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Drafting for Lizardmen (Warhammer) page:

Conceptual Development The Lizardmen are a formidable army in the Warhammer game. Their balance of great combat, average ranged attacks and strong magic in Warhammer make them formidable opponents. In earlier versions of the setting (up to and including the 3rd edition of Warhammer Fantasy Battle and the 1st edition of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay) there was a separate Slann army based in Lustria. The background story of the Warhammer world described its creators as the "Old Slann" or "Old Ones" interchangeably. These were the ancestors of the current Slann, froglike creatures who ruled Lustria in a great empire with an Inca/Aztec feel whose fallen empire left behind a legacy of high-tech/magical items called Power Weapons, made of a mysterious black substance. Forces available to this army as allies or enemies included humanoid pygmys with blowguns[1] and amazonian warrior-women,[2] as well as lobotomised slave-soldiers.[3]

In the third edition the warrior slann were separated into various totem warrior groups, eg "Jaguar" and "Alligator," wearing the skins of their totem animals. Slann warriors rode Cold Ones into battle (as did Dark Elves) - a role taken by the saurus in the current Lizardmen army.

Lizardmen were an entirely separate race who inhabited the deep caverns underneath Goblin lairs and Dwarf strongholds. No explanation was given how a cold-blooded creatures such as bipedal lizards existed underground out of sunlight, but they were described as the original inhabitants of the Warhammer World, essentially driven underground by the vastly superior Slann.

In later versions the Slann had conquered the civilisation of another non-mammalian race, the "lizardmen" which resemble the Saurus of the Lizardmen army, and there were giant bipedal lizard creatures in their service called "Troglodytes," which in appearance and description resemble the later Kroxigor.

[edit] History of the Lizardmen The history of the Lizardmen began before the Old Ones arrived in the Warhammer world; some of the Slann traveled among the stars with their godlike masters. When the Old Ones arrived on the warhammer world, they settled in Lustria where they used the amphibious creatures already living there as bases for races that would serve the Slann. Out of this the first spawnings of Saurus, Kroxigors, and Skinks were formed. During this time, the Slann spawned on the earth as the world was being shaped to how the Old Ones wished it. Armies of Saurus destroyed unwanted races as the Old Ones created the races of High Elves, (powerful magicians) Dwarfs, (magic resistant) and Men. Later, in the coming of Chaos, the Old Ones either went missing, or sacrificed themselves to try and destroy the polar gates and halt the never ending tide of Chaos in a cataclysmic explosion. Every race formed by the Old Ones fought against the threat of Chaos, including the great armies of the Lizardmen which consisted of millions of Saurus. After the wars, the Slann immediately put defences and wards in place to better contain the threat of Chaos. Eventually, the Lizardmen become isolated, and the younger races (except for the Elves) forgot about them and the Old Ones. About 3,000 years after the great war on Chaos, the Skaven of Clan Pestilens invaded Lustria, marking the start of a thousand year war that ended with the Serpent God Sotek destroying almost all of the Skaven on Lustria. Dark Elves make raids on Lustria as does the Vampire Luthor Harkon of the Vampire Coast who wages war against the Slann. Eventually, Lustria is "discovered" by the Tilean merchant Marco Columbo of the Old World who witnessed the defeat of a Dark Elf raid on Tlaxtlan.

[edit] Species Each sub-species of Lizardman was bred for a particular role in the Old Ones' plan, with their particular racial traits chosen and adapted for to ensure a smooth, functional and organized society.

[edit] The Slann The Slann priests act as the custodians of the Old Ones, and rule the Lizardmen. These bloated, ancient creatures resemble giant frogs and are extremely adept at using magic, though their bodies are frail and weak. Powerfully telepathic, the Slann share the task of carrying out the Old Ones' final plan, and direct their considerable mental and magical energies towards this goal.

The Slann, under the direction of the Old Ones, separated the Warhammer World's continents and altered the world's orbit to bring it closer to the sun, warming the planet and helping to bring forth the other races. When the Old Ones vanished from the world during the coming of Chaos, much of the Slann's knowledge and wisdom was lost with them.

The Old Ones spawned five generations of Slann. All Slann of the First Spawning are dead, but their mummified remains are powerful enough to aid other Slann in battle. The remains of Venerable Lord Kroak, most powerful of all the Slann, is still brought forth in times of great need. Even the most junior Slann rank among the most powerful magic users in the Warhammer world, and the powers wielded by the elder Slann are unimaginably powerful. Venerable Lord Kroak in particular can destroy entire cities with a single gaze.

It is the Slann who maintain the invisible magical barriers around the Northlands which keeps the legions of Demons at bay.

[edit] Notable Slann Note: Most of these slann race were extinct during the war againest deamons. Only a few of them are left to continue to serve the Old One plans.

Venerable Lord Kroak (the first Slann spawned in the world and the most powerful wizard in the game; his corpse is carried into battle, but his soul does all the fighting and is helped by the trusty mumified skink attendent that helps him fight once he gets into close combat).

Lord Mazdamundi (literally "light of the world" from Mazda and Latin: "Mundi")the Oldest living Slann and the most powerful living practicioner of magic in the Warhammer World, Mazdamundi is solely responsible for the downfall of the Dwarven empire, Through sheer domination of will power he rides a mighty Stegadon into battle and his gaze humbles all but the mightiest of warriors.

Adohi-Tehga Lord of Tlaxtlan is a second generation Slann and second only in power to Mazdamundi.

Lord Xltep of Itza is a third generation Slann, one of the most aggressive of all the Slann of his generation, Xltep employs numerous incantations and bass-reliefs inspired by Sotek to draw energy from the Snake god and wage endless war on the invaders of Lustria.

[edit] The Saurus The Saurus were bred by the Old Ones' in response to the physical frailty of the Slann, and the subsequent requirement for a strong and numerous warrior breed to protect them from the more numerous Younger Races. It is unknown when exactly, or how, the Saurus were conceived, but it is believed they were adapted from the native lizard species of Lustria and their sturdy construction is a testament to such a heritage.

Standing slightly taller than a man, the slow-minded and brutish Saurus are the backbone of the Lizardman society's armies. Exceptionally strong, and covered in thick, thorny scales, the Saurus are brutal and savage foot-soldiers, with a formidable ability to both take and deal damage. However, they are confined to using only hand-to-hand weapons, as their primitive brains have proven largely incapable of mastering more complicated tools, like bows. Although, with the exception of Temple Guards, Saurus do not wear armor, their thick, scaly hides are functionally equivalent, in game terms, to light armor.

Saurus live for thousands of years - they're were never known to die of old age - if they are not killed in combat, and never cease growing, becoming larger and tougher as the centuries elapse. Many of the heroes and leaders of the Saurus have risen to prominence by being essentially unkillable in combat. Oldblood has live from time to time as instinctive, but savege fighters who make a great general while Scar-veterans have fought in many battles.

There are several roles a Saurus can be spawned to accomplish:

Saurus warriors: They are the backbone of the Lizardman army, savage warriors that can sometimes emerge blessed by a particular Old One. Saurus Warriors are vicious predators whose very bodies have been created to maximise their fighting potential in close combat. Their bony crests and tough, scaly hides can turn aside the surest of blows. Even unarmed, Saurus Warriors are formidable foes, with sharp claws capable of tearing out throats and a powerful tail that can smash a man's ribcage. Temple Guards: The Temple Guard are an uncommon spawning of Saurus created to protect the Slann Mage-Priests and the temples in which they dwell. They are armed with massive ceremonial halberds and shields festooned with sacred glyphs and gruesome trophies. Their bodies are clad with armour plates created from the strongest bronze and they have an unshakable resolve to guard the Slann Mage-Priests at any cost. Cold One Calvary: The mighty Cold One Cavalry have an innate aptitude for mounted warfare. Sharp dewclaws act as natural spurs allowing the Saurus to grip the flanks of their reptilian steeds, leaving them free to carry spear and shield. When Cold One Cavalry charge they smash into enemy regiments with a force sufficient to slay event he mightiest of foes. Wholesale butchery quickly ensues as Saurus and Cold One alike revert to their more bestial nature. As mentioned before, All Saurus are capable of being spawned with the blessing of one or more of the Old Ones. These few privileged Saurus are physically different from the norm, being stronger, faster, having more ability, or any combination of two or three. There are also an even rarer breed of Blessed Spawnings: the Mark of the Old One. These Albino Saurus are seen as prophets, chosen by the Old Ones for their grand scheme.

[edit] Notable Saurus Kroq-Gar Kroq-Gar is an ancient Saurus, possibly among the first spawned, as he was alive and active in the first major conflict between the Lizardmen and the forces of Chaos. Kroq-Gar is known and feared for his tactical prowess, having lead vast armies of veteran Cold One Riders against the forces invading Albion, the site of an immensely powerful Lizardmen lode-stone. With the new city of Konquata under contruction, and jungle spreading through the interior of Albion, Kroq-Gar has secured a strong holding point for the Lizardmen, and a place from where they can begin their own offensive. His duty done, he has since led his army back to Lustria. Chakax: The Eternity Warden, Prime Guardian of Xlanhaupec He is the last surviving member of his spawning, and the eldest of the city's Temple Guard. He has never yielded in his task and has butchered whole regiments of foes that have dared attempt to kill his charges, each sweep of his Star-Stone Mace leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. It was he who defended Slann mage priest, Adohi-Tehga. It is said that he was spawned to be toughest and the most challeging guardian to ever lived for some time during the age of recovery. He commands the Temple guards of the younger generation with a strict task. Gor-Rok: The Great White Lizard, The Scarred One An albino scar-veteran with a brain. He is a very skillful, intelligent saurus who is blessed by Tepok with the gifts of fighting masterfully and is impossible to kill.

[edit] The Skinks Skinks are the artisans of the Lizardmen. Gregarious and talkative, they do jobs like metalworking and temple organization in addition to being the personal adjutants of the Slann. Some Skinks can use magic, though not so effectively as their ancient masters. In times of war, the skinks take up weapons such as blowpipes and javelins and march to battle with their warrior cousins, lead by stronger Skink War Chiefs.

There is also a sub-species of skinks, the chameleon skinks. They are slightly more aggressive creatures, and resemble Chameleons in the way they have bulging eyes that can look independently. They can also change skin color to blend in with their surroundings, and are patient hunters, sitting unmoving for hours waiting for an opportunity to strike.

[edit] Notable Skinks Tehenhauin: the Prophet of Sotek. Variously translated disparagingly by Humans as Tenehuini and Teenijuan. Tehenhauin leads the faithful of Sotek in ceaseless wars against the Skaven of Clan Pestilens. He is a living manifestation of the vengeance of his kind, and his destiny is to bring about the incarnation of the Serpent God himself. Tehenhauin leads his kin, the Red Crested Skinks, in battle after battle against the Skaven, taking captives where he can, and offering them up as sacrifices to Sotek. Though the Slann Mage-Priests may not yet have realised it, Tehenhauin is the greatest hope of the Children of the Old Ones, for his role in combating the blasphemous and unnatural rat-spawn is pivotal in the Old Ones' plans for the world. Oxyotl: Survivor of Pahuax, The Returned. One of the rare breed of Chameleon Skinks, Oxyotl was already an accomplished hunter when Chaos came to the world. He and his spawn-kin mounted bold ambushes against the horders, but were forced to retreat within the sacred walls of the temple-city of Pahaux, a host of Greater Daemons following hot on his heels. Tiktaq'to: Master of Skies, The Eye in the Heavens. Tiktaq'to is Master of Skies, a pre-eminent position amongst the Skink Chiefs, answerable only to the Skink Priests and the Slann Mage-Priests themselves. He is a master of strategy and directs many Terradon patrols in their constant vigils, intercepting intruders, outflanking and destroying forces many times their own size. Tetto'eko: Astromancer of the Constellations, The Beholder. Tetto'eko is the Chief Astromancer of the Temple of the Eclipse in Tlaxtan. At over a century old, he is ancient for a Skink, yet his mind is still keen and inquisitive. Ten-Zlati Lord Kroak's oracle advisor and the most powerful skink priest to be ever taught by Lord Kroak. He is known to have learn some of the most powerful spells available.

[edit] The Kroxigor Kroxigor are heavy laborers in Lizardman cities, and can also be used to terrible effect in battle. Cousins of the Saurus, they are large, but fairly simple-minded, with their gigantic weapons typically chained to their wrists to keep them from dropping them during battle, due to their natural instinct to use their razor sharp claws and teeth.

Kroxigors are giant crocodilian creatures whose bodies consist of slabs of sinewy muscle and a massive jaw bristling with razor-sharp teeth. They are exceptionally resilient and can survive a score of blows that would fell a lesser being. Kroxigors are devastating on the battlefield - unleashed as shock troops to break the back of an enemy battleline, they plough into enemy regiments with blood-curdling roars and massacre all before them..

[edit] Notable Kroxigors Nakai the Wanderer: Sacred Kroxigor of the First Spawning. Nakai is an albino Kroxigor with unusually thick skin, even for a Kroxigor. In the siege of one of the temple cities, Nakai held off five legions of daemons by himself until the arrival of reinforcements. He disappeared after the battle and was believed dead, but has reappeared numerous times since then, often arriving at a temple-city shortly before it is attacked. Many Skink priest implies that he may actually be an avatar of Quetzl and will one day return to fight for Lustria once again. He once fought along sides with Tehenhuain and the red-crested skinks againest the Skaven.

[edit] Beasts of War The reptiles and dinosaurs that inhabit the jungles surrounding the ancient temples of the Old Ones are captured (usually collected as eggs), and are trained by Skinks as beasts of burden or ferocious creatures ridden or prodded into battle. Such creatures are:

Salamanders Amphibious lizards that can spray a burning, corrosive acid onto prey and predators. They are used as living war machines, but are highly temperamental, and are known to eat their handlers on occasion. Tactically, their ability shoot on the move without penalty and good fighting characteristics lead many Lizardman generals to deploy them in the front line so they can fire while supporting advancing troops. They seem to have been based on the depiction of Dilophosaurus in Jurassic Park. Carnosaurs Large predatory dinosaurs which are ridden by Saurus lords, they belong to the family Carnosauria. They are the dominant predator in the dense, harsh, jungles of Lustria. Carnosaur eggs are stolen by Skinks (a dangerous task, since adult females guard their nests furiously) and brought up by trained handlers, and made accustomed to being ridden. Only Saurus Lords can ride them, for in battle, Carnosaurs often go into a bloodthirsty frenzy, becoming utterly intent on killing that only a rider of supreme will can control them. In appearance, they resemble a large theropod, like Tyrannosaurus, but have a fourth toe and finger, and a crest on their head and back, much like Acrocanthosaurus. It is possible that their design is based off that of Carnotaurus. Large enough to take down almost any prey, Carnosaurs are the top predators of the Lustrian jungles, and have been known to attack even the mighty Stegadons on occasion. Carnosaurs are built for speed and power, and their crushing jaws can rip huge chunks of flesh from their prey. Stegadon The stegadon is a large dinosaur used with a howdah fitted on its back. The howdah is either used as a carriage for a leader or, more often, fitted out with a massive crossbow similar to a "bolt thrower", giant blowpipes or have Engine of the gods on their back. The skink crew can also throw javelins from the howdah at the enemy. In appearance, stegadons have features common to many herbivorous dinosaurs; it resembles a Triceratops, but has horns along its neck frill like a Styracosaurus and its tail has a thagomizer on the end, like a Stegosaurus. They are vicious omnivores who will eat everything in their way, from tree trunks to Skinks that stand too close. Against other beasts of the jungles, including it's own kind Stegadons almost always fight to the death. As Stegadon age over time, their bodies become heavier and thicker. An Ancient Stegadon is a very aggressive creature to use in battle. Stegadons are a race of mighty beasts with massive horns protruding from armoured crests, and bodies covered in spikes and bony armour. Their tails are heavy and often clubbed or barbed, and can be swung with devastating force. These behemoths are amongst the very largest of all the beasts that dwell in Lustria and are terrifying in battle, crushing anything beneath their massive bulk to a bloody pulp. Cold Ones Thick-skinned, vicious, but stupid animals, they are used by both Saurus and Dark Elves as mounts. The Cold Ones also separate into two species, although the only difference is cosmetic (Lustrian Cold Ones are built more solidly, with a head resembling a Saurus head and a large claw on their hand (similar to Baryonyx), as opposed to the Velociraptor-like toe claw on the Dark Elves' Cold Ones). Game lore also states that Cold Ones ridden by Lizardmen are native to Lustria, while those used by Dark Elves breed in caves under the city of Hag Graef. Only Saurus that are bred from the Old One Itzl can ride these beasts properly. Horned Ones An extremely rare and preternaturally swift subspecies of Cold One, spawned on the same pool and at the same time as those who will ride them into battle. They are slightly faster in movement, have a high initiative than a Cold One and do not suffer from Stupidity. They can be ridden by both Saurus and Skink characters. Terradons Based on the pterodactyl, particularly species like Rhamphorhynchus and Dimorphodon, they are a tree canopy-dwelling species ridden into battle by Skinks. They are used for hit-and-run tactics, and the Skinks on top can hurl javelins down at those below. They also have the ability to drop rocks on enemy units. Terradons are large flying reptiles that have haunted the skies above the jungles of Lustria since the prehistory of the world. Terradons latch onto their foes with iron-hard talons. Arcanadons Mighty beasts that bear powerful artifacts called Engines of the Gods. These artifacts cause meteorites to strike the battlefield as a weapon. The Arcanodon was introduced in the "Lustria" campaign setting book. The Arcanadon resembles a sauropod, but have thick scales and much more aggressive. Razordon A dinosaur with barbed spikes surrounding its body. This dinosaur was based on an Scelidosaurus/Ankylosaur hybrid, but smaller and nimbler (it also in part resembles the thorny devil). When attacked, it will use its tail as a club and thrashes to attack the opponent. It can also fire its spikes from its body by using a massive muscle spasm to dislodge the spike and hurl it towards the enemy. It is said to be like being hit by thousands of arrows.

[edit] Trivia

Lists of miscellaneous information should be avoided. Please relocate any relevant information into appropriate sections or articles. (September 2008) 

Many of the Lizardmen special characters ride Dinosaurs into battle. In a nod to the Transformers, each of their rides is named after one of the Dinobots, albeit with an Aztec-inspired respelling. The most obvious being Kroq-Gar's Carnosaur steed, Grymloq. Others with dinobot inspired names include Lord Mazamundi's stegadon Zlaaq and TikTaq-To's terradon Zwup.

The Old Ones also make an appearance in the Warhammer 40000 background; they are described as the original creators of almost all civilised races there also. The Slann are given an illustration in the 4th edition rulebook as well, wielding some form of Flamethrower.

In 3rd edition of Warhammer Fantasy, the Slann were their own army with little mention of other lizardmen. Some old models may still be found on websites such as eBay.

[edit] The Blessed Spawnings On some rare occasions some skinks or saurus are spawned under the influence of one of the Old Ones.

Tzunki: Tzunki is associated with water; those spawned under his influence may have sea-green skin, gills and webbed hands. Sotek: Although Sotek is not an Old One, he is a Lizardman "God" in the conventional sense (a being created by the subconscious of those that worship him). Skinks and Saurus are still spawned under his influence. These are invariably furious fighters and have red skin, scales, or crests. Quetzl: Those spawned under the warrior and protector have bonier crests and are hardier than other Lizardmen. Tlazcotl: Those who have yellow crests or scales are blessed by Tlazcotl. They fear nothing when entering into the battlefield. Chotec: Those blessed by the Solar One have great reserves of energy that them keep going while other cold-blooded creatures stop. They have a fiery orange hue to their bodies. Huanchi: The Jaguar One of the earth and night passes on ability to pass through the thickest foliage and undergrowth with ease. Tepok: Those blessed by the Winged Serpent have purple coloring and are resistant to magic. Itzl: Itzl's spawning is recognized by the large bony crest and the musk that calms Cold ones. Xhotl: Those watched over by Xhotl have a magic field protecting them that also strikes all those who harm the marked warrior. Blessed Mark of the Old Ones: The rarest of all spawnings given only to saurus and skinks: recognised by white or albino colouring. Lizardmen possessing this are believed to be destined for greatness.

[edit] References Warhammer Armies Nigel Stillman and Friends, Games Workshop ^ C27 Pigmies ^ C30 Amazons ^ C32 Slann

[edit] Notable Lizardmen Kroq-gar: the greatest of all Saurus warriors and the only scar-leader alive. He was spawned in Xhotl and fights from atop the back of mighty Carnosaurs. His twelfth and current carnosaur mount is Grymloq. Both are well known from their fights against chaos and daemons during the event known as the fall which resulted in the destruction of Kroq-gar's home city Xhotl. Without the guidance of the Slanns, he is left wandering in the jungle, searching for any chaos survivors and eliminating them.

Lord Mazdamundi: The most powerful Slann alive, who saved the world from Chaos after recovering the mythical Staff of Jade from the Crusader City of Antoch. He also rides upon an Ancient stegadon called Zlaaq which he commands through his own force of will. Lord Mazdamundi was spawned from Hexoatl and has manage to defend his temple during the war againest Chaos; however, he was unable aid his brethren in Pahuax.

Lord Kroak: The oldest mortal being in the world. Even though he is dead, his mighty soul endures within his mummified corpse, and still has the power to crumble a mountain. He is arguably the single most powerful mortal character in Warhammer and a literal army in his own right. It is believed that, despite his flesh having overaged for some time, there is not a single being who can match his knowledge in magic or the power he has over Lustria. Many have said that he still has the energy to once again bring down entire continents as they believe he has before.

Ten-Zlati: Lord Kroak's oracle advisor and a powerful skink priest. He fought during the defense of Itza against the skaven and chaos. Under the guidance and teaching of Lord Kroak, he was able to learn the language of the old ones and capable of casting powerful spells. He is often seen in battle riding upon a terradon which he calls Zwup. Unlike other terradons, Zwup is said to be the oldest terradon there is.

Nakai the Wanderer: An albino Kroxigor from the first spawning, known to have killed legions of Chaos worshipers and Daemons as well as Dwarfs in the battles of Itza and Albion. He once fought against Skaven with Tehenhauin and the red-crested skinks, but then he broke a fever after defeating a giant, disfigured, enraged rat ogre. When he recovered from his fever, he left the temple and disappeared into the jungle.

Tehenhauin: A mighty monstrous Skink who has led the red-crested Skinks against the Clan-Pestilens Skaven for many years. He is the prophet of Sotek, and is rumored to be the great hope for the Lizardmen in this world. As to where he was spawned, that remains a mystery.

Oxayotl: A rare breed Chameloen skink who is known to have fought against the raid of Chaos when his home was transported into the realm of Chaos. Somehow he has managed to escape the place without going insane and there was no record of how he escape. His blowpipe contains the most poisonous needle which came from a deadly insect (said to be from a rare spider). It is believed that Oxayotl was spawned from the city of Pahuax before it was destoryed.

[edit] Lizardmen Temple Cities Lizardmen live in massive Temple Cities. Some of them are still intact, while others are decayed and broken. The list is as follows:

Hexoatl Pahuax (Ruined) Tlanxla (Ruined) Tlaxtlan Xahutec (Ruined) Tlax (Ruined) Chaqua (Ruined) Quetza (Ruined) Xlanhaupec Huatl (Ruined) Itza Xhotl (Ruined) Oyxl (Ruined) Chupayotl (submerged) Southlands:

Zlatlan Cuexotl Nahuontl Tlaqua Teotiqua Albion:

Konquata (Under Contruction) These cities are connected by lines of magical power, making transportation and communication between them instantaneous.