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I am going on 72 years old, one of 6 siblings and a half brother and half sister each,

born on '948 May 27 to an American Mother of Canadien French Agenda.

I am a US Navy War Veteran,

Sworn to Protect and Defend y Constitution of y United States of America,

An Oath much Respected by We y People and much Violated by Presidents.

Don't Give Up y Ship !

I follow to y best of my limited ability y injunction of Socrates:

Reason over Emotion,

In y face of seeming Impossibility, Insurmountable Odds, Undefeatable Enemies:

Cool Reason is Our Best Ally.

Remember Delium !

I Owe my Country an Eternal Personal Debt, and I have a Lifetime Obligation to Honor and Repay that Debt With Full Interest.

( i admire John F Kennedy35.

In my formative years he declared:

Ask Not what your Country can do for you:

rather, Ask what you can do for your Country.

yet this Does Not Necessarily make me a Fascist nor a Communist, as some might suppose )

I am a True Conservative Progressive: to Preserve and Advance All True Humun Progress.

My Theology is largely My Very Own,

Though I must credit a numerous and diverse array of Influence and Indoctrination,

And all y many Well Intentioned People and Dedicated Teachers who have taught me at Great Personal Sacrifice.

I need to learn Far More to begin to Know much of anything at all.

Hence, I follow Wikipedia and Wiki Books,

Because I am not Rich Enough to Buy Knowledge with any coin except Personal Effort.

Dedicated Amateur Intellectual is my Defining Characteristic.

I Admire, in no exact order:

Sincere People who Try Harder

than their Official Credentials Require:


I often bet on y Tortoise rather than y Hare in our Great Race to Humun Destiny.

I admire Scientific American magazine,

Isaac Asimov's actual Science writings,

Science Fiction which includes Plausible Science

Nature Photography

Mental Expert Systems as a way to Exploit Available Intelligence to Advance Intelligence and thusly Secure y Destiny of Earth Life in y Universe.

Leonardo DaVinci

Both Abraham Lincoln16 and Gen. Robert E Lee,

Who had a Sincere personal disagreement that defined y American Civil War,

And concerning which separate essential personal viewpoints,

Final Historical Judgement Has Yet To Be Rendered.

Victory in War May establish a Legal Tenet in Practice,

But only Fully Informed Reason can Determine Right or Wrong.

No count of Votes, nor of Military Casualties Determines Truth.

Thomas Edison

Madame and Pierre Curie

Robert A Heinlein and Kurt Vonnegut as two famous military veterans who brought hard won military wisdom to popular writing

Cary Mullis

Jimmy Carter39

Political Activism according to this poor poem:

To advance America's Learning

Reporters and Writers Define

Enterprise Most Deserving

And Public Opinion refine,

Forever pursue Understanding

While Politicians forever Design.

We uncover some twisting and turnings

But cannot discover their minds,

So we're left then writing and reading

A War and a Half Behind.

(apologies to Rudyard Kipling, whom I admire)

BBC World News

Jim Lehrer News

Charlie Rose Interviews

Bob Ross Painting lessons

Eugen Weber History lectures

I stand in awe of high double rainbows in a clear blue sky in late afternoon.

A dim Blood Red Moon during an umbral Lunar Total Eclipse

Enough for now.

I will wait until I have more experience creating a Wiki page.

Thanks y'all.