African Women Aids Working Group (AFRIWAG)
[edit]is a National Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) which was established in 1994 and got official registration in 1997 under societies Rule No. 5 SO No 9253 and in 2008 got a certificate of compliance No. 0804 resulting from NGO Act of 2002, Cap 337—No. 0804. AFRIWAG’s establishment was a response towards the effects of HIV/AIDS epidemic.
AFRIWAG has been working with Government to address challenges for the needy people in Tanga focusing on helping them to access their social, economic status or religious affiliation, accessing quality services of care to enable them to remain healthy and live happily and with dignity. AFRIWAG geographical coverage is Tanga Region which includes Tanga City, Muheza, Pangani, Korogwe, Handeni, Kilindi, Lushoto and Mkinga. Throughout its life time, AFRIWAG has continued to develop and extend her work to support vulnerable groups in Tanga region. Her successes and good reputation had attracted a number of partners and donors who have supported various projects to address the vulnerability of the target groups. AFRIWAG aims to promote sustainable improvement of the quality of lives of youth, children, women and older people and other marginalized groups in Tanzania. The NGO has offices in the suburbs of Tanga City, New Karume Road, Donge Area, near Donge Primary School, Plot No.22, Block “S” Mabawa ward. Throughout its life time, AFRIWAG has continued to develop and extend its work to support vulnerable groups in Tanga region. Its success and good reputation had attracted a number of partners and donors who have supported various projects to address the vulnerability of the target groups. Form of Organization AFRIWAG is formed by members, board members and the management team. The Members Members are the pillar of AFRIWAG, and are at all times actively engaged in serving the target groups and beneficiaries (formerly and informally).They work in various programs to contribute and realize expectations in making the lives of vulnerable groups better. Members are serving vulnerable groups through their annual contributions and volunteer work. The Annual General Meeting-is the highest governance bodies which makes and endorse decisions related to overall strategic direction and visionary focus of AFRIWAG, approve overall plan and budget and appointment of Board members the auditors. The Board of Directors The Board of Directors is mandated to oversee the overall functioning of the NGO and provide guidance on the development and implementation of the strategic plans, oversee the performance of the management team, approve the recruitment of senior program staff members, initiate/engage in fund raising for the program, financial oversight, set mechanisms to allow member’s active participation and supervise evaluation and learning processes. The board is under the Board Chairman who is selected by the Annual general meeting. The assistant board chairmen are selected by their fellow board members. There are several committees which includes financial committee, fundraising committee and discipline committee. The board meeting is convened four times per year. The Management Team (Secretariat)- They perform daily implementation of the strategic plan; planning, budgeting, financial control, documentation, reporting operationalize the capacity development plans for the members and staff respectively and set mechanism for monitoring and evaluation. The team is supervised by the Project Coordinator. Under him/her are Programme managers, Project Accountants and Field officers 1.1 Vision and Mission The Vision: AFRIWAG visions seeing all groups of women, children, youth and older people, regardless of their social, economic status or religious affiliation, accessing quality services of care to enable them to remain healthy and live happily and with dignity. The Mission: AFRIWAG will work with the most vulnerable groups of women, children, youth, and older people through innovative programs of learning and strategically engaging all targeted stakeholders to develop their capacities to realise, advocate and demand for equitable access for quality products and services. The Main Goal of AFRIWAG The main goal of AFRIWAG is to ensure that all groups of vulnerable women, children, youth, and older people are supported to live and lead a dignified and sustainable life like other ordinary citizens in Tanga and elsewhere in Tanzania
Thematic areas by AFRIWAG:
- Economic Strengthening: (microfinance, livestock, microenterprise, livelihoods training)
- Nutrition: (feeding programs, food nutrition education, food and security, gardens)
- Health: (reproductive health, HIV/TB and Malaria prevention, preventative and curative care, health education and Drugs addict)
- Psychosocial Support: (professional counseling, lay counseling, mentoring, kids clubs, Formation and strengthening of Forums/ committee for awareness creations and Youth Forums)
- Protection: (Drug addicts, children’s rights, women, youth and older people, awareness, birth registration, follow up)
- Shelter: (bedding material like mattress, maintenance of their houses)
- Education :( scholastics materials, tutoring, scholarships, school block grants)
- Legal services: (Making referral for Children, Youth, women and Older People to organizations that offer legal services)
- Lobbying and advocacy on youth, children’s, women and older people’s rights, Community awareness and Behavioral Change
- Numbered list item