this one) that I am guessing cannot be used on Wikimedia, because the content therein (i.e., the music) is under copyright, even if the item itself is a government publication. (More obvious are actual commercial productions (e.g. this) that happen to be in the Archives.) I suppose that with VoA interviews, we could edit out any non-free content (music) and retain only the interview, unless altering the source material this way is considered unacceptable (another concern is whether any music runs underneath the interview).

With that in mind, the following items did not raise any obvious concerns regarding non-free content:

These items are identified as interviews (or discussions) but (I am guessing) could also incorporate non-free content (music):

Less obvious are these items, which evidently include interviews/discussion, but (I'm guessing) probably incorporate non-free content (music):

I found additional items that looked interesting, but they were within the series "Records Relating to Copyright Clearances for Radio Use of Material Contained in Magazine Articles...." I am guessing, by the nature of the series, that these items are protected by copyright (i.e. non-free content).

-- Gyrofrog (talk) 19:45, 29 September 2011 (UTC)

