User:Gnorthup/Chess problem/Very descriptive notation
Very descriptive notation is a way to make it very clear to everyone (including novices) the moves taken in sequence. It has one flaw: it is NOT compact, but it is a tradeoff for readability.
Piece notation
[edit]Pieces are indicated by full name (rook, pawn, king, etc.), and labeled with the color (black or white). These are bound by underscores (black_knight, white_rook) to avoid confusing with the spaces that seperate a move.
Piece specific
[edit]Non-pawns and non-royal
[edit]All non-pawns and non-royal pieces (the rook, knight, and bishop) can be (and should be) labeled with a side (king's or queen's) to disambiguate, if possible (never make assumptions). This is seperated (again) by underscores and placed between color and name. For example, white_king's_bishop and black_queen's_knight.
[edit]Pawns, instead of being labeled with side, are labeled with home file. Position and seperation are the same. For example, black_A_pawn and white_G_pawn.
[edit]Royal pieces don't need any extra parameters.
Piece notation syntax
Position notation
[edit]When one needs to indicate a position, use the syntax
<Piece notation>@<position>
Position is just <file><rank>, such as A4, or F7.
Move notation
[edit]A move is just a simple expansion on position notation:
<Position notation>(RAB)<position>[X<piece taken>]
Where LAB is a Right Angle Bracket (>), not included for ease of reading. If a piece is taken, it can be indicated with an X following the position. It may seem redundant, but a position notation can be used for the piece notation.
Condition notation
[edit]Some conditions can be indicated during gameplay.
<Move notation>&<condition>
The conditions are as follows:
- check or +: Check.
- mate or #: Checkmate.
- stale or =: Stalemate.
- resgn or -: Resign.
- exc or !!: Excellent.
- good or !: Good.
- akw or ?!: Strange, akward, or dubious.
- clev or !?: Clever.
- mis or ?: Mistake.
- blndr or ??: Blunder.
- only or 1: Only move.
- np or N: New plan.
Feel free to add more.
Some examples
[edit]White queen from starting position (D1) to (H6): white_queen@D1>H6
Black F-file pawn takes first move (2-fwd): black_F_pawn@F7>F5
Some white knight on G2 moves to E3, and takes some black pawn there: white_knight@G2>E3Xblack_pawn
Black opponent accepts King's Gambit: black_E_pawn@E5>F4Xwhite_F_pawn@F4
Strange move of black pawn: black_pawn@A5>A4&??
The big one: white queens bishop moves from A2 to E6 and captures black queens knight. The move is excellent and results in checkmate.: white_queen's_bishop@A2>E6Xblack_queen's_knight@E6&#!!