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User:George Dechev

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Professor.George Dechev, Ph.D. biochemistry; D.Sc. biophysics


1954........Development of a polarographic method for the measurement of adsorption kinetics of proteins

1958........Study of propagating electric fields at transitory processes in plants

1961........Development of an EPR instrument at 10 cm for the study of not-dried plants

1962........Beginning the development of the thermodynamics of regulated processes for the adequate consideration of the optimal self-regulation of biological objects

1965........Invention and production of the first non-mechanically scanning UV-VIS spectrophotometer making 15,600 spectra per second using TV technique

1966........Foundation of the Central Laboratory of Biophysics of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

1969-72....Head of the first aspect of the European international collaboration in biophysics “Selfregulation of metabolism” in which participated 23 institutes

1972........Beginning of the development of functional ecology

1979-83....Founding and heading of the Group of Ecology of the Bulg. Acad. of Science

1979-85....Head of joint projects with the Stockholm University and the National Swedish Board for Technical Development

1980........Development of a remote sensing spectral device on scanistors on behalf of the Swedish Board for Technical Development simultaneously,but separately from the device made by the US Institute in Princeton

1980-88....Head of the European International Experiment of Coastal Ecology

1986........Accomplished the transition from System Theory’s formal kinetics to conventional chemical kinetics

1987-90....Member of the advisory board of the international journal “Internationale Revue der gesammten Hydrobiologie”

1989-90....Head of the International Task Force for the International Program of the International Convention for the Protecting of the Black Sea

1983-93....Director of the UN/UNDP Black Sea Project

1992........Employment in the TUBITAK Scientific Center on the order of the Vice Min. President of Turkey for the development and heading of a Program for the Protection of the Marmara Sea

1992........Member of an International Expert Group for the aquentance with the USA environmental protection

1992-93....Visiting 23 US environmental institutions on the US East and West coasts,the headquarters of US EPA and NOAA, EPA’s R&D Center

1993........Experimenting with terrestrial plants in the LA Arboretum

1994........Experimenting with aquatic ecosystems in the So. California Marine Institute

1994........Research affiliated at CALTECH’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory

1995........Study of the coherence of the photosynthetic processes in plants

1996-03....Development of methods for the measurement of the absolute rates of the simultaneous photosynthetic processes of oxygen production, light respiratory oxygen consumption and dark-respiratory oxygen consumption

2003-08....Development of functional-ecological methods for the in situ measurement of the oxygen and other substances (including pollutants) consumption rates in dense biotopes as bottom sediments, beaches, wetlands, and soil