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Dear Wikipedians, for some time now I have written a few articles in German and contributed to some other articles, sometimes only by making small corrections when I noticed something. Now I think it's time to finally create a user page. I have studied German language and literature, work as a technical writer and love music and film. Just to be fair, I'd like to add that I also write articles and contributions that are somehow linked to the field of my employer. These are mostly subjects of interfacial chemistry and related chemical-physical fields. But somehow these are also part of my private hobby, since I am interested in nature science as an educated chemical technician. Be it as it may, I am not ordered, nor have I an interest in writing commercial articles for my company and smuggle them into Wikipedia. What I write is of general interest, so I think, and is held in a neutral style and also relevant according to the Wikipedia criteria, as I hope. This is a translation of my German user page.