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User:Gyorgy Bp.Szabo

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Gyorgy Bp. Szabo (Budapest, September 30. 1953. – ) Designer, Musician.

1982 Gyorgy Bp. Szabo received his MFA from the Moholy-Nagy University Of Art And Design Budapest. He then got his Masters in Typography. His Professors included Sandor Ernyei, Janos Kass and Peter Viragvolgyi. I am thrilled to have been taught by legendary Erno Rubik, the inventor of the Rubik's cube. As a graphic designer he designed posters, mostly representing alternative bands.

In 1992, he became the co-owner of A.R.C. Studio, and in 1994 started his own graphic design company called Bp. Studio. In 1996 he moved to Los Angeles to work for the well- known animation company Klasky Csupo where he became an art director. In 2004 he worked for Crew Creative, and finally landed the position of Creative Director at Cleopatra Records. His art reflects the way music and art collide. From 1983, his band Bp. Service has reflected the sound of accidental noise discoveries, machines, and the sound of the city along with self-made generators, resulting in uniquely innovative music.

Important exhibitions


Own exhibitions

  • 2003 – Elements, Klasky Csupo Gallery, Los Angeles
  • 2001 – Collections,Klasky Csupo Gallery, Los Angeles
  • 1995 – Conserved Soundprints, Kunst Halle, Budapest
  • 1994 – Deep Signals Skrached by Crystal, Mu terem, Budapest
  • 1993 – Soundprint, Young Artist Club, Budapest
  • 1988 – Radiating Devices, Young Artist Club, Budapest
  • 1987 – URBANCONCERTPOSTERS, Liget Galeria, Budapest
  • 1987 – Radiating Devices, Fenyes Adolf Terem, Budapest
  • 1987 – Ferencvarosi Pincetarlat, Budapest

Group Exibitions

  • 2009 – Art Show & Performance, The Hive Gallery, Los Angeles
  • 2008 – Art Show, Cannibal Flower Art Gallery, Los Angeles
  • 2008 – Art Show & Performance, The Hive Gallery, Los Angeles
  • 2005 – Art Regained, Art Pool, P60, Budapest,
  • 1997 – Lumpy Gravy, Art Bistro and Gallery, Los Angeles
  • 1996 – Studio of Lajos Vajda, Szentendre
  • 1994 – Mirelite City, Tilos az A, Budapest
  • 1993 –Late Naive, Conserved Soundprint 5, Jatekszín, Budapest
  • 1992 – Polypoezis, Hungarian-Italian Culture Academy
  • 1991 – Test-ek, Budapest Galery, Budapest
  • 1991 – Noise Installation, fare well to Budapest
  • 1990 – The Signs of Change, posters 1988-1990, Hungarian National Galery, Budapest
  • 1988 – Mechanical, Radnoti Stage
  • 1987 – Stamp Pictures, Museum on Fine Arts, Budapest
  • 1987 – Sound Therapy and Sound Maneuvers, Pinceszinhaz, Budapest
  • 1986 – Yellow Exibition, Young Artist Club, Budapest
  • 1985 – Art Nouveau and New Wave, Rome
  • 1985 – Ferencvarosi, Pincetarlat, Budapest
  • 1985 – Soundprints, Fényes Adolf Terem, Budapest
  • 1985 – Studio of your Artists Exibition, Ernst Múzeum, Budapest
  • 1984 – Hungary Could be Yours, Young Artist Club, Budapest
  • 1983 – Today’s Hungarian Graphics and Art, The Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest
  • 1980 – Resume, Young Artist Club, Budapest
  • 1980 – Visual Experiments, Moholy-Nagy University Of Art And Design, Budapest
  • 1976 – National Graphics, Biennálé, Varsó


  • Szkárosi E.: Zajlátvány, Élet és Irodalom, 1995. november 3.
  • Bogácsi E.: Zenél az asztallap is. Beszélgetés Bp. Szabó Györggyel, Népszabadság, 1996. január 16.
  • Szkárosi E.: Mi az, hogy Avantgárd, Írások az avantgárd hagyománytörténetéből, 2006
  • Carolyn Blais: The Hive + Temple of Visions Opening Night – Forth Magazine, January 21, 2010
  • Dr. Máriás: A nagyvárosi Lét Vibrációi – A38, December, 2010
  • Eszter Götz: Szemétköltészet - Bp. Szabó György, December 4, 2010
  • Judit Gellér: Out Of Use – Bp. Szabó György
  • Dr.Máriás: Gyémántok a klotyóból – Élet és Irodalom, January 7, 2011
  • D. Udvary Ildikó: Találatok - Egyenlítő, April 20, 2011


  • 1997 – Electronic Noise Theater, Roxy Club, Los Angeles
  • 1996 – Impala Cafe Presents, Electric Thursday, Los Angeles
  • 1997 – Sneak-Preview Open House, Los Angeles
  • 1997 – Electronic Noise & Soundscape, Lumpy Gravy, Los Angeles
  • 1995 – Conserved Soundprint, Kunst Halle, Budapest
  • 1995 – Skulpture Hall of Kunst Halle, Budapest
  • 1995 – Noise Theater 3, MU Theater, Budapest
  • 1994 – A is Forbidden, Budapest
  • 1994 –Sound Manouver, Dalmat Basement, Szentedre
  • 1994 – Noise Theater 2, MU Theater, Budapest
  • 1993 – Noise Theater 1, MU Theater, Budapest
  • 1993 – Late Naive, Conserved Soundprint 5, Játékszín, Budapent
  • 1993 – Needs Solve, Conserved Soundprints 3, Pecs
  • 1993 – Soundprint, Young Artist Club, Budapest
  • 1992 – Polypoezis, Italian-Hungarian Club, Budapest
  • 1992 – Concert In the Factory, Pecs
  • 1992 – New Ladyrunner- Soundpoetry, Szentendre
  • 1990 – Black Hole, Budapest
  • 1990 – MU Theater, Budapest
  • 1989 – Weekend Expansion, Greek Temple, Vac
  • 1989 – MU Theater, Budapest
  • 1989 – Independent, Obuda Theatre, Budapest
  • 1989 – Europakolo- Nightmare Tour, University Stage, Budapest
  • 1989 – Solidart- Mimifest, Young Artists Club, Budapest
  • 1989 – Live Techno Pop Fest, Young Artists Club, Budapest
  • 1988 – Soundrays, Fényes Adolf Room, Budapest
  • 1988 – Alternative Club, Budapest
  • 1987 – Bp. Service, Concert at the Cave, Szentendre
  • 1986 – Almasi Ter, Free Time Center, Budapest
  • 1985 – Exibition Band, Bercsenyi, Budapest
  • 1985 – Light Map, Petofi Hall, Budapest
  • 1985 – Cave Concert, Szentendre
  • 1985 – City After Shock Light Speed in the Shadow, Kassak Club, Budapest
  • 1984 – INKASZAMTAN University Stage, Budapest
  • 1984 – A platinum 84 Division C festival, Budapest
  • 1984 – Rigid Music Fest 5. , Egyetemi Színpad, Budapest
  • 1984 – Noise Therapy and Sound Manuver, Basement Theathre, Budapest
  • 1983 – Electric Petting, Budapest Culture Club, Budapest
  • 1983 – Underground Night, Kozgaz Club

Other Released Sound Material

  • 1988 – Post Vibration of a City in the Shadow of Lightwaves
  • 1990 – Bp. Service
  • 1990 – Solidart-Minifest, Industria Alpinist
  • 1993 – Noise
  • 1995 – The Machines Print Soundmaps
  • 1997 – Deep Signal
  • 1998 – Self Acting Technology
  • 2005 – Plastic Alligator / Gyorgy Bp. szabo