Libertarianism (Latin: liber, "free") is a set of related political philosophies that uphold liberty as the highest political end. This includes emphasis on the primacy of individual liberty, political freedom, and voluntary association. It is an antonym of authoritarianism. Although libertarians share a skepticism of governmental authority, they diverge on the extent and character of their opposition. Different schools of libertarianism offer a range of views concerning the legitimate functions of government, while others contend that the state should not exist at all. For instance, minarchists propose a state limited in scope to preventing aggression, theft, breach of contract and fraud, while anarchists advocate its complete elimination as a political system. While some libertarians advocate laissez-faire capitalism and private property rights, such as in land and natural resources, others wish to abolish capitalism and private ownership of the means of production in favor of common or cooperative ownership and management (see libertarian socialism). | Libertarianism (Latin: liber, "free") is a set of diverse political philosophies that affirm to uphold liberty as the highest political end while emphasizing freedom of choice, the primacy of individual judgment, political freedom and voluntary association. It is an antonym of authoritarianism. Libertarians share a skepticism of authority but diverge on the extent, scope and focus of their opposition. Various schools of libertarianism offer a range of views regarding the legitimate functions of state and private power, sometimes calling to restrict or even to wholly dissolve pervasive institutions. While minarchists propose a centralized government limited in function to protecting individuals and property from certain transgressions, anarchists propose to completely eliminate the state as an illegitimate political system. Although some libertarians advocate laissez-faire capitalism and private property rights, such as in land, infrastructure and natural resources, others urge to abolish capitalism and private ownership of the means of production in favor of common or cooperative ownership and management (see libertarian socialism). |