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Donald Rothberg is a transpersonal theorist and the editor of ReVision: A Journal of Consciousness and Transformation.



In his 1986 essay "Philosophical foundations of transpersonal psychology", Rothberg discussed the relation between hierarchical ontology and transpersonal psychology.[1]

In his 1993 essay "The Crisis of Modernity and the Emergence of Socially Engaged Spirituality", Rothberg described the task of socially-engaged spirituality as "simultaneously to inquire into and to transform self and society, self and world, not to have to choose to transform only self or only world."[2]






  • Ken Wilber in Dialogue: Conversations with Leading Transpersonal Thinkers
  • The Engaged Spiritual Life: A Buddhist Approach to Transforming Ourselves and the World


  • "An Interfaith Training Program in Socially Engaged Spirituality". Turning Wheel (Summer 2006), 36-37, 43.
  • "Present Moment, Urgent Moment". Tricycle (Fall 2004), 71-74, 118.
  • "The Second Precept: Transforming Greed". Tricycle (Winter 2003), 39-40.
  • "Becoming a Contemplative Artist: Developing Skillfulness in Practice". Gay Buddhist Fellowship Newsletter (February/March 2003). PDF
  • "The Parking Lot Sutra". Turning Wheel (Winter 2001), 34-37.
  • "Truth, Justice, and Reconciliation in South Africa". Turning Wheel (Fall 2001), 27-31.
  • "Transpersonal Issues at the Millenium. Journal of Transpersonal Psychology (1999), 31 (1): 41-67.
  • "Responding to the Cries of the World: Socially Engaged Buddhism in North America", in Charles Prebish and Kenneth Tanaka (ed.), The Faces of Buddhism in America (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1998), 266-286, 334-341.
  • "Facing the Collective Shadow" (with Jürgen Kremer). ReVision: A Journal of Consciousness and Transformation (1990), 22 (1), 2-4.
  • "Ken Wilber and the Future of Transpersonal Inquiry: an Introduction to the Conversation". Ken Wilber in Dialogue: Conversations with Leading Transpersonal Thinkers (Wheaton: Quest Books, 1998), 1-27.
  • "Intimate Relationships and Spirituality: An Introduction". ReVision: A Journal of Consciousness and Transformation (1998), 21(2), 2-3.
  • "Unlearning Oppression: Healing Racism, Healing Violence" (with Isoke Femi). ReVision 20 (Fall 1997): 18-24.
  • "Structural Violence and Spirituality: Socially Engaged Buddhist Perspectives" (with Sulak Sivaraksa and Santikaro Bhikkhu). ReVision 20 (Fall 1997): 38-42.
  • "Responding to Violence: an Introduction". ReVision: A Journal of Consciousness and Transformation (1997), 20 (2), 2.
  • "Relationship as Spiritual Practice", with Jeanne Achterberg. ReVision: A Journal of Consciousness and Transformation (1996), 19(2), 2-5.
  • "How Straight is the Spiritual Path?" ReVision: A Journal of Consciousness and Transformation (1996), 19(1), 25-40.
  • "Immediate Family, Extended Family, Expanded Family". Turning Wheel, Winter 1996, 41, 43-5.
  • "Spiritual Inquiry". ReVision: A Journal of Consciousness and Transformation (1995), 17(2), 2-12.
  • "Asking to Awaken", with Joanna Macy, ReVision: A Journal of Consciousness and Transformation (1995), 17(2), 25-33.
  • "Toward a Socially Engaged Spirituality" ReVision: A Journal of Consciousness and Transformation (1993): 15(3), 98.
  • "Buddhist Responses to Violence and War: Resources for a Socially Engaged Spirituality". Journal of Humanistic Psychology (1992): 32(4), 41-75.
  • "The Crisis of Modernity and the Emergence of Socially Engaged Spirituality", from ReVision 15 (Winter 1993) 105-114.
  • "A Thai Perspective on Socially Engaged Buddhism: A Conversation with Sulak Sivaraksa", ReVision 15 (Winter 1993): 121-127.
  • "Contemporary Epistemology and the Study of Mysticism", from Forman, Robert K.C. (ed.), The Problem of Pure Consciousness: Mysticism and Philosophy (New York: Oxford University Press, 1990), 163-210.
  • "Philosophical Foundations of Transpersonal Psychology: An Introduction to Some Basic Issues", The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 1986, Vol. 18, No. 1 (1 - 34).