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Symmetry properties

Symmetry poperties of the Fourier series.
  • If is a real function, then (Hermitian symmetric) which implies:
    • (real part is even symmetric)
    • (imaginary part is odd symmetric)
    • (absolut value is even symmetric)
    • (argument is odd symmetric)
  • If is a real and even function (), then all coefficients are real and (even symmetric) which implies:
    • for all
  • If is a real and odd function (), then all coefficients are purely imaginary and (odd symmetric) which implies:
    • for all
  • If is a purely imaginary function, then which implies:
    • (real part is odd symmetric)
    • (imaginary part is even symmetric)
    • (absolut value is even symmetric)
    • (argument is odd symmetric)
  • If is a purely imaginary and even function (), then all coefficients are purely imaginary and (even symmetric).
  • If is a purely imaginary and odd function (), then all coefficients are real and (odd symmetric).

Table of Fourier Series coefficients


Some common pairsof periodic functions and their Fourier Series coefficients are shown in the table below. The following notation applies:

  • designates a periodic function defined on .
  • designates a ...
  • designates a ...
Time domain
Plot Frequency domain (sine-cosine form)
Remarks Reference
Full-wave rectified sine [1]: p. 193 
Full-wave rectified sine cut by a phase-fired controller
Half-wave rectified sine [1]: p. 193 
[1]: p. 192 
[1]: p. 192 
[1]: p. 193 
denotes the Dirac delta function.



This table shows some mathematical operations in the time domain and the corresponding effects in the frequency domain.

  • is the complex conjugate of .
  • designate a -periodic functions defined on .
  • designates the Fourier series coefficients (exponential form) of and as defined in equation TODO!!!
Property Time domain Frequency domain (exponential form) Remarks Reference
Linearity complex numbers
Time reversal / Frequency reversal [2]: p. 610 
Time conjugation [2]: p. 610 
Time reversal & conjugation
Real part in time
Imaginary part in time
Real part in frequency
Imaginary part in frequency
Shift in time / Modulation in frequency real number [2]: p. 610 
Shift in frequency / Modulation in time integer [2]: p. 610 
Differencing in frequency
Summation in frequency
Derivative in time
Derivative in time ( times)
Integration in time
Convolution in time / Multiplication in frequency denotes continuous circular convolution.
Multiplication in time / Convolution in frequency denotes Discrete convolution.
Cross correlation
Parseval's theorem [3]: p. 236 
  1. ^ a b c d e Papula, Lothar (2009). Mathematische Formelsammlung: für Ingenieure und Naturwissenschaftler. Vieweg+Teubner Verlag. ISBN 3834807575.
  2. ^ a b c d Shmaliy, Y.S. (2007). Continuous-Time Signals. Springer. ISBN 1402062710.
  3. ^ Cite error: The named reference ProakisManolakis was invoked but never defined (see the help page).