I should document the troubles somewhere...
Works in Edge but not other browsers.
Edge requires SSML 1.0. It is not going to change.
Apparently some phonemes will cause Edge to reject the parse and speak the XML. Can I get a list of phonemes?
- {{IPAc-en}}
- {{IPA vowels}}
- ä fails
- {{IPA pulmonic consonants}}
- ⱱ̟ ⱱ t̠ɹ̠̊˔ d̠ɹ̠˔ ɹ̠̊˔ ɹ̠˔ ɻ˔ ʈɭ̊˔ ɭ̊˔ ɭ˔ fail
- TEST w/o decoration: t̠ɹ̠̊d̠ɹ̠ ɹ̠̊ɹ̠ɻʈɭ̊ɭ
- ⱱ̟ ⱱ t̠ɹ̠̊˔ d̠ɹ̠˔ ɹ̠̊˔ ɹ̠˔ ɻ˔ ʈɭ̊˔ ɭ̊˔ ɭ˔ fail
- {{IPA non-pulmonic consonants}}
- ʞ ◌ˀ ◌̃ˀ ᶑ̥ ᶑ fail
- TEST ʞ
- ʞ ◌ˀ ◌̃ˀ ᶑ̥ ᶑ fail
- {{IPA co-articulated consonants}}
- {{IPA affricates}}
- t̠ɹ̠̊˔ d̠ɹ̠˔ ʈɭ̊˔ cʎ̥˔ fail
- TEST w/o decoration t̠ɹ̠̊d̠ɹ̠ʈɭ̊cʎ̥
- t̠ɹ̠̊˔ d̠ɹ̠˔ ʈɭ̊˔ cʎ̥˔ fail
Somewhere I had a list of failing strings. Hebrew template does each syllable individually.
Some test strings: