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“I see everything now in this giant web,” she says. “It’s because I’ve got raging ADHD [attention deficit hyperactivity disorder] and I really care.”
— Louise Mensch [1]

Using Matt Taibbi, Adam Johnson, and Twitter advanced search:

  • ProPublica and Democracy Now! “ARE [steve] BANNON” and are “Russian shills” (Twitter, 1/28/17).
  • Putin killed Andrew Breitbart to make way for Steve Bannon (Tw 2/24/17; 2/24/17).
  • Russia is secretly operating the public wifi networks in her neighborhood (3/3/17).
  • Anthony Weiner wasn’t sexting with a 15-year-old but was set up by a Russian hacker (Patribotics, 2/24/17).
  • It was probably a Russian Twitter account that sent a strobe gif to Newsweek journalist Kurt Eichenwald, causing a seizure (tw 12/16/16).
  • Putin had his own ambassador killed in Turkey in a false-flag operation (tw 3/23/17).
  • Putin played a role in the March 22 London attack (3/23/17).
  • "Russian partisans were out in the street" after London attack blaming illegal immigrants (Real Time, 3/24/17). (Maher instantly refuted Mensch's claim that Islamophobia is a Russia conspiracy by going on a trademark Islamophobic rant.)
  • Russia “funded riots in Ferguson” (4/9/17)(snopes)
  • Russia was behind attempted terror attack in Norway (4/9/17)